2010-10-23 58 views


private function initLevel():void { 
    var levelMap:Array = 
      [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], 
      [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] 
    for (var y:* in levelMap) { 
     for (var x:* in levelMap[y]) { 
      trace(y, x); 
      trace(levelMap[y, x]); 


typecheck Level/initLevel() 
    outer-scope = [global Object$ flash.events::EventDispatcher$ flash.display::DisplayObject$ flash.display::InteractiveObject$ flash.display::DisplayObjectContainer$ flash.display::Sprite$ flash.display::MovieClip$ Level$] 
         [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {}() 
    0:debugfile "L:\svntest\flashgame\src;com\thom\TD;Level.as" 
         [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {}() 
    2:debugline 66 
         [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {}() 
         [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {} (Level[O]) 
         [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]}() 
         [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (void[A]) 
         [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (*[A]) 
         [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]}() 
         [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (void[A]) 
         [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (*[A]) 
         [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]}() 
         [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]}() 
         [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]}() 
    22:debugline 69 
         [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]}() 
    24:pushbyte 0 
         [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (int[I]) 
    26:pushbyte 0 
         [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (int[I] int[I]) 
    28:pushbyte 0 
         [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (int[I] int[I] int[I]) 
    30:pushbyte 0 
         [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I]) 
    32:pushbyte 0 
         [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I]) 
    34:pushbyte 0 
         [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I]) 
    36:pushbyte 0 
         [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I]) 
    38:pushbyte 0 
         [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I]) 
    40:pushbyte 0 
         [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I]) 
    42:pushbyte 0 
         [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I]) 
    44:pushbyte 0 
         [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I]) 
    46:pushbyte 0 
         [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I]) 
    48:pushbyte 0 
         [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I]) 
    50:pushbyte 0 
         [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I]) 
    52:pushbyte 0 
         [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I]) 
    54:pushbyte 0 
         [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I]) 
    56:pushbyte 0 
         [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I]) 
    58:pushbyte 0 
         [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I]) 
    60:pushbyte 0 
         [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I]) 
    62:pushbyte 0 
         [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I]) 
    64:newarray 20 
         [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (Array[O]) 
    66:debugline 70 
         [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (Array[O]) 
    68:pushbyte 0 
         [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (Array[O] int[I]) 
    70:pushbyte 0 
         [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (Array[O] int[I] int[I]) 
    72:pushbyte 0 
         [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (Array[O] int[I] int[I] int[I]) 
    74:pushbyte 0 
         [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (Array[O] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I]) 
    76:pushbyte 0 
         [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (Array[O] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I]) 
    78:pushbyte 0 
         [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (Array[O] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I]) 
    80:pushbyte 0 
         [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (Array[O] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I]) 
    82:pushbyte 0 
         [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (Array[O] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I]) 
    84:pushbyte 0 
         [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (Array[O] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I]) 
    86:pushbyte 0 
         [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (Array[O] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I]) 
    88:pushbyte 0 
         [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (Array[O] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I]) 
    90:pushbyte 0 
         [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (Array[O] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I]) 
    92:pushbyte 0 
         [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (Array[O] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I]) 
    94:pushbyte 0 
         [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (Array[O] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I]) 
    96:pushbyte 0 
         [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (Array[O] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I]) 
    98:pushbyte 0 
         [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (Array[O] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I]) 
    100:pushbyte 0 
         [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (Array[O] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I]) 
    102:pushbyte 0 
         [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (Array[O] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I]) 
    104:pushbyte 0 
         [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (Array[O] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I]) 
    106:pushbyte 0 
         [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (...10: int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I]) 
    108:newarray 20 
         [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (Array[O] Array[O]) 
    110:debugline 71 
         [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (Array[O] Array[O]) 
    112:pushbyte 0 
         [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (Array[O] Array[O] int[I]) 
    114:pushbyte 0 
         [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (Array[O] Array[O] int[I] int[I]) 
    116:pushbyte 0 
         [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (Array[O] Array[O] int[I] int[I] int[I]) 
    118:pushbyte 0 
         [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (Array[O] Array[O] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I]) 
    120:pushbyte 0 
         [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (Array[O] Array[O] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I]) 
    122:pushbyte 0 
         [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (Array[O] Array[O] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I]) 
    124:pushbyte 0 
         [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (Array[O] Array[O] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I]) 
    126:pushbyte 0 
         [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (Array[O] Array[O] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I]) 
    128:pushbyte 0 
         [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (Array[O] Array[O] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I]) 
    130:pushbyte 0 
         [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (Array[O] Array[O] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I]) 
    132:pushbyte 0 
         [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (Array[O] Array[O] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I]) 
    134:pushbyte 0 
