2017-02-11 166 views




2)错误: a)局部变量blanks_index在赋值前引用 b)全局名称list_of_answers为 没有定义的。 我知道它与initialize_game()函数有关,但我不知道如何更改代码,以便正确引用所有变量(blanks_index,answers_index,player_lives)。 它可以通过创建全局变量来解决(我猜),但这不是一个好习惯,所以我试图避免它。以前,整个函数initialise_game()和play_game()是一个函数,但是因为在一个函数中有超过25行的代码,所以它不是一个好的做法,因为它很长,很杂乱,我知道我可以将它分开,但是我不知道如何。


"""3 diffferent quizzes : Apple quiz, James Bond quiz, Programming quiz""" 

"""Quiz and answers about Apple""" 
Apple_quiz = ("The most valuable company in terms of market cap in 2016 is, ___1___." 
       "It was founded in ___2___. Its flagship product is called ___3___." 
       "___1___ has many competitors, the biggest rival is ___4___,founded by" 
       " nobody but the richest man on the planet,___5___ ___6___.") 

list_of_answers_Apple = ["Apple", "1976", "Iphone", "Microsoft", "Bill", "Gates"] 

"""Quiz and answers about Bond""" 
Bond_quiz = ("James Bond is agent ___1___. He serves his country,___2___ ___3___" 
      " against its enemies. His car of choice is usually ___4___ ___5___." 
      " His favorite drink is ___6___.") 

list_of_answers_Bond = ["007", "United", "Kingdom", "Aston", "Martin", "Martini"] 

"""Quiz and answers about programming basics""" 
Programming_quiz = ("___1___ are created with the def keyword. ___1___ are also called ___2___" 
        " You specify the inputs a ___1___ take by adding ___3___ separated by commas" 
        " between the parentheses. ___3___ can be standard data types such as string, number" 
        " ,dictionary, tuple, and ___4___ or can be more complicated such as ___5___" 
        " and ___6___ functions.") 

list_of_answers_Programming = ["Functions", "procedures", "arguments", "lists", "objects", "lambda"] 

blank_space = ["___1___", "___2___", "___3___", "___4___", "___5___", "___6___]"] 

#List of levels with corresponding lives/guesses that player can have 
quiz_list = ["Apple", "Bond", "Programming"] 
level_list = ["easy", "medium", "hard", "superhard", "insane"] 
lives_easy = 5 
lives_medium = 4 
lives_hard = 3 
lives_superhard = 2 
lives_insane = 1 

def choose_quiz(): 
    """ Prompts player to pick a type of quiz and loads the quiz """ 
    #Input = player_quiz (raw input from player) 
    #Output = loaded quiz, player chose 
    while True: 
     player_quiz = raw_input("Please, select a quiz you want to play: " 
          "(Apple, Bond or Programming): ") 
     if player_quiz == "Apple": 
      return Apple_quiz 
     elif player_quiz == "Bond": 
      return Bond_quiz 
     elif player_quiz == "Programming": 
      return Programming_quiz 
      print "We don't have such quiz, pick again!" 

def answers_for_quiz(): 
    """ Loads appropiate answers to the quiz that player has chosen""" 
    #Input = player quiz (raw input from player) 
    #Output = loaded quiz answers from the quiz player chose 
    player_quiz_pick = choose_quiz() 
    if player_quiz_pick == Apple_quiz: 
     return list_of_answers_Apple 
    elif player_quiz_pick == Bond_quiz: 
     return list_of_answers_Bond 
    elif player_quiz_pick == Programming_quiz: 
     return list_of_answers_Programming 

def player_level(): 
    """ Loads a difficulty that player chooses """ 
    #Input = player_level_input (raw input of player choosing a difficulty) 
    #Output = corresponding number of lives: 
    #Easy = 5 lives, Medium = 4 lives 
    #Hard = 3 lives, Superhard = 2 lives 
    #Insane = 1 life 
    while True: 
     player_level_input = raw_input("Please type in a difficulty level: " 
           "(easy, medium, hard, superhard, insane): ") 
     if player_level_input == "easy": 
      return lives_easy #Easy = 5 lives 
     elif player_level_input == "medium": 
      return lives_medium #Medium = 4 lives 
     elif player_level_input == "hard": 
      return lives_hard #Hard = 3 lives 
     elif player_level_input == "superhard": 
      return lives_superhard #Superhard = 2 lives 
     elif player_level_input == "insane": 
      return lives_insane #Insane = 1 life 
      print "We do not have such difficulty! Pick again!" 

