2010-12-09 143 views



public struct NeverNull<T> 
    where T: class, new() 

    private NeverNull(T reference) 
     _reference = reference; 

    private T _reference; 

    public T Reference 
      if(_reference == null) 
       _reference = new T(); 
      return _reference; 
      _reference = value; 

    public static implicit operator NeverNull<T>(T reference) 
     return new NeverNull<T>(reference); 

    public static implicit operator T(NeverNull<T> value) 
     return value.Reference; 

这是一日一次,我看到这种类型的问题 – TalentTuner 2010-12-09 15:40:38




NeverNull<Foo> wrapper1 = new NeverNull<Foo>(); 
NeverNull<Foo> wrapper2 = wrapper1; 

Foo foo1 = wrapper1; 
Foo foo2 = wrapper2; 

这是要创建的Foo 实例,因为原始版本被复制,wrapper1创建实例之前。

基本上,你正在处理一个可变结构 - 这几乎是从来没有有一件好事。另外,我并不热衷于隐式转换。

感觉就像你试图在这里实现看起来很神奇的代码一样...我通常会反对这样的事情。 也许它适合你的特定用例,但我想不出我个人想用它的地方。


我知道你描述的行为。但是,如果这是不可取的,我会看到一种方法来规避“复制问题”。 而不是在NeverNull的实例中,引用可以存储在静态字典中。然后NeverNull会将哈希码存储到字典中。在我看来,这会导致相同类型的功能而不复制引用。 隐式转换的目的是为了更容易地处理引用类型,同时保留不可空的约束。 – smartcaveman 2010-12-09 15:57:28


这实际上提出了另一个问题。结构的静态成员的行为与静态类成员的行为不同吗?我感谢您的帮助。 – smartcaveman 2010-12-09 15:58:45


@smartcaveman:这听起来像是你在彼此之上添加了许多魔法......我很少发现我处于一种情况,即如果它不是一个新的“空”实例,否则存在。至于静态成员 - 不,他们在结构和类之间基本相同。 – 2010-12-09 16:04:04



MyStruct st; 
foo.Bar(st); // st is copied 

+1的用于解决性能问题,这是什么这个问题是问。此MSDN文章(http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ah19swz4%28VS.71%29.aspx)简要讨论了使用值类型可能更有效的情况,尽管它不直接解决相反的问题:何时使用值类型效率不高。 – 2010-12-09 15:48:43



MyStruct st; foo.Bar(st); // st被复制


void Bar(MyStruct parameter){} 








List<SomeStruct> MyList = CreateList(); 
MyList[0].Prop1 = 42; 


SomeStruct myThing = MyList[0]; 
myThing.Prop1 = 42; 
MyList[0] = myThing.Prop1; 



var Contradiction = new NeverNull<object>(null); 






public struct NeverNull<T> where T: class 
    private NeverNull(T reference) : this() 
     if (reference == null) throw new Exception(); // Choose the right exception 
     this.Reference = reference; 

    public T Reference { get; private set; } 

    public static implicit operator NeverNull<T>(T reference) 
     return new NeverNull<T>(reference); 

    public static implicit operator T(NeverNull<T> value) 
     return value.Reference; 









public delegate bool TryGetValueFunc<TKey, TValue>(TKey key, out TValue value); 

public struct KeyedValueWrapper<TKey, TValue> 
    private bool _KeyHasBeenSet; 
    private TKey _Key; 
    private TryGetValueFunc<TKey, TValue> _TryGetValue; 
    private Func<TKey, TValue> _CreateValue; 

    #region Constructors 

    public KeyedValueWrapper(TKey key) 
     _Key = key; 
     _KeyHasBeenSet = true; 
     _TryGetValue = null; 
     _CreateValue = null; 

    public KeyedValueWrapper(TKey key, TryGetValueFunc<TKey, TValue> tryGetValue) 
     _Key = key; 
     _KeyHasBeenSet = true; 
     _TryGetValue = tryGetValue; 
     _CreateValue = null; 

    public KeyedValueWrapper(TKey key, Func<TKey, TValue> createValue) 
     _Key = key; 
     _KeyHasBeenSet = true; 
     _TryGetValue = null; 
     _CreateValue = createValue; 

    public KeyedValueWrapper(TKey key, TryGetValueFunc<TKey, TValue> tryGetValue, Func<TKey, TValue> createValue) 
     _Key = key; 
     _KeyHasBeenSet = true; 
     _TryGetValue = tryGetValue; 
     _CreateValue = createValue; 

    public KeyedValueWrapper(TryGetValueFunc<TKey, TValue> tryGetValue) 
     _Key = default(TKey); 
     _KeyHasBeenSet = false; 
     _TryGetValue = tryGetValue; 
     _CreateValue = null; 

    public KeyedValueWrapper(TryGetValueFunc<TKey, TValue> tryGetValue, Func<TKey, TValue> createValue) 
     _Key = default(TKey); 
     _KeyHasBeenSet = false; 
     _TryGetValue = tryGetValue; 
     _CreateValue = createValue; 

    public KeyedValueWrapper(Func<TKey, TValue> createValue) 
     _Key = default(TKey); 
     _KeyHasBeenSet = false; 
     _TryGetValue = null; 
     _CreateValue = createValue; 


