2017-08-09 78 views


override func viewDidLoad() { 
     // Do any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib. 

     let array = ["what did your eat for breakfast?", "First time you kissed a boy/girl? Explain.", "Whats your body count?", "When was the last time you went to church?", "Would you date someone from another religion?", "East booty(Guy) ?or let a guy eat your booty(Girl)?", "If you die right now where will you end?", "whats on your mind?", "Ever has a one night stand?", "Do you find the other person attractive?", "How old where you when you first hd sex?. Explain.", "You believe in Jesus?", "Where do you see yourself in 10 years?", "First time you gave head?", "Slap your mum or your dad? Choose one.", "Last time you watched porn?", "How much is in your account?", "One thing you hate about the other person?", "One thing you love about the other person?", "Would you kiss the person close to you?", "One thing you hate about yourself?", " One thing you love about yourself?","Suck toes or eat booty?", "Best rapper?", "Best singer?", "If you had a billion dollars for 24 hours how will you spend it?"] 

      let randomIndex = Int(arc4random_uniform(UInt32(array.count))) 
      // Get a random item 
      let randomItem = array[randomIndex] 

     func print() { 
      textField.text = randomItem 

    override func motionBegan(_ motion: UIEventSubtype, with event: UIEvent?) { 


什么问题?在执行'motionBegan'函数时你需要'覆盖'吗? –


您在Didload中选择了动态问题,而不是在创建的函数中选择它,并在检测到的动作结束时调用新创建的函数,并在didLoad中调用一次,希望它有帮助 –


您确定代码格式良好吗?你的方法之前有太多的闭括号? – Maxime




let array = ["what did your eat for breakfast?", "First time you kissed a boy/girl? Explain.", "Whats your body count?", "When was the last time you went to church?", "Would you date someone from another religion?", "East booty(Guy) ?or let a guy eat your booty(Girl)?", "If you die right now where will you end?", "whats on your mind?", "Ever has a one night stand?", "Do you find the other person attractive?", "How old where you when you first hd sex?. Explain.", "You believe in Jesus?", "Where do you see yourself in 10 years?", "First time you gave head?", "Slap your mum or your dad? Choose one.", "Last time you watched porn?", "How much is in your account?", "One thing you hate about the other person?", "One thing you love about the other person?", "Would you kiss the person close to you?", "One thing you hate about yourself?", " One thing you love about yourself?","Suck toes or eat booty?", "Best rapper?", "Best singer?", "If you had a billion dollars for 24 hours how will you spend it?"] 
var randomItem = "" 

override func viewDidLoad() { 

func printing() { 
    let randomIndex = Int(arc4random_uniform(UInt32(array.count))) 
    randomItem = array[randomIndex]   
    textField.text = randomItem 

override func motionBegan(_ motion: UIEventSubtype, with event: UIEvent?) { 

This Worked !!!!谢啦! – Perewillz


你有没有想过如何防止应用程序询问相同的问题,直到我已经询问了阵列中的所有问题?你认为我可以从数组中删除问题项每次我问它,直到数组== 0? – Perewillz


嗨,谢谢,是的。你需要做的是创建另一个数组,通过从列表中随机获取元素来填充另一个数组,并从另一个列表中删除这些元素。一旦你有了这个数组,你可以从头开始,并且不需要随机地从它中取出对象。 –
