2016-11-25 71 views

我试图解决与SPOJ嵌套玩偶问题有关的问题,其中使用的是具有二维底部的框,而不是单个比例参数中不同的玩偶。我有一个算法,但我对这个问题背后的实际理论以及是否存在更好的方法非常混淆。任何人都可以帮助我更好地理解问题,并可能找到更好的算法?嵌套盒算法 - 基于嵌套玩偶但基本不同?






这意味着问题可以在O(N log N)中用一个好的LIS算法求解。

但盒子的问题是不同的: 给定N个不同底部尺寸的开放盒子,找到最佳数量的盒子堆叠之后,将盒子相互嵌套。对于每个盒堆叠,如果最外箱具有尺寸W¯¯ X ħ然后它要么不包含盒,或者它包含一个盒堆叠其宽度和高度严格小于W¯¯ħ分别。

这意味着没有盒子的全部订购 - 如果盒子A不适合盒子B,它并不意味着盒子B的尺寸与A相同,或者它将适合盒子A,这与Matryoshka不同娃娃。


我只发现了另外一篇文章(Stacking boxes into fewest number of stacks efficiently?),建议使用图论方法来解决这个问题。我对图论的经验很少,所以我不知道这个方法是如何工作的。我基本上盲目地用他们的话来制作盒子的二分图,断言盒子堆栈的数量=(盒子数量 - 最大匹配的大小)。然后我在基于伪代码的Java中实现了Fork Fulkerson算法,但没有完全理解它是如何实际解决问题的。我尽我所能,用我的思维过程对代码进行了注释,但它让我很厌烦,这种方法与嵌套玩偶解决方案有什么不同,当我在1小时内被挑战时,它需要150多行。难道没有简单的方法来解决这个问题吗?


import java.util.*; 

public class NestedBoxes { 
    private static final int SOURCE_INDEX = -1; 
    private static final int SINK_INDEX = -2; 

    private NestedBoxes() { 
     // Unused 

    public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception { 
     // Get box dimensions from user input 
     Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in); 
     int numBoxes = sc.nextInt(); 
     List<Rectangle> boxes = new ArrayList<>(); 
     for (int i = 0; i < numBoxes; i++) { 
      Rectangle box = new Rectangle(sc.nextInt(), sc.nextInt()); 

     // Sort boxes by bottom area as a useful heuristic 
     Collections.sort(boxes, (b1, b2) -> Integer.compare(b1.width * b1.height, b2.width * b2.height)); 

     // Make a bipartite graph based on which boxes fit into each other, and 
     // add a source linking to all boxes and a sink linked by all boxes. 
     // Forward edges go from the left (lower index) nodes to the right (higher index) nodes. 
     // Each forward edge has a corresponding backward edge in the bipartite section. 
     // Only one of the two edges are active at any point in time. 
     Map<Integer, Map<Integer, BooleanVal>> graphEdges = new HashMap<>(); 
     Map<Integer, BooleanVal> sourceMap = new HashMap<>(); 
     graphEdges.put(SOURCE_INDEX, sourceMap); 
     graphEdges.put(SINK_INDEX, new HashMap<>()); // Empty adjacency list for the sink 
     for (int i = 0; i < numBoxes; i++) { 
      // TreeMaps make the later DFS step prefer reaching the sink over other nodes, and prefer 
      // putting boxes into the smallest fitting box first, speeding up the search a bit since 
      // log(N) is not that bad compared to a large constant factor. 
      graphEdges.put(i, new TreeMap<>()); 
      // Each node representing a box is duplicated in a bipartite graph, where node[i] 
      // matches with node[numBoxes + i] and represent the same box 
      graphEdges.put(numBoxes + i, new TreeMap<>()); 
     for (int i = 0; i < boxes.size(); i++) { 
      // Boolean pointers are used so that backward edges ("flow") and 
      // forward edges ("capacity") are updated in tandem, maintaining that 
      // only one is active at any time. 
      sourceMap.put(i, new BooleanPtr(true)); // Source -> Node 
      graphEdges.get(numBoxes + i).put(SINK_INDEX, new BooleanPtr(true)); // Node -> Sink 
      for (int j = i + 1; j < boxes.size(); j++) { 
       if (fitsIn(boxes.get(i), boxes.get(j))) { 
        BooleanVal opening = new BooleanPtr(true); 
        graphEdges.get(i).put(numBoxes + j, opening); // Small box -> Big box 
        graphEdges.get(numBoxes + j).put(i, new Negation(opening)); // Small box <- Big box 
     Deque<Integer> path; // Paths are represented as stacks where the top is the first node in the path 
     Set<Integer> visited = new HashSet<>(); // Giving the GC a break 
     // Each DFS pass takes out the capacity of one edge from the source 
     // and adds a single edge to the bipartite matching generated. 
     // The algorithm automatically backtracks if a suboptimal maximal matching is found because 
     // the path would take away edges and add new ones in if necessary. 
     // This happens when the path zigzags using N backward edges and (N + 1) forward edges - 
     // removing a backward edge corresponds to removing a connection from the matching, and using extra 
     // forward edges will add new connections to the matching. 
     // So if no more DFS passes are possible, then no amount of readjustment will increase the size 
     // of the matching, so the number of passes equals the size of the maximum matching of the bipartite graph. 
     int numPasses = 0; 
     while ((path = depthFirstSearch(graphEdges, SOURCE_INDEX, SINK_INDEX, visited)) != null) { 
      Integer current = SOURCE_INDEX; 
      for (Integer node : path) { 
       // Take out the edges visited. 
       // Taking away any backward edges automatically adds back the corresponding forward edge, 
       // and similarly removing a forward edge adds back the backward edge. 
       current = node; 

