2013-02-11 52 views


Option Explicit 

Public WithEvents cbx As MSforms.Combobox 
Private avarSplit As Variant 

Sub SetCombobox(ctl As MSforms.Combobox) 
    Set cbx = ctl 
End Sub 

Private Sub cbx_Change() 
Dim i As Integer 
    If cbx.ListIndex > -1 Then 
    'MsgBox "You clicked on " & cbx.Name & vbLf & "The value is " & cbx.Value 
    avarSplit = Split(cbx.Name, "_") 
End If 
End Sub 


Function AddTextBox(Frame1 As frame, numberOfColumns As Integer) 

Dim counter As Integer 
Dim i As Integer 
Dim TxtBox As MSforms.TextBox 
For counter = 1 To numberOfColumns 
    Set TxtBox = Frame1.Controls.Add("Forms.TextBox.1") 
    TxtBox.Name = "tb_" + CStr(counter) 
    'Bouton.Caption = "Test" 
    TxtBox.Visible = True 
    i = Property.TextBoxDisable(TxtBox) 
    ' Defining coordinates TextBox height is 18 
    If counter = 1 Then 
     TxtBox.Top = 23 
     TxtBox.Top = (18 * counter) + 5 * counter 
    End If 
     TxtBox.Left = 50 
    Next counter 
End Function 

Function Combobox(Frame1 As frame, numberOfColumns As Integer) 

Dim counter As Integer 
Dim i As Integer 
Dim CbBox As MSforms.Combobox 
Dim cbx As ComboWithEvent 

If pComboboxes Is Nothing Then Set pComboboxes = New Collection 
    For counter = 1 To numberOfColumns 
    Set CbBox = Frame1.Controls.Add("Forms.ComboBox.1") 
    CbBox.Name = "cb_" + CStr(counter) 
    i = AddComboboxValues(CbBox) 
    ' Defining coordinates TextBox height is 18 
    If counter = 1 Then 
     CbBox.Top = 23 
     CbBox.Top = (18 * counter) + 5 * counter 
    End If 
     CbBox.Left = 150 
     Set cbx = New ComboWithEvent 
     cbx.SetCombobox CbBox 
     pComboboxes.Add cbx 
    Next counter 
    i = AddScrollBar(Frame1, counter) 

End Function 


感谢, Jatin


您需要动态地将事件处理代码插入到每个组合框中。 – Pynner 2013-02-11 13:28:18




Me.Controls( “控件名称”)可见=真或代替可见,您可以使用启用,禁用等。