def correct_answer(player_answer, list_of_answers, answers_index): 
    """ Checks, whether the the answer from player matches with the answer list. """ 
    #Input: player_answer (raw input that player enters in order to fill in the blank) 
    #Output: "Right answer!" or "Wrong! Try again!" this output will be later used in the game 
    if player_answer == list_of_answers[answers_index]: 
     return "Right answer!" 
    return "Wrong! Try again!" 

def initialize_game(): 
    """Functions that sets up a game so we can play it """ 
    player_quiz_pick, player_level_pick, list_of_answers = choose_quiz(), player_level(), answers_for_quiz() 
    print player_quiz_pick 
    print "\nYou will get maximum " + str(player_level_pick) + " guesses for this game. Good luck.\n" 
    blanks_index, answers_index, player_lives = 0, 0, 0 

    #for elements in blank_space: 
    while blanks_index < len(blank_space): 
     player_answer = raw_input("Please type in your answer for " + blank_space[blanks_index] + ": ") 
     if correct_answer(player_answer,list_of_answers,answers_index) == "Right answer!": 
      print "Correct answer! Keep going!\n" 
      player_quiz_pick = player_quiz_pick.replace(blank_space[blanks_index],player_answer) 
      answers_index += 1 
      blanks_index += 1 
      print player_quiz_pick 
      if blanks_index == len(blank_space): 
       print "Congratulations! You nailed it! You are the winner!" 
      player_level_pick -= 1 
      if player_level_pick == 0: 
       print "Game over! Maybe next time!" 
       print "One life less, that sucks! Have another shot!" 
       print "You have " + str(player_level_pick) + " guesses left." 


在Ofer Arial的回答中有很多很好的建议。但是,真的没有必要分开'initialize_game'和'play_game'。因为你将很多信息从一个传递到另一个,所以将它们分开有点麻烦,这使得代码难以书写和阅读。 –


顺便说一句,您在'list_of_answers = answers_for_quiz'中将'answers_for_quiz'的末尾括起来,所以不是调用函数并命名结果'list_of_answers',而是将'list_of_answers'变成函数的另一个名称。另外,你不应该在本身的末尾递归调用'choose_quiz()',而应该使用'while True'循环。 'player_level()'也一样# –




  1. 你不这样做你player_level()方法调用任何东西,所以玩家实际上没有影响比赛的方式选择一个级别。你应该改变函数调用,所以返回的值将被存储。

    //the call to the method: 
    player_level_pick = player_level() 
  2. 之后,你一直在呼唤的player_level()方法,而不是使用用户提供的实际答案。将所有player_level()出现改为player_level_pick - 用于保存答案的变量(如上所示)。与其他所有不需要的函数调用相同,如choose_level()

  3. 你应该初始化number_of_guesses, player_lives, list_of_answers,和其他增值经销商的匹配值player_level_pick一样,所以它会根据级别按住右值。同样,你应该改变这一行:

    # the line that checks if game is over 
    # change from: 
    if number_of_guesses == player_lives: 
    # to : 
    if number_of_guesses == 0: 
  4. 为了return多个值,你必须使用的元组。一个接一个地使用多个return语句无法在任何地方工作。 这样,而不是:

    return list_of_answers 
    return number_of_guesses 
    return blanks_index 
    return answers_index 
    return player_lives 


    # the return statement: 
    return (list_of_answers, number_of_guesses, blanks_index, answers_index, player_lives) 
    # and the unpacking in the calling function: 
    list_of_answers, number_of_guesses, blanks_index, answers_index, player_lives = initialize_game() 


  5. 只需再这么说了,因为我在年底说(4) - 你应该单元initialize_game()play_game()成一个单一的功能(因为很多数据是相同的所需的数据),或者只是叫initialize_game()play_game() 。然后

  6. 更好的做法,使用这个rec​​ursivly:return choose_level(),当你得到一个正确的答案,你应该使用一个while True:循环,只是刹车。


非常感谢,我实现了大部分更改,看起来没问题。我设法减少player_level()函数的重复,但choose_quiz()函数仍然重复一次。到目前为止,我还没有找到为什么它会重演一次。我编辑了我的代码,所以现在你应该能够看到更改后的代码。你介意看看它吗?谢谢! – Kronas


不客气!你打两次电话是什么意思?显示输出 –


我设法解决它,但谢谢你的提问。问题在于玩家被提示选择2次测验(还是比以前更好地提示他多次选择测验和难度级别)。这是因为我没有在choose_quiz()函数中定义输入,并将它作为变量在我的initialise_game()和choose_quiz()函数中分配。因此,它被称为两次。 – Kronas