2017-07-28 87 views

因此,我最近开始学习Visual Basic,并正在测试解析HTML数据的乐趣。当我进入一些JSON时,我下载了牛顿软件包并开始了解它的工作原理。我开始只是试图获取任何用户的Instagram页面的URL,但出现了一个我似乎无法解决的错误,而且我刚刚接触VB,我认为最好是寻求一些帮助,而不是困惑我的思维。Visual Basic Json.net Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReaderException错误


Imports HtmlAgilityPack 
Imports Newtonsoft.Json 

Module Module1 

    Sub Main() 
     Dim user As String = Console.ReadLine() 
     Dim html = "https://www.instagram.com/" + user 
     Dim web As New HtmlWeb() 
     Dim htmlDoc = web.Load(html) 
     For Each node As HtmlNode In htmlDoc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//script[@type='text/javascript']") 
      If node.InnerHtml.Contains("profile_pic_url_hd") Then 'Makes sure the correct javascript code is used. 
       Dim json = node.InnerHtml.Substring(21, node.InnerHtml.Length - 21) 'Deletes the non Json code in the javascript. 
       Dim m As User = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(Of User)(json) 'Error is here 
       Dim picture As String = m.profile_pic_url_hd 
       Console.WriteLine("Could not find correct code! Possibly because the username doesn't exist") 
      End If 
    End Sub 

    Public Class User 
     Public Property biography As String 
     Public Property blocked_by_viewer As Boolean 
     Public Property country_block As Boolean 
     Public Property external_url As Object 
     Public Property external_url_linkshimmed As Object 
     Public Property followed_by As Integer 
     Public Property followed_by_viewer As Boolean 
     Public Property follows As Integer 
     Public Property follows_viewer As Boolean 
     Public Property full_name As String 
     Public Property has_blocked_viewer As Boolean 
     Public Property has_requested_viewer As Boolean 
     Public Property id As String 
     Public Property is_private As Boolean 
     Public Property is_verified As Boolean 
     Public Property profile_pic_url As String 
     Public Property profile_pic_url_hd As String 
     Public Property requested_by_viewer As Boolean 
     Public Property username As String 
     Public Property connected_fb_page As Object 
     Public Property media As Object 
    End Class 
End Module 


Dim m As User = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(Of User)(json) 

说:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReaderException:“附加文本遇到结束后读取JSON内容: ;。路径“,第1行,位置3220。 位置号码总是变化。但我不确定为什么会发生这种情况。


编辑: JSON的是各位的Instagram帐户不同,但作为一个例子这里是国际足联的JSON: https://pastebin.com/J3U0uz4S


这将有助于张贴JSON - 也'作为Object'看起来很可疑。这通常意味着一个没有在JSON中表示的类型。 – Plutonix




主要问题是您的JSON字符串在最终右大括号之后以分号字符(;)结尾,而这不是有效的JSON。 (请参阅JSON.org。)解析器显然不期待这样,所以它会抛出一个异常,告诉您在JSON结束后还有其他文本(分号)。所以你需要在反序列化之前去掉这个额外的字符。

json = json.TrimEnd(";") 

解决该问题后,第二个问题是您的模型与JSON不匹配。它看起来像是试图反序列化user数据,但是这些数据在JSON中嵌套了几个级别。你需要类来表示这些外层。您不一定需要在每个级别添加每个属性 - 只是您感兴趣的属性 - 但您确实需要从根到目标对象的所有级别,以便正确地反序列化它。

顺便说一句,Visual Studio具有可以从JSON样本为您生成类的功能。只需将您的JSON复制到剪贴板,然后从Edit -> Paste Special菜单中选择Paste JSON As Classes即可。注意这个工具不是万无一失的;生成的类有时需要一些手动更正。特别是,该工具不正确地生成数组属性。但是,当你使用复杂的JSON结构时,它可以给你一个很大的开端。

以下是最低类结构,您需要反序列化来自JSON的基本user数据。 (请注意,我遗漏了media属性;如果要获取该数据,则需要定义更多的类。)

Public Class Rootobject 
    Public Property entry_data As Entry_Data 
End Class 

Public Class Entry_Data 
    Public Property ProfilePage As List(Of Profilepage) 
End Class 

Public Class Profilepage 
    Public Property user As User 
End Class 

Public Class User 
    Public Property biography As String 
    Public Property blocked_by_viewer As Boolean 
    Public Property country_block As Boolean 
    Public Property external_url As String 
    Public Property external_url_linkshimmed As String 
    Public Property followed_by As Followed_By 
    Public Property followed_by_viewer As Boolean 
    Public Property follows As Follows 
    Public Property follows_viewer As Boolean 
    Public Property full_name As String 
    Public Property has_blocked_viewer As Boolean 
    Public Property has_requested_viewer As Boolean 
    Public Property id As String 
    Public Property is_private As Boolean 
    Public Property is_verified As Boolean 
    Public Property profile_pic_url As String 
    Public Property profile_pic_url_hd As String 
    Public Property requested_by_viewer As Boolean 
    Public Property username As String 
    Public Property connected_fb_page As Object 
End Class 

Public Class Followed_By 
    Public Property count As Integer 
End Class 

Public Class Follows 
    Public Property count As Integer 
End Class 


' Deserialize into the Rootobject class 
Dim root As Rootobject = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(Of Rootobject)(json) 

' Drill down to get the profile pic 
Dim picture As String = root.entry_data.ProfilePage(0).user.profile_pic_url_hd 



谢谢,这非常有帮助,正是我所期待的。我现在对未来的企业有了更深的理解。 – 1ben99


没问题;很高兴我能帮上忙。 –