2017-10-13 42 views



import java.util.Random; 

public class Deck<E> { 

//create a new linked list for Deck 
LinkedPositionalList deck = new LinkedPositionalList(); 

public Deck(){ 
    for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++){ 
     for(int j = 2; j< 14; j++){ 
      Card card = new Card(i,j); 
      deck.addLast(card); //add to linked list 

public Card card(){ 
    Random rand = new Random(); 
    int position = rand.nextInt(52);//create random number 0-52 
    int counter = 0; 
    Iterator<Card> iter = this.deck.iterator(); 

    while(counter <= position){ 
     Card card = iter.next(); 
     if(counter == position){ 
      return card; 
    return null; 


public class Card<E> { 
public final static int CLUBS = 0, 
         SPADES = 1, 
         DIAMONDS = 2, 
         HEARTS = 3; 
private final static String [] suitNames = {"CLUBS", "SPADES", "DIAMONDS", "HEARTS"}; 

// Special cards 
private int JACK_VALUE = 11; 
private int QUEEN_VALUE = 12; 
private int KING_VALUE = 13; 
private int ACE_VALUE = 14; 

// The card 
private int suit = 0;   // Suit of the card 
private int value = 2;   // Value of the card 

public int getSuit() { 
    return this.suit; 

public int getValue() { 
    return this.value; 

public Card(int suit, int value){ 

    this.suit = suit; 
    this.value = value; 

public String suitToString() { 
    return suitNames[ suit ]; 

public String valueToString() { 
    if (value == ACE_VALUE) { 
     return "ACE"; 
    } else if (value == JACK_VALUE) { 
     return "JACK"; 
    } else if (value == QUEEN_VALUE) { 
     return "QUEEN"; 
    } else if (value == KING_VALUE) { 
     return "KING"; 
    } else if (value > 0) { 
     return String.valueOf(value); 
    return ""; 

public String shortValueToString() { 
    if (value == ACE_VALUE) { 
     return " A"; 
    } else if (value == JACK_VALUE) { 
     return " J"; 
    } else if (value == QUEEN_VALUE) { 
     return " Q"; 
    } else if (value == KING_VALUE) { 
     return " K"; 
    } else if (value > 0) { 
     return String.format("%2d",value); 
    return ""; 

public String toString() { 
    return valueToString() + " of " + suitToString(); 

public String toShortString() { 
    return shortValueToString() + suitToString().substring(0,1); 

public boolean equalTo(Card c) { 
    if (c.getSuit() != this.getSuit()) return false; 
    if (c.getValue() != this.getValue()) return false; 
    return true; 


public class CardHand<E> { 

LinkedPositionalList<E> hand = new LinkedPositionalList(); 
//TODO: create method to order hand 


public class Game{ 
    int players; 
    int maxCardsInHand; 
    int decks; 
    CardHand[] hand; 
    Card card; 
    Deck deck; 

public Game(int player, int max, int numDecks){ 
    players = player; 
    maxCardsInHand = max; 
    decks = numDecks; 
    this.hand = new CardHand[player]; 
    for(int index = 0; index < hand.length; index++){ 
     this.hand[index] = new CardHand(); 

public void getCard(){ 
    System.out.println("You got this far..."); 
    card = deck.card(); 
    for(int index = 0; index < hand.length; index++){ //to add to each players hands 
     hand[index] = card; //issues with this part 
    //TODO: ordered correctly by suit AND value 

首先,'card'应该是'getCard()'方法中的局部变量。其次,你遇到了什么问题? – Stefan


@Stefan我得到一个空指针异常。我的输出打印出“你有这么多”。我需要打电话给deck.card();因为这实际上处理卡 – Travis


可能重复[什么是NullPointerException,以及如何解决它?](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/218384/what-is-a-nullpointerexception-and-how-do -i-fix-it) – GriffeyDog









我需要为此使用位置链表。 – Travis