2014-10-12 33 views


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> 
    <level><!-- level 1 ! --> 
     <name>Level 1</name> 
     <title>Title 01</title> 
     <crystal02label>Label 1</crystal03label> 
    <level><!-- level 2 ! --> 
     <name>Level 2</name> 
     <title>Title 02</title> 
     <crystal02label>Label 2</crystal03label> 


public class LoadXmlData : MonoBehaviour // the Class 
    public int actualLevel = 1; 
    static int LevelMaxNumber; 
    static int WaipointCounter = 0; 

    public static string lvlname = ""; 
    public static string lvltitle = ""; 

    public static string crystal01 = ""; 
    public static string crystal02 = ""; 
    public static string crystal02label = ""; 
    public static string crystal03 = ""; 

    public TextAsset XMLData; 

    List<Dictionary<string,string>> levels = new List<Dictionary<string,string>>(); 
    Dictionary<string,string> obj; 

    void Start() 
    { GetLevel(); 
     LevelMaxNumber = levels.Count; 

    public void GetLevel() 
     XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument(); // xmlDoc is the new xml document. 
     xmlDoc.LoadXml(XMLData.text); // load the file. 
     XmlNodeList levelsList = xmlDoc.GetElementsByTagName("level"); // array of the level nodes. 

     foreach (XmlNode levelInfo in levelsList) 
      XmlNodeList levelcontent = levelInfo.ChildNodes; 
      obj = new Dictionary<string,string>(); 

      foreach (XmlNode levelsItens in levelcontent) // levels itens nodes. 
       if(levelsItens.Name == "name") 
        obj.Add("name",levelsItens.InnerText); // put this in the dictionary. 

       if(levelsItens.Name == "title") 
        obj.Add("title",levelsItens.InnerText); // put this in the dictionary. 

       if(levelsItens.Name == "crystal01") 
        obj.Add("crystal01",levelsItens.InnerText); // put this in the dictionary. 


       if(levelsItens.Name == "crystal02") 
        obj.Add("crystal02",levelsItens.InnerText); // put this in the dictionary. 


       if(levelsItens.Name == "crystal02label") 
        obj.Add("crystal02label",levelsItens.InnerText); // put this in the dictionary. 


       if(levelsItens.Name == "crystal03") 
        obj.Add("crystal03",levelsItens.InnerText); // put this in the dictionary. 


      levels.Add(obj); // add whole obj dictionary in the levels[]. 

    IEnumerator LevelLoadInfo(float Wait) 
     levels[actualLevel-1].TryGetValue("name",out lvlname); 

     levels[actualLevel-1].TryGetValue("title",out lvltitle); 

     levels[actualLevel-1].TryGetValue("crystal01",out crystal01); 

     levels[actualLevel-1].TryGetValue("crystal02",out crystal02); 

     levels[actualLevel-1].TryGetValue("crystal02label",out crystal02label); 

     levels[actualLevel-1].TryGetValue("crystal03",out crystal03); 

     yield return new WaitForSeconds(Wait); 


    void Update() 


一切工作正常,但即时通讯真的挣扎了几天,使一个功能访问某个节点,ovewrite它的数据和保存xml,我知道这是一件简单的事情,但我没有得到它(我是一个3D艺术家,即时编程自去年以来,所以还处于学习阶段),例如,我如何编辑文件中的“crystal02”值vel 2并保存xml? 在此先感谢!


我强烈建议使用Linq来代替XML。 – Alireza 2014-10-12 14:19:53








var doc = new System.Xml.XmlDocument(); 
// strXml is the string containing your XML from XMLData.Text 
// Find the node by an XPath expression 
var l2cr3 = (XmlElement) doc.SelectSingleNode("levels/level[name='Level 2']/crystal03"); 
// Update it 
l2cr3.InnerText = "true"; 
// Update the string in memory 
var sbOut = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); 
using (var writer = XmlWriter.Create(sbOut)) { 
    doc.Save (writer); 
strXml = sbOut.ToString(); 



它不适用于文本文件生成在运行时。为此,您需要使用传统的输入/输出编程技术 来读取和写入外部文件 。


谢谢! xml错字是在复制粘贴xml的时候创建的,“SelectSingleNode”是我正在搜索的内容,目前正在测试,但它已经工作,再次感谢DaveC – Mauricio 2014-10-13 17:27:45