2017-02-17 14 views


**INPUT**         **OUTPUT** 
ID TestDate PerformanceStatus (PS) ID TestDate PS PreviousPerformanceStatus 
1 15/03/2016 0       1 15/03/2016 0 0 
1 01/04/2016 2       1 01/04/2016 2 0 
1 05/05/2016 1       1 05/05/2016 1 2 
1 07/06/2016 1       1 07/06/2016 1 1 
2 15/03/2016 0       2 15/03/2016 0 1 
2 01/04/2016 2       2 01/04/2016 2 0 
2 05/05/2016 1       2 05/05/2016 1 2 
2 07/06/2016 3       2 07/06/2016 3 1 
2 23/08/2016 1       2 23/08/2016 1 3 


由@ spencer7593给出的接受答案使用了相关的子查询。但是,首先突然想到的是使用用户变量。这里是我回答:

SET @lag = 0; 
UPDATE yourTable 
SET PreviousPerformanceStatus = @lag, 
ORDER BY ID, TestDate 



SELECT PerformanceStatus, 
     @lag AS PreviousPerformanceStatus, 
FROM yourTable 
ORDER BY ID, TestDate 



更新语句抛出一个1064错误,所以这个问题有点没有意义。 –


@ P.Salmon有什么方法可以解决这个错误? –


错误是, @lag:= PerformanceStatus,我不认为你可以在更新语句中设置变量 - 所以不。 –



我不认为你可以在更新语句中设置变量。 这里是我的reasoning- 鉴于这种

drop table if exists t; 

create table t (ID int, TestDate date, PerformanceStatus int, previousperformancestatus int); 
insert into t values 
(1 , '2016-03-15' , 0, null),       
(1 , '2016-04-01' , 2, null),       
(1 , '2016-05-05' , 1, null),       
(1 , '2016-06-07' , 1, null),       
(2 , '2016-03-15' , 0, null),       
(2 , '2016-04-01' , 2, null),       
(2 , '2016-05-05' , 1, null),       
(2 , '2016-06-07' , 3, null),       
(2 , '2016-08-23' , 1, null) 


MariaDB [sandbox]> SET @lag = 0; 
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec) 

MariaDB [sandbox]> UPDATE T 
    -> SET previousPerformanceStatus = @lag , 
    ->  @lag:=PerformanceStatus 
    -> ORDER BY ID, TestDate; 
ERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near '@lag:=PerformanceStatus 
ORDER BY ID, TestDate' at line 3 

注释掉@lag:= PerformanceStatus 此代码运行

MariaDB [sandbox]> SET @lag = 0; 
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec) 

MariaDB [sandbox]> UPDATE T 
    -> SET previousPerformanceStatus = @lag 
    -> #,@lag:=PerformanceStatus 
    -> ORDER BY ID, TestDate; 
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec) 
Rows matched: 9 Changed: 0 Warnings: 0 



感谢您的研究。如果您希望强烈需要使用DML查询的分析函数,那么这可能会避免MySQL。 –