2013-12-15 96 views



public class HashTable<Item> { 
private int m;   // hash table size 
private Item[] T;  // hash table 

HashTable(int M) 
    m = M; 
    T = new Item[M]; 
    for(int i=0;i<M;i++){ 
     Item T[i] = null; 


T = (Item[])new Object[M]; 

通过使用默认值显式初始化数组元素可以实现什么功能?数组元素都已经是'null'。 –


'HashTable'作为一个类存在于JDK中。更改名称。 'T [i] = new Item();' –


'Item T [i] = null;'或'T [i] = null;'? – johnchen902




How to create a generic array in Java?


我看着这些帖子,我发现有人说:“T =(Item [])new Object [M];”哪个工作。只是写了,所以别人可以看到它。 –



for(int i=0;i<M;i++){ 
    T[i] = new Item(); // call some constructor here 


Item T[i] = ... 


T[i] = ... 



T = (Item[])new Object[M]; 




这并没有帮助。我不必做一个Item构造函数。再次检查我的代码。 –


@STUDENT_LIFE好的,我更新了答案,以便它不会脱离主题。 Kumar非常棒。 –



public class HashTable 
    private int tableSize;   // hash table size 
    private Item[] table;  // hash table 

    public static void main(String[] args) 
     // where 10 is the number of nodes 
     Item[] myTable = createHashTable(10); 

    private static Item[] createHashTable(int size) 
     Item[] table = new Item[size]; 

     for(int i = 0; i < table.length; i++) 
      table[i] = new Item(i); 


* HashTable.java 

* A class that implements a hash table that employs open addressing 
* using either linear probing, quadratic probing, or double hashing. 
public class HashTable { 
    /* Private inner class for an entry in the hash table */ 
    private class Entry { 
    private String key; 
    private LLList valueList;  // all of the values with this key 
    private boolean hasBeenRemoved; // has this entry been removed? 

    private Entry(String key, int value) { 
     this.key = key; 
     valueList = new LLList(); 
     valueList.addItem(value, 0); 
     hasBeenRemoved = false; 

    // parameters for the second hash function -- see h2() below 
    private static final int H2_MIN = 5; 
    private static final int H2_DIVISOR = 11; 

    // possible types of probing 
    public static final int LINEAR = 0; 
    public static final int QUADRATIC = 1; 
    public static final int DOUBLE_HASHING = 2; 
    public static final int NUM_PROBE_TYPES = 3; 

    private Entry[] table;    // the hash table itself 
    private int probeType = LINEAR; // the type of probing 

    // keeps track of how many times we perform a probe of a given length 
    private int[] probeLengthCount; 

    public HashTable(int size, int probeType) { 
    if (probeType >= 0 && probeType < NUM_PROBE_TYPES) 
     this.probeType = probeType; 
     throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid probeType: " + 

    table = new Entry[size]; 
    probeLengthCount = new int[size + 1]; 
    for (int i = 0; i <= size; i++) 
     probeLengthCount[i] = 0; 

    public HashTable(int size) { 
    // Call the other constructor to do the work. 
    this(size, LINEAR); 

    /* first hash function */ 
    private int h1(String key) { 
    int h1 = key.hashCode() % table.length; 
    if (h1 < 0) 
     h1 += table.length; 
    return h1; 

    /* second hash function */ 
    private int h2(String key) { 
    int h2 = key.hashCode() % H2_DIVISOR; 
    if (h2 < 0) 
     h2 += H2_DIVISOR; 
    h2 += H2_MIN; 
    return h2; 

    * probeIncrement - returns the amount by which the current index 
    * should be incremented to obtain the nth element in the probe 
    * sequence 
    private int probeIncrement(int n, int h2) { 
    if (n <= 0) 
     return 0; 

    switch (probeType) { 
    case LINEAR: 
     return 1; 
    case QUADRATIC: 
     return (2*n - 1); 
     return h2; 

    * probe - attempt to find a slot in the hash table for the specified key. 
    * If key is currently in the table, it returns the index of the entry. 
    * If key isn't in the table, it returns the index of the first empty cell 
    * in the table. 
    * If overflow occurs, it returns -1. 
    private int probe(String key) { 
    int i = h1(key); // first hash function 
    int h2 = h2(key); // second hash function 
    int positionsChecked = 1; 

    // keep probing until we get an empty position or a match 
    while (table[i] != null && !key.equals(table[i].key)) { 
     if (positionsChecked == table.length) { 
     return -1; 

     i = (i + probeIncrement(positionsChecked, h2)) % table.length; 

    return i; 

    * insert - insert the specified (key, value) pair in the hash table 
    public void insert(String key, int value) { 
    if (key == null) 
     throw new IllegalArgumentException("key must be non-null"); 

    int i = h1(key); 
    int h2 = h2(key); 
    int positionsChecked = 1; 
    int firstRemoved = -1; 

    while (table[i] != null && !key.equals(table[i].key)) { 
     if (table[i].hasBeenRemoved && firstRemoved == -1) 
     firstRemoved = i; 

     if (positionsChecked == table.length) 

     i = (i + probeIncrement(positionsChecked, h2)) % table.length; 


    if (table[i] != null && key.equals(table[i].key)) 
     table[i].valueList.addItem(value, 0); 
    else if (firstRemoved != -1) 
     table[firstRemoved] = new Entry(key, value); 
    else if (table[i] == null) 
     table[i] = new Entry(key, value); 
     throw new RuntimeException("overflow occurred"); 

