2015-05-19 86 views



public class Craps { 

    //static class variables 

     static int Random, r1, r2, n; 

     //declare variables to be shared between methods here 

     public static Random r; 
     public static Scanner in; 

     static { 
     r = new Random(); 
     in = new Scanner(System.in); 

    //this method returns a value between 2 and 12 

    //to stimulate the roll of the two dice 

    public static int roll() { 

    for (int i = 1; i<= 2; i++) { 

    int r= (int)(Math.random()*12); 



    return 0; 


    //this method implements the rules of the game for one round 

    //it calls the roll() method to stimulate throwing the dice 

    public static boolean round() { 

    boolean print = false; 

    //if roll 7 or 11 = win 

    int roll1 = roll(); 

     if (print==true) System.out.print(roll1); 

      if (r1==7||r1==11) { 


     return true; 


     //if roll 2, 3, 12 = lose 

     else if (r1==2||r1==3||r1==12) { 
     return false; 

    //if point equals same number as rolled the first time, win 
     else { 
     int r2=roll(); 
     int point = roll1; 
     return false; 

    public static void main(String []args) { 

    //call the "round()" method n times in a loop 

    //to play n rounds 

    int n = 10; 
    for (int i = 1; i<=n; i++) { 

    boolean result = round(); 


    boolean print; 

     //collect wins/losses at the end of rounds, output wins/n as percentage 
     for (int wins=0; wins<n; wins++) { 
     System.out.println("Winning percentage: " + (100 * wins/n) + "%"); 



  1. 难道我代表2和12之间的随机数生成正确刺激掷骰子在roll()方法中?
  2. 如何在round()方法中编写一个while循环来重复我的if-else循环决策以允许额外的卷?
  3. 我该如何创建一个变量“点”来继续滚动播放?
  4. 如何让用户输入轮次数“n”?
  5. 如何从命令行获取少量的用户输入作为在我的主要方法中创建扫描器的替代方法?

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