2009-06-06 39 views

我在6个月之前展示了极端的样本。它与“航线”有关。有一架飞机地图。你可以选择一个座位。你分开。如果你知道在哪里,你能给我这个链接吗?jQuery Air乘客座位布局示例



这是在DOM中Corbin's answer

    // Disable various aspects of passenger details table 
    $('#passenger_details input, #passenger_details select').attr('disabled', 'disabled'); 

    // Add class="selected" to tab + tbody 
    $('#tabs a:first, #passenger_details tbody:first').addClass('selected'); 

    // Get the value of the tab link, and display tbody 
    $('#tabs a').click(function(){ 
     // Switch class="selected" for tabs 
     $('#tabs a').removeClass('selected'); 

     // Asign value of the link target 
     var thisTarget = $(this).attr('href'); 

     // Show target tbody and hide others 
     $('#passenger_details tbody').removeClass('selected'); 
     return false; 

    // Add click listener to seats 
    $('#airplane a').click(function(){ 
     // Assign value of the link target 
     var thisTarget = $(this).attr('href'); 

     // Show target tbody and hide others 
     $('#passenger_details tbody').removeClass('selected'); 

     // Swap out class="selected" for tab 
     $('#tabs a').removeClass('selected'); 
     $('#tabs a[@href=' + thisTarget + ']').addClass('selected'); 

     // Assign the value of the parent <li class="*"> 
     var thisSeat = $(this).parent('li').attr('class'); 

     // Compare parent <li class="*"> against 
     // <tr> in <table id="passenger_details"> 
     var thisRow = $('#passenger_details tr'); 
     for (var i = 0, j = thisRow.length; i < j; i++) { 
      if (thisSeat == thisRow[i].className) { 
       // Add class="selected" to row 

       // Enable inputs and selects so that they can be used 
       $(thisRow[i]).children('td').children('input, select').removeAttr('disabled'); 
       if (thisSeat + ' selected' == thisRow[i].className) { 
        // Remove class="selected" from row 

        // Disable inputs and selects that aren't being used 
        $(thisRow[i]).children('td').children('input').attr('disabled', 'disabled').val(''); 
         this.disabled = true; 
         this.selectedIndex = 0; 

     // Toggle selected class on/off 
     return false; 

    // Assign function to master checkbox 
     if (this.checked === true) { 
      // Add class="selected" to seat 
      $('#airplane a, #passenger_details tbody tr').addClass('selected'); 
      $('#passenger_details input, #passenger_details select').removeAttr('disabled'); 
     else { 
      // Remove class="selected" from seat 
      $('#airplane a, #passenger_details tbody tr').removeClass('selected'); 
      $('#passenger_details input').attr('disabled', 'disabled').val(''); 
      $('#passenger_details select').each(function(){ 
       this.disabled = true; 
       this.selectedIndex = 0; 

    // Disable the form submission 
     alert('This is only a test. Were it a real emergency, panic would ensue.'); 
     return false; 

FYI已加载网页上运行,你可以从here下载代码/ CSS /图像jQuery的。该zip文件接近页面的底部......大概有4段,它表示“下载此演示中使用的所有文件的zip”。