从Jenkins Job执行PowerBuilder自动编译时,我收到下面提到的错误。Jenkins在执行orca脚本时出错-23错误

D:\Jenkins\jobs\RxProcessing Build\workspace>"C:\Program Files (x86)\Sybase\Shared\PowerBuilder\orcascr125.exe" 
Sybase (R) OrcaScript interpreter version 12.5 
Using ANSI source file C:\SVN_PSV\Trunk\AutoBuild\GetLatest.dat. 
Start Session 
scc get connect properties "C:\SVN_PSV\Trunk\PB125\PfW\xxxx32.pbw" 
    Orca error in 'scc get connect properties'. Result Code -23. 
    Unable to read SCC connect properties for C:\SVN_PSV\Trunk\PB125\PfW\xxxx32.pbw 
    An error occurred reading the Windows registry entry. 
Last Command Failed. 
scc close 
You must successfully issue scc connect before you can call this method. 
End Session 

当在命令提示符下直接执行的下面的命令文件没有给出任何这样的错误。 仅在执行Jenkins Job中的CMD文件时发生错误。


attrib -R "C:\SVN_PSV\Trunk\PB125\*.*" /S /D 
attrib -R "C:\SVN_PSV\Trunk\PB125\PfW\*.*" /S 
attrib -R "C:\SVN_PSV\Trunk\PB125\PFC\*.*" /S 
attrib -R "C:\SVN_PSV\Trunk\PB125\Shared\*.*" /S 
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Sybase\Shared\PowerBuilder\orcascr125.exe"  "C:\SVN_PSV\Trunk\AutoBuild\GetLatest.dat" 
attrib -R "C:\SVN_PSV\Trunk\PB125\*.*" /S /D 
attrib -R "C:\SVN_PSV\Trunk\PB125\PfW\*.*" /S 
attrib -R "C:\SVN_PSV\Trunk\PB125\PFC\*.*" /S 
attrib -R "C:\SVN_PSV\Trunk\PB125\Shared\*.*" /S 
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Sybase\Shared\PowerBuilder\orcascr125.exe" "C:\SVN_PSV\Trunk\AutoBuild\SolBuild.dat" 

奥卡脚本: GetLatest.dat:

start session 
scc get connect properties "C:\SVN_PSV\Trunk\PB125\PfW\xxxx32.pbw" 
scc set connect property provider "PushOk SVNSCC" 
scc set connect property userid "build" 
scc set connect property password "*********" 
scc set connect property logfile  "C:\SVN_PSV\Trunk\AutoBuild\pbscc120.log" 
scc set connect property logappend True 
scc connect 
SCC set connect property localprojpath "C:\SVN_PSV\Trunk\PB125" 
scc set target "C:\SVN_PSV\Trunk\PB125\PfW\xxxx.pbt" "refresh_all" 
;SCC set target "C:\SVN_PSV\Trunk\PB125\PfW\xxxx.pbt" "OUTOFDATE EXCLUDE_CHECKOUT" 
SCC refresh target "full" 
;SCC refresh target incremental 
SCC Close 
end session 


Power Builder的12.5



是否正在运行詹金斯下访问注册表的那部分用户帐户? – Slapout


是的。用户帐户有权访问它。 –



不要与SCC的命令和PushOK打扰。只需在作业配置的源代码管理部分选择Subversion Modules。然后在你的OrcaScript中创建库并导入文件。这是我在PBOrca中使用的,我推荐使用PowerBuilder附带的OrcaScript。

# Imports and migrates the target 
# This script expects that the project and all required resources are present in the WORKSPACE folder 
# Variables 
# these are required in the environment 
# WORKSPACE - full path to the root of the project. Jenkins sets this in a Jenkins build 
# ORCADLL - name of the ORCA dll to use, e.g. pborc125.dll 
# these are loaded from the config section of build.ini 
# TARGETNAME - name of the target to build, e.g. sample.pbt 
session begin %%ORCADLL%% 

profile string %%WORKSPACE%%\build.ini, config, targetname 


echo creating PBLs 
target create lib .\%%TARGETNAME%% 
target set liblist .\%%TARGETNAME%% 

# set default pb application to allow us to import target 
set application , 

echo Importing target %%TARGETNAME%% 
target import .\%%TARGETNAME%%, .\ 

#end orca session and switch to the target we just imported 
echo Finished importing %%TARGETNAME%% 
session end 
session begin %%ORCADLL%% 

# set liblist and application from target 
target set liblist .\%%TARGETNAME%% 
target set app .\%%TARGETNAME%% 

echo Migrating target %%TARGETNAME%% 
build app migrate 

echo Finished Migrating target %%TARGETNAME%% 
session end 

詹金斯的配置是这样的: Jenkins Source Code Management Section

Jenkins Build Triggers Section