         [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (Array[O] Array[O] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I]) 
    136:pushbyte 0 
         [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (Array[O] Array[O] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I]) 
    138:pushbyte 0 
         [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (Array[O] Array[O] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I]) 
    140:pushbyte 0 
         [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (Array[O] Array[O] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I]) 
    142:pushbyte 0 
         [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (Array[O] Array[O] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I]) 
    144:pushbyte 0 
         [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (Array[O] Array[O] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I]) 
    146:pushbyte 0 
         [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (Array[O] Array[O] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I]) 
    148:pushbyte 0 
         [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (...10: Array[O] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I]) 
    150:pushbyte 0 
         [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (...11: int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I]) 
    152:newarray 20 
         [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (Array[O] Array[O] Array[O]) 
    154:debugline 72 
         [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (Array[O] Array[O] Array[O]) 
    156:pushbyte 0 
         [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (Array[O] Array[O] Array[O] int[I]) 
    158:pushbyte 0 
         [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (Array[O] Array[O] Array[O] int[I] int[I]) 
    160:pushbyte 0 
         [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (Array[O] Array[O] Array[O] int[I] int[I] int[I]) 
    162:pushbyte 0 
         [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (Array[O] Array[O] Array[O] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I]) 
    164:pushbyte 0 
         [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (Array[O] Array[O] Array[O] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I]) 
    166:pushbyte 0 
         [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (Array[O] Array[O] Array[O] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I]) 
    168:pushbyte 0 
         [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (Array[O] Array[O] Array[O] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I]) 
    170:pushbyte 0 
         [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (Array[O] Array[O] Array[O] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I]) 
    172:pushbyte 0 
         [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (Array[O] Array[O] Array[O] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I]) 
    174:pushbyte 0 
         [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (Array[O] Array[O] Array[O] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I]) 
    176:pushbyte 0 
         [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (Array[O] Array[O] Array[O] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I]) 
    178:pushbyte 0 
         [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (Array[O] Array[O] Array[O] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I]) 
    180:pushbyte 0 
         [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (Array[O] Array[O] Array[O] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I]) 
    182:pushbyte 0 
         [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (Array[O] Array[O] Array[O] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I]) 
    184:pushbyte 0 
         [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (Array[O] Array[O] Array[O] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I]) 
    186:pushbyte 0 
         [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (Array[O] Array[O] Array[O] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I]) 
    188:pushbyte 0 
         [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (Array[O] Array[O] Array[O] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I]) 
    190:pushbyte 0 
         [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (...10: Array[O] Array[O] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I]) 
    192:pushbyte 0 
         [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (...11: Array[O] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I]) 
    194:pushbyte 0 
         [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (...12: int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I]) 
    196:newarray 20 
         [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (Array[O] Array[O] Array[O] Array[O]) 
    198:debugline 73 
         [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (Array[O] Array[O] Array[O] Array[O]) 
    200:pushbyte 0 
         [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (Array[O] Array[O] Array[O] Array[O] int[I]) 
    202:pushbyte 0 
         [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (Array[O] Array[O] Array[O] Array[O] int[I] int[I]) 
    204:pushbyte 0 
         [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (Array[O] Array[O] Array[O] Array[O] int[I] int[I] int[I]) 
    206:pushbyte 0 
         [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (Array[O] Array[O] Array[O] Array[O] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I]) 
    208:pushbyte 0 
         [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (Array[O] Array[O] Array[O] Array[O] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I]) 
    210:pushbyte 0 
         [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (Array[O] Array[O] Array[O] Array[O] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I]) 
    212:pushbyte 0 
         [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (Array[O] Array[O] Array[O] Array[O] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I]) 
    214:pushbyte 0 
         [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (Array[O] Array[O] Array[O] Array[O] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I]) 
    216:pushbyte 0 
         [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (Array[O] Array[O] Array[O] Array[O] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I]) 
    218:pushbyte 0 
         [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (Array[O] Array[O] Array[O] Array[O] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I]) 
    220:pushbyte 0 
         [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (Array[O] Array[O] Array[O] Array[O] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I]) 
    222:pushbyte 0 
         [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (Array[O] Array[O] Array[O] Array[O] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I]) 
    224:pushbyte 0 
         [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (Array[O] Array[O] Array[O] Array[O] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I]) 
    226:pushbyte 0 
         [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (Array[O] Array[O] Array[O] Array[O] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I]) 
    228:pushbyte 0 
         [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (Array[O] Array[O] Array[O] Array[O] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I]) 
    230:pushbyte 0 
         [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (Array[O] Array[O] Array[O] Array[O] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I] int[I]) 
    232:pushbyte 0 
         [Level[O] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A] *[A]] {Level[O]} (...10: Array[O] 
    804:callproperty trace 1 
         [Level[O] Array[O] *[A] *[A] int[I] *[A] int[I] *[A]] {Level[O]} (global[O] *[A]) 
         [Level[O] Array[O] *[A] *[A] int[I] *[A] int[I] *[A]] {Level[O]} (global[O]) 
MERGE CURRENT 808:  [Level[O] Array[O] *[A] *[A] int[I] *[A] int[I] *[A]] {Level[O]} (global[O]) 
MERGE TARGET B808:  [Level[O] Array[O] *[A] *[A] int[I] *[A] int[I] *[A]] {Level[O]}() 
[Fault] exception, information=VerifyError: Error #1030: Stack depth is unbalanced. 1 != 0. 