    #region "Change" methods 

    public KeyedValueWrapper<TKey, TValue> Change(TKey key) 
     return new KeyedValueWrapper<TKey, TValue>(key, _TryGetValue, _CreateValue); 

    public KeyedValueWrapper<TKey, TValue> Change(TKey key, TryGetValueFunc<TKey, TValue> tryGetValue) 
     return new KeyedValueWrapper<TKey, TValue>(key, tryGetValue, _CreateValue); 

    public KeyedValueWrapper<TKey, TValue> Change(TKey key, Func<TKey, TValue> createValue) 
     return new KeyedValueWrapper<TKey, TValue>(key, _TryGetValue, createValue); 

    public KeyedValueWrapper<TKey, TValue> Change(TKey key, TryGetValueFunc<TKey, TValue> tryGetValue, Func<TKey, TValue> createValue) 
     return new KeyedValueWrapper<TKey, TValue>(key, tryGetValue, createValue); 

    public KeyedValueWrapper<TKey, TValue> Change(TryGetValueFunc<TKey, TValue> tryGetValue) 
     return new KeyedValueWrapper<TKey, TValue>(_Key, tryGetValue, _CreateValue); 

    public KeyedValueWrapper<TKey, TValue> Change(TryGetValueFunc<TKey, TValue> tryGetValue, Func<TKey, TValue> createValue) 
     return new KeyedValueWrapper<TKey, TValue>(_Key, tryGetValue, createValue); 

    public KeyedValueWrapper<TKey, TValue> Change(Func<TKey, TValue> createValue) 
     return new KeyedValueWrapper<TKey, TValue>(_Key, _TryGetValue, createValue); 


    public TValue Value 
      if (!_KeyHasBeenSet) 
       throw new InvalidOperationException("A key must be specified."); 

      if (_TryGetValue == null) 
       throw new InvalidOperationException("A \"try get value\" delegate must be specified."); 

      // try to find a value in the given dictionary using the given key 
      TValue value; 
      if (!_TryGetValue(_Key, out value)) 
       if (_CreateValue == null) 
        throw new InvalidOperationException("A \"create value\" delegate must be specified."); 

       // if not found, create a value 
       value = _CreateValue(_Key); 
      // then return that value 
      return value; 

class Foo 
    public string ID { get; set; } 

class Program 
    static void Main(string[] args) 
     var dictionary = new Dictionary<string, Foo>(); 

     Func<string, Foo> createValue = (key) => 
      var foo = new Foo { ID = key }; 
      dictionary.Add(key, foo); 
      return foo; 

     // this wrapper object is not useable, since no key has been specified for it yet 
     var wrapper = new KeyedValueWrapper<string, Foo>(dictionary.TryGetValue, createValue); 

     // create wrapper1 based on the wrapper object but changing the key to "ABC" 
     var wrapper1 = wrapper.Change("ABC"); 
     var wrapper2 = wrapper1; 

     Foo foo1 = wrapper1.Value; 
     Foo foo2 = wrapper2.Value; 

     Console.WriteLine("foo1 and foo2 are equal? {0}", object.ReferenceEquals(foo1, foo2)); 
     // Output: foo1 and foo2 are equal? True 

     // create wrapper1 based on the wrapper object but changing the key to "BCD" 
     var wrapper3 = wrapper.Change("BCD"); 
     var wrapper4 = wrapper3; 

     Foo foo3 = wrapper3.Value; 
     dictionary = new Dictionary<string, Foo>(); // throw a curve ball by reassigning the dictionary variable 
     Foo foo4 = wrapper4.Value; 

     Console.WriteLine("foo3 and foo4 are equal? {0}", object.ReferenceEquals(foo3, foo4)); 
     // Output: foo3 and foo4 are equal? True 

     Console.WriteLine("foo1 and foo3 are equal? {0}", object.ReferenceEquals(foo1, foo3)); 
     // Output: foo1 and foo3 are equal? False 

使用IDictionary<string, Foo>代替TryGetValueFunc<string, Foo>另一种实现。注意反例,我把在使用代码:

public struct KeyedValueWrapper<TKey, TValue> 
    private bool _KeyHasBeenSet; 
    private TKey _Key; 
    private IDictionary<TKey, TValue> _Dictionary; 
    private Func<TKey, TValue> _CreateValue; 