    * search - search for the specified key, and return the 
    * associated list of values, or null if the key is not in the 
    * table 
    public LLList search(String key) { 
    if (key == null) 
     throw new IllegalArgumentException("key must be non-null"); 

    int i = probe(key); 

    if (i == -1 || table[i] == null) 
     return null; 
     return table[i].valueList; 

    * remove - remove from the table the entry for the specified key 
    public void remove(String key) { 
    if (key == null) 
     throw new IllegalArgumentException("key must be non-null"); 

    int i = probe(key); 
    if (i == -1 || table[i] == null) 

    table[i].key = null; 
    table[i].valueList = null; 
    table[i].hasBeenRemoved = true; 

    * printStats - print the statistics for the table -- i.e., the 
    * number of keys and items, and stats for the number of times 
    * that probes of different lengths were performed 
    public void printStats() { 
    int numProbes = 0; 
    int probeLengthSum = 0; 
    int numKeys = 0; 

    for (int i = 0; i < table.length; i++) { 
     if (table[i] != null && !table[i].hasBeenRemoved) 
    System.out.println("\n" + numKeys + " keys"); 

    System.out.println("probe-length stats:"); 
    for (int i = 1; i <= table.length; i++) { 
     if (probeLengthCount[i] != 0) 
     System.out.println(i + "\t" + probeLengthCount[i]); 
     numProbes += probeLengthCount[i]; 
     probeLengthSum += (probeLengthCount[i] * i); 
    System.out.println("average probe length = " + 


* LLList.java 

import java.util.*; 

* A class that implements our simple List interface using a linked list. 
* The linked list includes a dummy head node that allows us to avoid 
* special cases for insertion and deletion at the front of the list. 
public class LLList implements List { 
    // Inner class for a node. We use an inner class so that the LLList 
    // methods can access the instance variables of the nodes. 
    private class Node { 
    private Object item; 
    private Node next; 

    private Node(Object i, Node n) { 
     item = i; 
     next = n; 

    private Node head;  // dummy head node 
    private int length; // # of items in the list 

    * Constructs a LLList object for a list that is initially empty. 
    public LLList() { 
    head = new Node(null, null); 
    length = 0; 

    * getNode - private helper method that returns a reference to the 
    * ith node in the linked list. It assumes that the value of the 
    * parameter is valid. 
    * If i == -1, it returns a reference to the dummy head node. 
    private Node getNode(int i) { 
    Node trav = head; 
    int travIndex = -1; 
    while (travIndex < i) { 
     trav = trav.next; 
    return trav; 

    /** getItem - returns the item at position i in the list */ 
    public Object getItem(int i) { 
    if (i < 0 || i >= length) 
     throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(); 
    Node n = getNode(i); 
    return n.item; 

    * addItem - adds the specified item at position i in the list, 
    * shifting the items that are currently in positions i, i+1, i+2, 
    * etc. to the right by one. Always returns true, because the list 
    * is never full. 
    * We don't need a special case for insertion at the front of the 
    * list (i == 0), because getNode(0 - 1) will return the dummy 
    * head node, and the rest of insertion can proceed as usual. 
    public boolean addItem(Object item, int i) { 
    if (i < 0 || i > length) 
     throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(); 

    Node newNode = new Node(item, null); 
    Node prevNode = getNode(i - 1);   
    newNode.next = prevNode.next; 
    prevNode.next = newNode; 

    return true; 

    * removeItem - removes the item at position i in the list, 
    * shifting the items that are currently in positions i+1, i+2, 
    * etc. to the left by one. Returns a reference to the removed 
    * object. 
    * Here again, we don't need a special case for i == 0 (see the 
    * note accompanying addItem above). 
    public Object removeItem(int i) { 
    if (i < 0 || i >= length) 
     throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(); 

    Node prevNode = getNode(i - 1);   
    Object removed = prevNode.next.item; 
    prevNode.next = prevNode.next.next; 

    return removed; 

    /** length - returns the number of items in the list */ 
    public int length() { 
    return length; 

    * isFull - always returns false, because the linked list can 
    * grow indefinitely and thus the list is never full. 
    public boolean isFull() { 
    return false; 

    * toString - converts the list into a String of the form 
    *  [ item0 item1 ... ] 
    public String toString() { 
    String str = "[ "; 

    Node trav = head.next; // skip over the dummy head node 
    while (trav != null) { 
     str += (trav.item + " "); 
     trav = trav.next; 

    str += "]"; 
    return str; 

    * iterator - returns an iterator for this list 
    public ListIterator iterator() { 
    return new LLListIterator(); 

    *** private inner class for an iterator over an LLList *** 
    private class LLListIterator implements ListIterator { 
    private Node nextNode;   // the next node to visit  
    private Node lastVisitedNode; // the most recently visited node 

    public LLListIterator() { 
     nextNode = head.next; 
     lastVisitedNode = null; 

    * hasNext - does the iterator have additional items to visit? 
    public boolean hasNext() { 
     return (nextNode != null); 

    * next - returns a reference to the next Object in the iteration 
    public Object next() { 
     if (nextNode == null) 
     throw new NoSuchElementException(); 

     Object item = nextNode.item; 
     lastVisitedNode = nextNode; 
     nextNode = nextNode.next; 

     return item; 