2017-09-16 129 views

我想要在chartjs图表中格式化数字。我为我的控制台上得到这个错误,而且数字是不可见的图表Uncaught TypeError:无法读取未定义的属性“格式”

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'format' of undefined


for (var i = 0; i < firstDataSet.data.length; i++) { 
          var firstModel = firstDataSet._meta[Object.keys(firstDataSet._meta)[0]].data[i]._model; 
          var secondModel = secondDataSet._meta[Object.keys(secondDataSet._meta)[0]].data[i]._model; 
          var thirdModel = thirdDataSet._meta[Object.keys(thirdDataSet._meta)[0]].data[i]._model; 
          var fourthModel = fourthDataSet._meta[Object.keys(fourthDataSet._meta)[0]].data[i]._model; 
          var total = firstDataSet.data[i] + secondDataSet.data[i]; 
          var total1 = thirdDataSet.data[i] + fourthDataSet.data[i]; 
    // Line below is causing the error 

ctx.fillText(formatter.format(Number(firstDataSet.data[i])) + " ", firstModel.x, firstModel.y + 20); 

          ctx.fillText((firstDataSet.data[i]) , firstModel.x, firstModel.y + 20); 
          ctx.fillText((secondDataSet.data[i]) , secondModel.x, secondModel.y + 20); 
          ctx.fillText(total , secondModel.x, secondModel.y - 20); 
          ctx.fillText((thirdDataSet.data[i]) , thirdModel.x, thirdModel.y + 20); 
          ctx.fillText((fourthDataSet.data[i]) , fourthModel.x, fourthModel.y + 20); 
          ctx.fillText(total1 , fourthModel.x, fourthModel.y - 20); 
          /*if (firstDataSet.data[i] >= secondDataSet.data[i]) { 
           ctx.fillText((firstDataSet.data[i] * 100/total).toFixed(2) + '%', firstModel.x, firstModel.y + 30); 
          } else { 
           ctx.fillText((secondDataSet.data[i] * 100/total).toFixed(2) + '%', secondModel.x, secondModel.y + 30); 

var formatter = new Intl.NumberFormat('en-US', { 
    style: 'currency', 
    currency: 'USD', 
    minimumFractionDigits: 2, 
    // the default value for minimumFractionDigits depends on the currency 
    // and is usually already 2 

声明''之前= window.myBar新的图表(CTX formatter' ...'像这样:[小提琴](https://jsfiddle.net/6j3L6p8s/) – DavidDomain


哦,太好了..这如果你可以添加它作为答案,我可以接受它 – Prady



你必须调用new Chart构造函数之前声明的formatter 74号线,否则会被undefinedoptions你逝去为new Chart第二个参数内。

var formatter = new Intl.NumberFormat('en-US', { 
    style: 'currency', 
    currency: 'USD', 
    minimumFractionDigits: 2, 
    // the default value for minimumFractionDigits depends on the currency 
    // and is usually already 2 

window.myBar = new Chart(ctx, { 
    type: 'bar', 
    data: data, 
    options: options 