2011-12-07 105 views



#include <fstream> 
#include "matrix.h" 
#include <list>  // STL container 
using namespace std; 

const int INFIN = 100000; 
const int size = 8; 

double a[] = { 
     0, 0, 5, 0, 0, 2, 3, 0,  //length matrix (#9, page 276) 
     4, 0, 6, 0, 7, 0, 5, 0, 
     0, 3, 0, 9, 2, 6, 0, 7, 
     3, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 7, 6, 
     0, 5, 0, 1, 0, 0, 4, 0, 
     0, 0, 2, 0, 8, 0, 9, 0, 
     1, 2, 3, 0, 0, 6, 0, 0, 
     5, 0, 8, 0, 2, 0, 9, 0 

     // Global declarations for L Matrix and begin and end node 

Matrix L(size,size,a);   //length matrix 
int begin, end; 

void path(long* D, int* P);  //function prototype for shortest path algorithm 

Matrix Warshall(Matrix M); 

void main() 
    int i, u; 
    long D [size+1];   //distance functions 
    int P [size+1];    //prior vertices in path 

    cout << "\nLength Matrix: " << L; 
    cout << "\nPaths that exist:" << Warshall(L); 

    for (i=1; i <= size; i++) { 
     D[i] = INFIN;   //initialize distance functions 
     P[i] = 0; 

cout << "\nFind distance from vertex #"; 
cin >> begin; 
cout << "    to vertex #"; 
cin >> end; 

if (begin == end) exit(1); 
if (begin < 0 || end < 0) exit(1); 
if (begin > size || end > size) exit(1); 


cout << "\nShortest distance from \nvertex #" 
    << begin << " to vertex #" 
    << end << " is " << D[end]; 

// u = end; 
list<int> stack;   // work path backwards 
while (1) { 

    cout << "\nusing path:\n"; 
    cout << "\t" << stack.front(); 
    while (stack.size()) { 
     cout << " -> " << stack.front(); 

void path(long* D, int* P) { 
    int i, u, dist; 
    int U[size+1]; 
    for (i=1; i <= size; i++) 
    U[i] = 0; 
    U[begin] = 1;          // add first vertex; 
    D[begin] = 0; 
    u = begin; 
    do {       // until find end vertex 
     for (i = 1; i <= size; i++) { 
     dist = L.element(u,i);   // distance from u to i 
     if(D[u] + dist < D[i]) { 
      D[i] = D[u] + dist; 
      P[i] = u; 
     dist = 38000;   // reset distance value to large value 
     int min; 
     for(i = 1; i <= size; i++) { 
    if(L.element(u,i) != 0) { 
      if(L.element(u,i) < dist && U[i] != 1) { 
       dist = L.element(u,i); 
       min = i; 
    u = min; 
    U[u] = 1; 
    cout << "Min is " << min << endl; 
    } while (u != end); 

这看起来很像Dijkstra算法,至少现在还不是。你需要为你的BFS排队。你有没有尝试从wikipedia翻译伪码到C++?这个小窍门通常会产生一些重大的奇迹。 – dasblinkenlight


考虑学习如何使用调试器。这是观察代码中出现问题的一种非常有效的方式。 –


if(D[u] + dist < D[i]) { 
      D[i] = D[u] + dist; 
      P[i] = u; 



if(D[u] + dist < D[i] && dist != 0) { 
      D[i] = D[u] + dist; 
      P[i] = u; 