     // Print out the stacks made from the boxes. Here, deleted forward edges/available backward edges 
     // represent opportunities to nest boxes that have actually been used in the solution. 
     System.out.println("Box stacks:"); 
     for (int i = 0; i < numBoxes; i++) { 
      Integer current = i; 
      if (visited.contains(current)) { 
      boolean halt = false; 
      while (!halt) { 
       halt = true; 
       for (Map.Entry<Integer, BooleanVal> entry : graphEdges.get(current).entrySet()) { 
        int neighbor = entry.getKey() - numBoxes; 
        if (!visited.contains(neighbor) && !entry.getValue().getBoolValue()) { 
         current = neighbor; 
         halt = false; 

     // Let a box-stack be a set of any positive number boxes nested into one another, including 1. 
     // Beginning with each box-stack being a single box, we can nest them to reduce the box-stack count. 
     // Each DFS pass, or edge in the maximal matching, represents a single nesting opportunity that has 
     // been used. Each used opportunity removes one from the number of box-stacks. so the total number 
     // of box-stacks will be the number of boxes minus the number of passes. 
     System.out.println("Number of box-stacks: " + (numBoxes - numPasses)); 

    private static Deque<Integer> depthFirstSearch(Map<Integer, Map<Integer, BooleanVal>> graphEdges, 
              int source, int sink, Set<Integer> visited) { 
     if (source == sink) { 
      // Base case where the path visits only one node 
      Deque<Integer> result = new ArrayDeque<>(); 
      return result; 

     // Get all the neighbors of the source node 
     Map<Integer, BooleanVal> neighbors = graphEdges.get(source); 
     for (Map.Entry<Integer, BooleanVal> entry : neighbors.entrySet()) { 
      Integer neighbor = entry.getKey(); 
      if (!visited.contains(neighbor) && entry.getValue().getBoolValue()) { 
       // The neighbor hasn't been visited before, and the edge is active so the 
       // DFS attempts to include this edge into the path. 
       // Trying to find a path from the neighbor to the sink 
       Deque<Integer> path = depthFirstSearch(graphEdges, neighbor, sink, visited); 
       if (path != null) { 
        // Adds the source onto the path found 
        return path; 
       } else { 
        // Pretend we never visited the neighbor and move on 
     // No paths were found 
     return null; 

    // Interface for a mutable boolean value 
    private interface BooleanVal { 
     boolean getBoolValue(); 
     void setBoolValue(boolean val); 

    // A boolean pointer 
    private static class BooleanPtr implements BooleanVal { 
     private boolean value; 

     public BooleanPtr(boolean value) { 
      this.value = value; 

     public boolean getBoolValue() { 
      return value; 

     public void setBoolValue(boolean value) { 
      this.value = value; 

     public String toString() { 
      return "" + value; 

    // The negation of a boolean value 
    private static class Negation implements BooleanVal { 
     private BooleanVal ptr; 

     public Negation(BooleanVal ptr) { 
      this.ptr = ptr; 

     public boolean getBoolValue() { 
      return !ptr.getBoolValue(); 

     public void setBoolValue(boolean val) { 

     public String toString() { 
      return "" + getBoolValue(); 

    // Method to find if a rectangle strictly fits inside another 
    private static boolean fitsIn(Rectangle rec1, Rectangle rec2) { 
     return rec1.height < rec2.height && rec1.width < rec2.width; 

    // A helper class representing a rectangle, or the bottom of a box 
    private static class Rectangle { 
     public int width, height; 

     public Rectangle(int width, int height) { 
      this.width = width; 
      this.height = height; 

     public String toString() { 
      return String.format("(%d, %d)", width, height); 






  1. 排序的箱子它们的宽度。如果宽度相同,则按相反顺序将它们的高度进行比较。

  2. 丢掉宽度,只计算最长的非增加高度子序列的长度(按照我们排序后的顺序)。这是问题的答案。而已。

很明显,如果正确实施,此解决方案可以在O(N log N)时间内工作。


如果我没有弄错,这是否使用了迪尔沃斯定理?这在花了很长时间阅读有关它的证明之后是有意义的,尽管我不确定如果没有按照顺序或格理论进行高级课程,我会如何碰到这个定理。不过谢谢您的回答。 –


@JerryDing是的,这是迪尔沃斯的定理。 – kraskevich