var foo:Array = []; 



var inner:Array  = [10]; 
var outter:Array = [1,2,inner]; 
(inner[outter, 'pop']).call(null)[inner,'push'].call(null,20); 



var inner:Array  = [10]; 
var outter:Array = [1,2,inner]; 



inner[outter, 'pop'] 






,编译器不会抱怨(既会做播放器)。我怀疑以上是有效的Actionscript(在这种情况下,编译器应拒绝编译它),但我不是100%确定。但是,这个未使用的对象是问题的根源。 (以下需要关于flash程序集或任何其他基于堆栈的程序集的工作原理的一些基本知识,但是我希望我可以解释它,所以可以理解,而不会假设太多。)


var arr:Array = [10]; 


function private::initLevel():void /* disp_id 0*/ 
    // local_count=2 max_scope=1 max_stack=3 code_len=17 
    0  getlocal0  
    1  pushscope  
    2  pushbyte  10 
    4  newarray  [1] 
    6  coerce   Array 
    8  setlocal1  
    9  pushnull   
    10 getlocal1  
    11 pushstring  "length" 
    13 getproperty  null 
    15 pop    
    16 returnvoid  

让我们一步一步来。 instr是指令的偏移量; stack_state显示指令执行后堆栈的当前状态; comments是不言自明)

instr stack_state    comments 
    0  this     "this" is always passed in local register 0 to instance methods 
    1        "this" is added to the scope chain and popped 
    2  10      now, we have 10 on the stack  
    4  [10]     an array is created and initialized taking 1 element from the stack 
    6  [10]     this is sort of like doing [10] as Array 
    8        the array is assigned to local variable 1 
    9  null     null is pushed. That is the null in this line: 
    10 null,local1    local 1 is pushed 
    11 null,local1,"length" the string constant "length" is pushed 
    13 null,local1["length"] getproperty null is used for dynamic lookup (object["prop"]). Both operands are popped from the stack 
    15 null     in the previous step, the result of local1["lengtht"] was pushed. But we dind't use it, so it's discarded 
    16 null     here the method returns. The stack should be empty, but it's not. 
           The generated code should have popped the null pushed at #9, 
           or it shouldn't have pushed it in the first place 



