2010-07-22 33 views

我正在使用Python中的M x N板进行井字游戏。我试图找到一种有效的方法来确定玩家是否赢了(连续3次,纵向,横向或对角线方向)。游戏的大部分3x3实现只是在每次回合后检查所有可能的获胜组合。这对于大规模的电路板来说似乎有点极端。在Python 2d数组中确定三行


board = ([1,0,2,1], [0,0,0,1], [2,2,0,0], [1,0,0,1]) 
for row in board: 
    print row 

Thanks- 乔纳森


检查所有组合可以是矫枉过正,但它仍然是在O(M×N个)可行的,因为任何给定的正方形是不超过恒定数量的可能的一员赢得的弦乐。此外,这种检查很可能会花费足够长的时间才能被用户察觉。话虽如此,你可以打败这是你注意的举动,如特奥多所言。 – Brian 2010-07-22 16:55:42


@Brian,Teodore。同意,在传统的tic tac toe游戏中,只需要检查选定的方块可能取得的胜利就会更有意义。我实际上使用这个来试图确定Xs(no Os)的最大数量,它可以在没有胜利的情况下在板上。我正在迭代填充板(MxN位二进制数)并确定它是否成功。我认为井字问题会给我一些算法思想,而不必解释太多。 – Jonathan 2010-07-22 17:04:36


在这种情况下,Teodor的建议将会奏效,尽管您可以通过跳过八个方向中的三个方向的测试来稍微提高速度。顺便说一下,我的直觉是,通过从一个完整的xs板开始并尽可能少地移除,可能更容易解决这个问题。 – Brian 2010-07-22 17:26:31




# A bogus game with wins in several directions. 
board = (

# A few convenience variables.  
n_rows = len(board)  
lft = [ [0] * i for i in range(n_rows) ] # [[], [0], [0, 0], [0, 0, 0]] 
rgt = list(reversed(lft)) 

# Create transpositions of the board to check for wins in various directions. 
transpositions = { 
    'horizontal' : board, 
    'vertical' : zip(*board), 
    'diag_forw' : zip(* [lft[i] + board[i] + rgt[i] for i in range(n_rows)]), 
    'diag_back' : zip(* [rgt[i] + board[i] + lft[i] for i in range(n_rows)]), 

# Apply Jonathan's horizontal-win check to all of the transpositions. 
for direction, transp in transpositions.iteritems(): 
    for row in transp: 
     s = ''.join(map(str, row)) 
     for player in range(1,3): 
      if s.find(str(player) * 3) >= 0: 
       print 'player={0} direction={1}'.format(player, direction) 


player=1 direction=diag_back 
player=2 direction=diag_forw 
player=2 direction=horizontal 
player=1 direction=vertical 


1 1 2 1 . . . 
. 0 2 1 1 . . 
. . 2 2 2 1 . 
. . . 1 0 0 1 



伟大的解决方案。为了避免IndexErrors,你需要使用min(n_rows,n_cols),而不是在diag zip函数中使用n_cols。 – Jonathan 2010-07-22 22:04:12


@Jonathan谢谢。其实,我认为它只是需要'n_rows'。 – FMc 2010-07-22 22:34:13





for row in board: 
    rowString = ''.join(row) 
    if(rowString.count('111') > 2 or rowString.count('222') > 2): 
     print "Somebody won" 


for col in xrange(len(board[0])): 
    colString = "" 
    for row in board: 
     colString = colString.append(row[col]) 
    if(colString.count('111') > 2 or colString.count('222') > 2): 
     print "Somebody won" 




board = 

可以将它想象为x和y坐标,从左上角开始,向下运动为正y,向右运动为正x。任何一位球员在board[3][3]的举动将是一个胜利的举措。使用Teodor Pripoae过程,我们可以构建最后一步移动的水平,垂直和对角线。水平的情况很容易。

def horizontal(board, y_coord): 
    return board[y_coord] 


def vertical(board, x_coord): 
    return [row[x_coord] for row in board] 


def diagonal1(board, x_coord, y_coord): 
    length = len(board[0]) 
    distance = x_coord - y_coord 
    if distance >= 0: 
     return [y[x] for x, y in enumerate(board) if distance + x <= length] 
     return [y[x] for x, y in enumerate(board) if x - distance >= 0 and x - distance <= length] 


def diagonal2(board, x_coord, y_coord): 
    length = len(board[0]) 
    distance = y_coord + x_coord 
    return [y[distance - x] for x, y in enumerate(board) if distance - x <= length] 


def game_over(direction, number_to_win, player_number): 
    count = 0 
    for i in direction: 
     if i == player_number: 
      count += 1 
      if count = number_to_win: 
       return True 
      count = 0 
    return False 





# Given a square tic-tac-toe grid of any size, with any number of players, find 
# all sequences (horizontal, vertical, diagonal) of some minimum size. 

def main(): 
    raw_grid = [ 
     [1, 1, 2, 1, 0], # Zero means open spot. 
     [0, 2, 1, 1, 1], 
     [2, 2, 2, 1, 2], 
     [1, 0, 1, 1, 2], 
     [1, 0, 0, 0, 2], 
    for run in get_runs(raw_grid, 3): 
     print run 

def get_runs(raw_grid, run_size): 
    # Offsets to find the previous cell in all four directions. 
    offsets = { 
     'h' : (0, -1), # _ 
     'v' : (-1, 0), # | 
     'f' : (-1, 1), #/
     'b' : (-1, -1), # \ 

    # Helpers to check for valid array bounds and to return a new cell dict. 
    size  = len(raw_grid) 
    in_bounds = lambda r, c: r >= 0 and c >= 0 and r < size and c < size 
    new_cell = lambda i, j, p: dict(h=1, v=1, f=1, b=1, i=i, j=j, player=p) 

    # Use the raw grid to create a grid of cell dicts. 
    grid = [] 
    for i, row in enumerate(raw_grid): 
     for j, player in enumerate(row): 
      # Add a cell dict to the grid (or None for empty spots). 
      cell = new_cell(i, j, player) if player else None 
      if not cell: continue 

      # For each direction, look to the previous cell. If it matches the 
      # current player, we can extend the run in that direction. 
      for d, offset in offsets.iteritems(): 
       r, c = (i + offset[0], j + offset[1]) 
       if in_bounds(r, c): 
        prev = grid[r][c] 
        if prev and prev['player'] == cell['player']: 
         # We have a match, so the run size is one bigger, 
         # and we will track that run in the current cell, 
         # not the previous one. 
         cell[d] = prev[d] + 1 
         prev[d] = None 

    # For all non-None cells, yield run info for any runs that are big enough. 
    for cell in (c for row in grid for c in row if c): 
     for d in offsets: 
      if cell[d] and cell[d] >= run_size: 
       yield dict(
        player = cell['player'], 
        endpoint = (cell['i'], cell['j']), 
        direction = d, 
        run_size = cell[d], 



{'player': 1, 'direction': 'h', 'endpoint': (1, 4), 'run_size': 3} 
{'player': 2, 'direction': 'f', 'endpoint': (2, 0), 'run_size': 3} 
{'player': 2, 'direction': 'h', 'endpoint': (2, 2), 'run_size': 3} 
{'player': 1, 'direction': 'b', 'endpoint': (2, 3), 'run_size': 3} 
{'player': 1, 'direction': 'f', 'endpoint': (3, 2), 'run_size': 3} 
{'player': 1, 'direction': 'v', 'endpoint': (3, 3), 'run_size': 4} 
{'player': 2, 'direction': 'v', 'endpoint': (4, 4), 'run_size': 3}