2017-01-05 159 views

访问网址[文件:/// Users/CatherineDu /百度云同步盘/practice/about.html]我是html和css的新手,试图在这里构建一个简单的网站。我一直在我的段落结尾和页脚之间留下这些空白处,空白处大约2厘米宽?我尝试修复边距或将边缘底部设置为零,但没有任何工作。如何去除段落和页脚之间的白色空白?

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      <title> The Tailory New York </title> 
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         <li> <a href="about.html"class="selected">About</a></li> 
         <li> <a href="contact.html" >Contact </a></li> 
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          <h2>The Brand</h2> 
            The Tailory New York is an appointment only custom clothing company that combines the modernity of Fashion Design with the heritage art of Custom Tailoring. We are unique in that we cater to both the Men and Women market. 
          <h2>The Concept </h2> 
            Providing personally designed, fitted and curated collections for each individual client is the essence of who we are. At The Tailory New York, we believe that your wardrobe should not only fit perfectly, but should be designed with only YOU in mind. The end result?—clients get the best of both worlds, impeccable custom fit and custom designed pieces that works seamlessly with their lifestyle. 
          <h2>A Note From the Founder</h2> 
            The idea for The Tailory New York began when I decided to direct my years of fashion design and men’s tailoring experience towards my own wardrobe. As a pant suit aficionado and a lover of men’s fashion and tailoring, I was always drawn to tailored clothing and strived to create fashion that conveyed the same message of confidence that a perfectly custom tailored suit did for men. Style icons like Sean Connery and Cary Grant, as well as modern day 007 Daniel Craig (shaken not stirred) were always my style inspirations. To me, they are the epitome of refinement and sophistication, true gentlemen in style. 
            My passion for fashion and tailoring led me through the Fashion Design program at Parsons followed by stints in custom tailoring, fashion design, fashion styling and brand development. But the more I integrated myself in the industry, the more I realized that impeccable fit, for men and women, was almost impossible to find in ready to wear clothing. So, I launched The Tailory New York, a way for me to combine my two passions, Fashion Design and Custom Tailoring. Everyone wants to look their best and having a wardrobe curated to your body and lifestyle not only enables you to look your best but makes you feel your best. 
            At The Tailory New York, “we believe that your wardrobe should not only fit perfectly, but should be designed with only YOU in mind.” Providing personally designed, fitted and curated collections for each individual client is the essence of who we are. Let us curate and design the wardrobe fit for YOU! </br> 
            <br> </br> 
            Shao Yang, Founder 
            <br> </br> 


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         <a href="https://www.instagram.com/thetailorynyc"> <img src="img/instagram.jpeg" alt="Instagram logo"class="social-icon"> </a> </br> 
         &copy; 2017 The Tailory New York All Rights Reserved 

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/********* FOOTER ***************************************/

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的 “URL” 点到本地文件系统。顺便说一句,我建议使用一些工具,如Chrome开发工具,然后检查元素,以确切地看到发生了什么“空白”。 – noahnu


使最后一个'p'标签'边距:0;'在部分 –


[JSfiddle](https://jsfiddle.net/29s01dd7/) –



#social_media</body>之外 - 你需要保持所有的HTML里面<body></body>


.profile p:last-child { 
    margin-bottom: 0; 



非常感谢!你能解释一下最后一个孩子吗? – Kat


@Catherine':last-child'选择在其兄弟中显示为“last”元素的'p'。即这是它直系父母的最后一个孩子。 – noahnu



margin-top: -16px;