    #region Constructors 

    public KeyedValueWrapper(TKey key) 
     _Key = key; 
     _KeyHasBeenSet = true; 
     _Dictionary = null; 
     _CreateValue = null; 

    public KeyedValueWrapper(TKey key, IDictionary<TKey, TValue> dictionary) 
     _Key = key; 
     _KeyHasBeenSet = true; 
     _Dictionary = dictionary; 
     _CreateValue = null; 

    public KeyedValueWrapper(TKey key, Func<TKey, TValue> createValue) 
     _Key = key; 
     _KeyHasBeenSet = true; 
     _Dictionary = null; 
     _CreateValue = createValue; 

    public KeyedValueWrapper(TKey key, IDictionary<TKey, TValue> dictionary, Func<TKey, TValue> createValue) 
     _Key = key; 
     _KeyHasBeenSet = true; 
     _Dictionary = dictionary; 
     _CreateValue = createValue; 

    public KeyedValueWrapper(IDictionary<TKey, TValue> dictionary) 
     _Key = default(TKey); 
     _KeyHasBeenSet = false; 
     _Dictionary = dictionary; 
     _CreateValue = null; 

    public KeyedValueWrapper(IDictionary<TKey, TValue> dictionary, Func<TKey, TValue> createValue) 
     _Key = default(TKey); 
     _KeyHasBeenSet = false; 
     _Dictionary = dictionary; 
     _CreateValue = createValue; 

    public KeyedValueWrapper(Func<TKey, TValue> createValue) 
     _Key = default(TKey); 
     _KeyHasBeenSet = false; 
     _Dictionary = null; 
     _CreateValue = createValue; 


    #region "Change" methods 

    public KeyedValueWrapper<TKey, TValue> Change(TKey key) 
     return new KeyedValueWrapper<TKey, TValue>(key, _Dictionary, _CreateValue); 

    public KeyedValueWrapper<TKey, TValue> Change(TKey key, IDictionary<TKey, TValue> dictionary) 
     return new KeyedValueWrapper<TKey, TValue>(key, dictionary, _CreateValue); 

    public KeyedValueWrapper<TKey, TValue> Change(TKey key, Func<TKey, TValue> createValue) 
     return new KeyedValueWrapper<TKey, TValue>(key, _Dictionary, createValue); 

    public KeyedValueWrapper<TKey, TValue> Change(TKey key, IDictionary<TKey, TValue> dictionary, Func<TKey, TValue> createValue) 
     return new KeyedValueWrapper<TKey, TValue>(key, dictionary, createValue); 

    public KeyedValueWrapper<TKey, TValue> Change(IDictionary<TKey, TValue> dictionary) 
     return new KeyedValueWrapper<TKey, TValue>(_Key, dictionary, _CreateValue); 

    public KeyedValueWrapper<TKey, TValue> Change(IDictionary<TKey, TValue> dictionary, Func<TKey, TValue> createValue) 
     return new KeyedValueWrapper<TKey, TValue>(_Key, dictionary, createValue); 

    public KeyedValueWrapper<TKey, TValue> Change(Func<TKey, TValue> createValue) 
     return new KeyedValueWrapper<TKey, TValue>(_Key, _Dictionary, createValue); 


    public TValue Value 
      if (!_KeyHasBeenSet) 
       throw new InvalidOperationException("A key must be specified."); 

      if (_Dictionary == null) 
       throw new InvalidOperationException("A dictionary must be specified."); 

      // try to find a value in the given dictionary using the given key 
      TValue value; 
      if (!_Dictionary.TryGetValue(_Key, out value)) 
       if (_CreateValue == null) 
        throw new InvalidOperationException("A \"create value\" delegate must be specified."); 

       // if not found, create a value and add it to the dictionary 
       value = _CreateValue(_Key); 
       _Dictionary.Add(_Key, value); 
      // then return that value 
      return value; 

class Foo 
    public string ID { get; set; } 

class Program 
    static void Main(string[] args) 
     // this wrapper object is not useable, since no key has been specified for it yet 
     var wrapper = new KeyedValueWrapper<string, Foo>(new Dictionary<string, Foo>(), (key) => new Foo { ID = key }); 

     // create wrapper1 based on the wrapper object but changing the key to "ABC" 
     var wrapper1 = wrapper.Change("ABC"); 
     var wrapper2 = wrapper1; 

     Foo foo1 = wrapper1.Value; 
     Foo foo2 = wrapper2.Value; 

     Console.WriteLine("foo1 and foo2 are equal? {0}", object.ReferenceEquals(foo1, foo2)); 
     // Output: foo1 and foo2 are equal? True 

     // create wrapper1 based on the wrapper object but changing the key to "BCD" 
     var wrapper3 = wrapper.Change("BCD"); 
     var wrapper4 = wrapper3; 

     Foo foo3 = wrapper3.Value; 
     Foo foo4 = wrapper4.Value; 

     Console.WriteLine("foo3 and foo4 are equal? {0}", object.ReferenceEquals(foo3, foo4)); 
     // Output: foo3 and foo4 are equal? True 

     Console.WriteLine("foo1 and foo3 are equal? {0}", object.ReferenceEquals(foo1, foo3)); 
     // Output: foo1 and foo3 are equal? False 

     // Counter-example: manipulating the dictionary instance that was provided to the wrapper can disrupt expected behavior 
     var dictionary = new Dictionary<string, Foo>(); 

     var wrapper5 = wrapper.Change("CDE", dictionary); 
     var wrapper6 = wrapper5; 

     Foo foo5 = wrapper5.Value; 
     Foo foo6 = wrapper6.Value; 

     // one might expect this to be true: 
     Console.WriteLine("foo5 and foo6 are equal? {0}", object.ReferenceEquals(foo5, foo6)); 
     // Output: foo5 and foo6 are equal? False 