2012-03-30 44 views


在我的情况下,我有实体'游戏'和'GameCodeColor'。 游戏的PK是一个int ID。 GameCodeColor的PK应该是一个'游戏'和一个整数。但在行:

sessionFactory = new AnnotationConfiguration().configure().buildSessionFactory(); 


"Unable to find properties (Game, GameCodeColorIndex) in entity annotated with @IdClass:h.GameCodeColor" 

这里是代码我到目前为止: GameCodeColorPK

package h; 

import javax.persistence.*; 
import java.io.*; 

public class GameCodeColorPK implements Serializable { 

    @JoinColumn(name = "gc_g_Id", referencedColumnName = "g_Id") 
    protected Game Game; 
    @Column(name = "gc_Index") 
    protected int GameCodeColorIndex; 

    public GameCodeColorPK() { 

    public GameCodeColorPK(Game Game, int GameCodeColorIndex) { 
     this.Game = Game; 
     this.GameCodeColorIndex = GameCodeColorIndex; 

    public boolean equals(Object obj) { 
     if (obj == null) { 
      return false; 
     if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) { 
      return false; 
     final GameCodeColorPK other = (GameCodeColorPK) obj; 
     if (this.Game != other.Game && (this.Game == null || !this.Game.equals(other.Game))) { 
      return false; 
     if (this.GameCodeColorIndex != other.GameCodeColorIndex) { 
      return false; 
     return true; 

    public int hashCode() { 
     int hash = 7; 
     hash = 71 * hash + (this.Game != null ? this.Game.hashCode() : 0); 
     hash = 71 * hash + this.GameCodeColorIndex; 
     return hash; 


package h; 

import javax.persistence.*; 
import java.io.*; 

@Table(name = "GameCodeColors") 
public class GameCodeColor implements Serializable { 

    private GameCodeColorPK GameCodeColorPK; 

    public GameCodeColor() { 

    public h.GameCodeColorPK getGameCodeColorPK() { 
     return GameCodeColorPK; 

    public void setGameCodeColorPK(h.GameCodeColorPK GameCodeColorPK) { 
     this.GameCodeColorPK = GameCodeColorPK; 
    @Column(name = "gcode_gc_Index") 
    private int GameColorIndex; 

    public int getGameColorIndex() { 
     return GameColorIndex; 

    public void setGameColorIndex(int GameColorIndex) { 
     this.GameColorIndex = GameColorIndex; 

    public GameCodeColor(h.GameCodeColorPK GameCodeColorPK, int GameColorIndex) { 
     this.GameCodeColorPK = GameCodeColorPK; 
     this.GameColorIndex = GameColorIndex; 


package h; 

import java.io.*; 
import javax.persistence.*; 
import java.util.*; 

@Table(name = "Games") 
public class Game implements Serializable { 

    public Game() { 

    public Set<GameCodeColor> getGameCodeColors() { 
     return GameCodeColors; 

    public void setGameCodeColors(Set<GameCodeColor> GameCodeColors) { 
     this.GameCodeColors = GameCodeColors; 

    public Set<GameColor> getGameColors() { 
     return GameColors; 

    public void setGameColors(Set<GameColor> GameColors) { 
     this.GameColors = GameColors; 

    public Set<GameTurn> getGameTurns() { 
     return GameTurns; 

    public void setGameTurns(Set<GameTurn> GameTurns) { 
     this.GameTurns = GameTurns; 

    public Game(h.User User, Date StartTime, Date EndTime, int TurnsPlayed, int TurnsToBePlayed, int CodeLength, int AvailableColoursCount, int ResetCount, boolean DoubleAllowed, int GameResult_Id) { 
     this.User = User; 
     this.StartTime = StartTime; 
     this.EndTime = EndTime; 
     this.TurnsPlayed = TurnsPlayed; 
     this.TurnsToBePlayed = TurnsToBePlayed; 
     this.CodeLength = CodeLength; 
     this.AvailableColoursCount = AvailableColoursCount; 
     this.ResetCount = ResetCount; 
     this.DoubleAllowed = DoubleAllowed; 
     this.GameResult_Id = GameResult_Id; 
    @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO) 
    @Column(name = "g_Id") 
    private int Id; 

    public int getId() { 
     return Id; 
    @JoinColumn(name = "g_u_Id") 
    private User User; 

    public h.User getUser() { 
     return User; 

    public void setUser(h.User User) { 
     this.User = User; 
    @Column(name = "g_StartTime") 
    private java.util.Date StartTime; 

    public java.util.Date getStartTime() { 
     return StartTime; 