VerifyError: Error #1030: Stack depth is unbalanced. 1 != 0. 



var dummy:int = 1; 
var arr:Array = [10]; 
if(dummy != 0) { 


function private::initLevel():void /* disp_id 0*/ 
    // local_count=3 max_scope=1 max_stack=3 code_len=27 
    0  getlocal0  
    1  pushscope  
    2  pushbyte  1 
    4  setlocal1  
    5  pushbyte  10 
    7  newarray  [1] 
    9  coerce   Array 
    11 setlocal2  
    12 getlocal1  
    13 pushbyte  0 
    15 ifeq   L1 

    19 pushnull   
    20 getlocal2  
    21 pushstring  "length" 
    23 getproperty  null 
    25 pop    

    26 returnvoid  


instr stack_state    comments 
    0  this     "this" is always passed in local register 0 to instance methods  
    1        "this" is added to the scope chain and popped 
    2  1      now, we have 1 on the stack  
    4        1 is popped and assigned to the local variable 1 (the dummy var in the code) 
    5  10      10 is pushed 
    7  [10]     an array is created and initialized taking 1 element from the stack 
    9  [10]     this is sort of like doing [10] as Array 
    11       the array is assigned to local variable 2 (the arr var in the code) 
    12 local1     local1 (dummy) is pushed 
    13 local1,0    0 is pushed 
    15       this instruction consumes (pops) both local1 and 0 to compare them 
           If this condition is satisfied, it jumps to the label L1 
           If it is not, it falls-through to the next instruction 
           (the same as a case label in a switch statement that does not have a break, in Actionscript code) 
    19 null     null is pushed. That is the null in this line: 
           Again, HERE BEGINS THE PROBLEM! 
    20 null,local2    local2 is pushed 
    21 null,local2,"length" the string constant "length" is pushed 
    23 null,local2["length"] getproperty null is used for dynamic lookup (object["prop"]). Both operands are popped from the stack 
    25 null     the value returned by local2["length"] is discarded 

    26 null     the method returns, but null is not properly popped from the stack! 




所以,它不是跳跃本身,导致玩家检查堆栈完整性。我GOOGLE了一下,发现this on the haxe site

这是一个堆栈不平衡错误。 这意味着 跳转的两个分支在返回时会导致不同的堆栈大小 。所有跳转或代码 导致给定位置 导致相同的堆栈大小。



如果代码在指令15跳转后,它直接在最后一条指令(26)上返回给调用者。 null尚未被推入,堆栈中没有其他东西,所以我们到达这一点时堆栈大小为0。



非常有趣! – grapefrukt 2010-10-24 00:32:57


优秀的职位。我也热衷于“跳跃”的发展。如果你在跳转之前立即返回,那么没有错误。我喜欢(inner[outter, 'pop']).call(null)[inner,'push'].call(null,20);我想知道这个奇怪的语法是从哪里来的。也许有人可以从Adobe解释它。 – Joony 2010-10-24 08:33:39


@Joony。谢谢。关于即时回报的好处。这说得通。谷歌搜索了一下,我发现这个错误信息真的在haxe网站上意味着什么。这更清楚地解释了这个问题。我已将这添加到我的答案中。 – 2010-10-24 16:42:44





我说你已经找到了在编译器中的错误,如果这是一个运行时消息。运行时检测到非法字节码。编译器从非有效的动作脚本中产生该字节码。它应该给你一个错误,并拒绝编译你的代码。 – 2010-10-23 14:58:47


可能。我使用FlashDevelop和Flex SDK 4.1.0 build:16076如果我相信flex-sdk-description.xml文件。如果有人想重现这一点,可能会有用。 – 2010-10-23 15:20:01


