2011-08-08 34 views



您将获得OS中定义的返回键和键盘类型。除非你想尝试破解键盘的视图层次来更改该按钮,这将是一个非常糟糕的计划。 (这里标准的建议是发送错误报告与苹果,让他们知道你想了解更多/不同的选择


ok.If我可以在uikeyboard中添加uibkey的子视图在这里已经提到了.http://www.neoos.ch/news/46-development/54-uikeyboardtypenumberpad-and-the-missing-return-key ..然后苹果可以拒绝我的申请? – raj



typedef enum { 
    UIReturnKeyDefault,//Set the text of the return key to “return”. 
    UIReturnKeyGo,//Set the text of the return key to “Go”. 
    UIReturnKeyGoogle,//Set the text of the return key to “Google”. 
    UIReturnKeyJoin,//Set the text of the return key to “Join”. 
    UIReturnKeyNext,//Set the text of the return key to “Next”. 
    UIReturnKeyRoute,//Set the text of the return key to “Route”. 
    UIReturnKeySearch,//Set the text of the return key to “Search”. 
    UIReturnKeySend,//Set the text of the return key to “Send”. 
    UIReturnKeyYahoo,//Set the text of the return key to “Yahoo”. 
    UIReturnKeyDone,//Set the text of the return key to “Done”. 
    UIReturnKeyEmergencyCall,//Set the text of the return key to “Emergency Call”. 
} UIReturnKeyType; 