    public void setStartTime(java.util.Date StartTime) { 
     this.StartTime = StartTime; 
    @Column(name = "g_EndTime") 
    private java.util.Date EndTime; 

    public java.util.Date getEndTime() { 
     return EndTime; 

    public void setEndTime(java.util.Date EndTime) { 
     this.EndTime = EndTime; 
    @Column(name = "g_TurnsPlayed") 
    private int TurnsPlayed; 
    @Column(name = "g_TurnsToBePlayed") 
    private int TurnsToBePlayed; 
    @Column(name = "g_CodeLength") 
    private int CodeLength; 
    @Column(name = "g_AvailableColoursCount") 
    private int AvailableColoursCount; 
    @Column(name = "g_ResetCount") 
    private int ResetCount; 
    @Column(name = "g_doubleAllowed") 
    private boolean DoubleAllowed; 
    @Column(name = "g_gr_Id") 
    private int GameResult_Id; 

    public int getAvailableColoursCount() { 
     return AvailableColoursCount; 

    public void setAvailableColoursCount(int AvailableColoursCount) { 
     this.AvailableColoursCount = AvailableColoursCount; 

    public int getCodeLength() { 
     return CodeLength; 

    public void setCodeLength(int CodeLength) { 
     this.CodeLength = CodeLength; 

    public boolean isDoubleAllowed() { 
     return DoubleAllowed; 

    public void setDoubleAllowed(boolean DoubleAllowed) { 
     this.DoubleAllowed = DoubleAllowed; 

    public int isGameResult_Id() { 
     return GameResult_Id; 

    public void setGameResult_Id(int GameResult_Id) { 
     this.GameResult_Id = GameResult_Id; 

    public int getResetCount() { 
     return ResetCount; 

    public void setResetCount(int ResetCount) { 
     this.ResetCount = ResetCount; 

    public int getTurnsPlayed() { 
     return TurnsPlayed; 

    public void setTurnsPlayed(int TurnsPlayed) { 
     this.TurnsPlayed = TurnsPlayed; 

    public int getTurnsToBePlayed() { 
     return TurnsToBePlayed; 

    public void setTurnsToBePlayed(int TurnsToBePlayed) { 
     this.TurnsToBePlayed = TurnsToBePlayed; 

    public boolean equals(Object obj) { 
     if (obj == null) { 
      return false; 
     if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) { 
      return false; 
     final Game other = (Game) obj; 
     if (this.Id != other.Id) { 
      return false; 
     return true; 

    public int hashCode() { 
     int hash = 5; 
     hash = 37 * hash + this.Id; 
     return hash; 
    @OneToMany(mappedBy = "GameTurn") 
    private Set<GameTurn> GameTurns = new HashSet<GameTurn>(); 

    public GameTurn addNewGameTurn(java.util.Date DateTime, int Correct, int Misplaced, boolean IsWon) { 
     GameTurn result = new GameTurn(
       this.GameTurns != null ? this.GameTurns.size() : 0, 

     return result; 
    @OneToMany(mappedBy = "GameColor") 
    private Set<GameColor> GameColors = new HashSet<GameColor>(); 

    public void addNewGameColor(int RGBvalue) { 
     GameColor gc = new GameColor(); 
     gc.setGameColorIndex(this.GameColors != null ? this.GameColors.size() : 0); 
    @OneToMany(mappedBy = "GameCodeColor") 
    private Set<GameCodeColor> GameCodeColors = new HashSet<GameCodeColor>(); 

    public void addGameCodeColor(int GameColorIndex) { 
//   this.GameCodeColors.add(new GameCodeColor(
//     this, 
//     this.GameCodeColors != null ? this.GameCodeColors.size() : 0, 
//     GameColorIndex)); 

    public int getGameResult_Id() { 
     return GameResult_Id; 

    public void setId(int Id) { 
     this.Id = Id; 

    public Game(int Id, h.User User, Date StartTime, Date EndTime, int TurnsPlayed, int TurnsToBePlayed, int CodeLength, int AvailableColoursCount, int ResetCount, boolean DoubleAllowed, int GameResult_Id) { 
     this.Id = Id; 
     this.User = User; 
     this.StartTime = StartTime; 
     this.EndTime = EndTime; 
     this.TurnsPlayed = TurnsPlayed; 
     this.TurnsToBePlayed = TurnsToBePlayed; 
     this.CodeLength = CodeLength; 
     this.AvailableColoursCount = AvailableColoursCount; 
     this.ResetCount = ResetCount; 
     this.DoubleAllowed = DoubleAllowed; 
     this.GameResult_Id = GameResult_Id; 







protected Game game 



那么你是对的,但它并没有解决它。同样的问题。 – TTT 2012-03-30 12:21:46