2016-09-16 102 views


todaysDate = eval(input("Enter an interger for today's day of the week from 0 - 6, Sunday is 0 and Saturday is 6.")) 

if todaysDate == 0: 
    print("Today is Sunday") 
elif todaysDate == 1: 
    print("Today is Monday") 
elif todaysDate == 2: 
    print("Today is Tuesday") 
elif todaysDate == 3: 
    print("Today is Wednesday") 
elif todaysDate == 4: 
    print("Today is Thursday") 
elif todaysDate == 5: 
    print("Today is Friday") 
elif todaysDate == 6: 
    print("Today is Saturday") 

daysElapsed = eval(input("Enter the number of days elapsed since today:")) 

if daysElapsed == 1: 
    print("Today is Sunday and the future day is Monday") 



这里(daysElapsed+todaysDate) % 7给你未来的日子里

def future(day): 
    if day == 0: 
     print("future is Sunday") 
    elif day == 1: 
     print("future is Monday") 
    elif day == 2: 
     print("future is Tuesday") 
    elif day == 3: 
     print("future is Wednesday") 
    elif day == 4: 
     print("future is Thursday") 
    elif day == 5: 
     print("future is Friday") 
    elif day == 6: 
     print("future is Saturday") 

todaysDate = int(input("Enter an interger for today's day of the week from 0 - 6, Sunday is 0 and Saturday is 6.")) 

if todaysDate == 0:  
    print("Today is Sunday") 
elif todaysDate == 1: 
    print("Today is Monday") 
elif todaysDate == 2: 
    print("Today is Tuesday") 
elif todaysDate == 3: 
    print("Today is Wednesday") 
elif todaysDate == 4: 
    print("Today is Thursday") 
elif todaysDate == 5: 
    print("Today is Friday") 
elif todaysDate == 6: 
    print("Today is Saturday") 

daysElapsed = int(input("Enter the number of days elapsed since today:")) 
future((daysElapsed+todaysDate) % 7) 


>>> 0 % 7 
>>> 5 % 7 
>>> 7 % 7 
>>> 10 % 7 



days = ['Sunday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday'] 

today = int(input("Enter an interger for today's day of the week from 0 - 6, Sunday is 0 and Saturday is 6.")) 
future = int(input("Enter the number of days elapsed since today:")) 
print('Today is {} and the future day is {}.'.format(days[today], 

嗨@ TigerhawkT3,我不太明白的模运算符,你能解释一下为什么5%7是5等的价值?谢谢 – DandyPotato


@DandyPotato - 如前所述,它执行一个普通的除法运算符,然后给你余数。五除以七是零,其余五。 – TigerhawkT3



days = ['Sunday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday'] 

todaysDate = int(input("Enter an interger for today's day of the week from 0 - 6, Sunday is 0 and Saturday is 6.")) 
print "Today is {}".format(days[todaysDate]) 

daysElapsed = int(input("Enter the number of days elapsed since today:")) 
print "Today is Sunday and the future day is {}".format(days[daysElapsed % 7]) 