我有SKD现在可用,但我能够重现错误只是粘贴你的代码,编译和运行。绝对看起来像一个编译器错误。 – 2010-10-23 15:59:01



levelMap[y, x] 



var levelMap:Array = [[0, 100], 
         [20, 21]]; 
var something:* = levelMap[levelMap[0], 1]; // 100 - The second element of the first array! 
something = levelMap[levelMap[0], 'length']; // 2 




var a:Object = {num:0, fun:function(num:uint):void{this.num = num;}}; 
var b:Object = {num:0}; 
b[a, 'fun'](10);                                            
trace(a.num); // 
trace(b.num); // 10 


a.fun.call(b, 10); 


90:getscopeobject 1 
    stack: StackTest 
    locals: StackTest StackTest * 
92:getslot 2 
    stack: Object? (b) 
    locals: StackTest StackTest * 
    stack: Object? (b) Object? (Copy of b) 
    locals: StackTest StackTest * 
    stack: Object? (b) 
    locals: StackTest StackTest Object? (Copy of b) 
96:getscopeobject 1 
    stack: Object? (b) StackTest 
    locals: StackTest StackTest Object? (Copy of b) 
98:getslot 1 
    stack: Object? (b) Object? (a) 
    locals: StackTest StackTest Object? (Copy of b) 
100:pushstring "fun" 
    stack: Object? (b) Object? (a) String ("fun") 
    locals: StackTest StackTest Object? (Copy of b) 
102:getproperty {StackTest...Object}::[] 
    stack: Object? (b) * (a.fun) 
    locals: StackTest StackTest Object? (Copy of b) 
    stack: Object? (b) * (a.fun) Object? (Copy of b) 
    locals: StackTest StackTest Object? (Copy of b) 
105:pushbyte 10 
    stack: Object? (b) * (a.fun) Object? (Copy of b) int (10) 
    locals: StackTest StackTest Object? (Copy of b) 
107:call 1 (Call a closure. 1 is the argument count. Stack: function (a.fun), receiver (Copy of b), arg (10). The result (void) is pushed on the stack.) 
    stack: Object? (b) * (void) 
    locals: StackTest StackTest Object? (Copy of b) 
    stack: Object? (b) 
    locals: StackTest StackTest Object? (Copy of b) 
110:kill 2 
    stack: Object? (b) 
    locals: StackTest StackTest * 


b[1, true, a, 'fun'](10); 



我发现了一些关于此的事情。查看我的答案的细节。 – 2010-10-24 00:27:57


优秀的研究成果!我希望我能+3。 – 2010-10-25 21:04:58


嗯。有趣。所以,不知何故,这里'b [a,'有趣'](10); ','b'被用作上下文对象?当我有一点空闲时间的时候,我会仔细研究一下。 – 2010-10-25 22:17:58


OMG,你很可能只是解决了几乎杀了我的misterious问题^ _^ 我试图从转储重新创建一个SWF文件:使用

    Version: 10 
    FileLength: 623 
    FileLengthCompressed: 454 
    FrameSize: (180,160) 
    FrameRate: 8 
    FrameCount: 10 
    [69:FileAttributes] AS3: true, HasMetadata: false, UseDirectBlit: false, UseGPU: false, UseNetwork: false 
    [09:SetBackgroundColor] Color: #666666 
    [86:DefineSceneAndFrameLabelData]  Scenes:  [0] Frame: 0, Name: Scene 1 
    [83:DefineShape4] ID: 1, ShapeBounds: (-100,1100,-100,1100), EdgeBounds: (0,1000,0,1000) 
     [1] [SWFFillStyle] Type: 0 (solid), Color: FFFF0000 
     LineStyles:`(and so on) 

as3swf(使用几乎库里面本身只字节码),但今天(用新鲜下载的Flex SDK 4.1)所有我得到的是一个奇怪的痕迹(收到很多次):

    Version: 10 
    FileLength: 21 
    FileLengthCompressed: 21 
    FrameSize: (14,14) 
    FrameRate: 50 
    FrameCount: 1 

和我奇怪的事情是,它的踪迹全局存储ByteArray变量很可能是o在运行时唯一一句读,但它存储信息并没有只是一些部分失踪 - 几乎每一个值改变








像:的array.var[x,y];代替array.var = [x,y];