2015-11-24 76 views

<function shortest_path at 0x7f9a13c39230> <function bidirectional_dijkstra at 0x7f9a13c48140>Dijkstra的算法与Networkx的实现,显示打印错误


有问题的文件虚拟数据example.txt的标题为: D1 D5 7 D1 D2 6 D5 D4 7 D5 D3 7 D5 D3 3 D5 D2 4 D2 D2 1 D4 D3 1


#!/usr/bin/env python 
import os.path 
import networkx as nx 
from sys import argv 

#!script, filename = argv 
#assigns example to open the file example.txt 
example = open("example.txt", "r") 

print("\n This is what we have in our file:\n") 

#prints the open file 
print example.read() 

G =nx.Graph() 

for line in example: 
    source, target, weight = line.split() 
    nx.shortest_path(G,[source, target, weight]) 

print (nx.shortest_path) 
print (nx.bidirectional_dijkstra) 
#for some reason, this is printing: 
#<function shortest_path at 0x7fe480d56230> 
#<function bidirectional_dijkstra at 0x7fe480d65140> 

你实际上没有调用该函数。即'nx.shortest_path'是实际的函数,'nx.shortest_path()'会给你返回值。 –


所以,我应该将'nx.shortest_path'改为'nx.shortest_path()'? – Atychip


那么你想要打印什么?看起来像你在while循环中正确调用它,但没有捕获返回值 –



所以,我收到了,因为我没有正确定义的边缘的消息。 这里的更新代码:

import os.path 
    import networkx as nx 
    from sys import argv 

    #!script, filename = argv 
    #assigns example to open the file example.txt 
    example = open("/example.txt", "r") 

    G =nx.Graph() 

    for line in example: 
     line = line.split() 
     G.add_edge(line[0], line[1], weight=line[2]) 
     #nx.shortest_path(G,[source, target, weight]) 

    print nx.shortest_path(G) 
    print nx.average_shortest_path_length(G)