2017-08-17 49 views


Failed to instantiate module app due to


<head><title>New Version!</title> 
<body ng-app="app"> 
<div ng-controller="appcontr"> 
     <li>A new XSLT engine is added: Saxon 9.5 EE, with a namecense (thank you Michael Kay!)</li> 
     <li>XSLT 3.0 support when using the new Saxon 9.5 EE engine!</li> 
     <li>Preview your result as HTML when doctype is set to HTML (see this example)</li> 
     <li>Preview your result as PDF when doctype is set to XML and your document starts with root element of XSL-FO. 
      Apache FOP is used to generate the PDF 
     <li>Added some namenks to useful XSLT sites</li> 
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/angular.js/1.4.5/angular.js"/> 

    angular.module('app', []).controller('appcontr', appcontr) 
    function appcontr($scope) { 
     $scope.name = 'dd' 



你得到任何原因未能实例? –


由于**什么**?错误消息包含有关错误的信息,并且在问题中省略。它可以通过做**来修复**。 – estus


'未捕获的错误:[$ injector:modulerr]由于以下原因而无法实例化模块应用程序: 错误:[$ injector:nomod]模块'app'不可用!您拼错了模块名称或忘记加载模块名称。如果注册模块,请确保您指定依赖关系作为第二个参数。' – georgeawg




<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/angular.js/1.4.5/angular.js"> 


angular.module('app', []).controller('appcontr', appcontr) 
    function appcontr($scope) { 
     $scope.name = 'dd' 
<head><title>New Version!</title> 
<body ng-app="app"> 
<div ng-controller="appcontr"> 
<h1> {{name}}</h1> 
     <li>A new XSLT engine is added: Saxon 9.5 EE, with a namecense (thank you Michael Kay!)</li> 
     <li>XSLT 3.0 support when using the new Saxon 9.5 EE engine!</li> 
     <li>Preview your result as HTML when doctype is set to HTML (see this example)</li> 
     <li>Preview your result as PDF when doctype is set to XML and your document starts with root element of XSL-FO. 
      Apache FOP is used to generate the PDF 
     <li>Added some namenks to useful XSLT sites</li> 
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/angular.js/1.4.5/angular.js"> 


可以请给更多的信息,请提供plunker – user5711656


哪些参考? – user5711656


@ user5711656查看演示,其angular.js参考 – Sajeetharan