2017-04-18 58 views

我正在使用CreateBodyFromBox3为宏特征创建一组物体,并且需要将一组物体放在一个关于z轴的角度。我可以设置挤出矢量,使它与X或Y成一个角度而没有任何问题,但是如果其大约为Z,与挤出检测正常的矢量明显具有Z分量。形状是正确的,所以我知道数组中的所有其他值都是正确的,并且正文创建时没有任何错误。CreateBodyFromBox3 boxAxis矢量问题



Rotated about X dblData(3) = 0 dblData(4) = 0.5 dblData(5) = -0.866

Rotated about Z dblData(3) = 0.5 dblData(4) = -0.866 dblData(5) = 0


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Public Sub CreateBody(bInsert As Boolean) 
Dim swWorkBody As SldWorks.Body2, swToolBody1 As SldWorks.Body2 
Dim swToolBody2 As SldWorks.Body2 
Dim swTempBody_1 As SldWorks.Body2, swTempBody_2 As SldWorks.Body2 
Dim swModeler As SldWorks.Modeler 
Dim swFaultEnt As SldWorks.FaultEntity 
Dim swTransform As SldWorks.MathTransform 
Dim swMathUtil As SldWorks.MathUtility, vTransform As Variant 
Dim swMoveBody As SldWorks.MoveCopyBodyFeatureData 

Dim dblData(8) As Double 
Dim vBody As Variant 
Dim lngErr As Long 
Dim Y As Double, theta As Double, pi As Double 
Dim bRet As Boolean 
Dim bReRet As Boolean 

On Error GoTo errH 
If bInsert = True Then GetMetric 
pi = 4 * Atn(1) 
theta = Atn(mRoofSlope/(12 * m)) ' * (pi/180) 
Y = (mWidth - (2 * (mExtWallDepth + mIntWallDepth))) * Tan(theta) 

Set swApp = Application.SldWorks 
Set swModel = swApp.ActiveDoc 
Set swModeler = swApp.GetModeler 
Set swMathUtil = swApp.GetMathUtility 

dblData(0) = 0 'X Center 
dblData(1) = 0 'Y Center 
dblData(2) = 0 'Z Center 
dblData(3) = 0 'X Direction Vector 
dblData(4) = 1 'Y Direction Vector 
dblData(5) = 0 'Z Direction Vector 
dblData(8) = mHight + Y 'Hight of Extrution along Y 

'Hollow Out Ext Walls 
    'Make Tool Body 
     dblData(6) = mWidth - (2 * (mExtWallDepth + mIntWallDepth)) 'Width of Extrution along X 
     dblData(7) = mLength - (2 * (mExtWallDepth + mIntWallDepth)) 'Length of Extrution along Z 

     Set swToolBody1 = swModeler.CreateBodyFromBox3(dblData) 
     Set swFaultEnt = swToolBody1.Check3 
     ProcessFaultEntity swApp, swModel, swFaultEnt 

    'Make Work Pice Body 
     dblData(6) = mWidth 'Width of Extrution along X 
     dblData(7) = mLength 'Length of Extrution along Z 

     Set swWorkBody = swModeler.CreateBodyFromBox3(dblData) 
     Set swFaultEnt = swWorkBody.Check3 
     ProcessFaultEntity swApp, swModel, swFaultEnt 

     vBody = swWorkBody.Operations2(SWBODYCUT, swToolBody1, lngErr) 
     Set swTempBody_1 = vBody(0) 

'Create Low Side Walls 
    'Make Tool Body 
     dblData(0) = (mWidth/2) - ((mExtWallDepth + mIntWallDepth)/2) 'X Center 
     dblData(1) = dblData(8) - Y           'Y Center 
     dblData(6) = mExtWallDepth + mIntWallDepth       'Width of Extrution along X 
     dblData(8) = Y              'Hight of Extrution along Y 

     Set swToolBody1 = swModeler.CreateBodyFromBox3(dblData) 
     Set swFaultEnt = swToolBody1.Check3 
     ProcessFaultEntity swApp, swModel, swFaultEnt 

     vBody = swTempBody_1.Operations2(SWBODYCUT, swToolBody1, lngErr) 
     Set swTempBody_2 = vBody(0) 

    'Create B&D Wall Slop 
     dblData(0) = 0 'X Center 
     dblData(1) = 0 'Y Center 
     dblData(2) = 0 'Z Center 
    '=============== This is were I was trying to use the vector method ========== 
    '=============== I was just using 30 degrees so i could see it =============== 
     dblData(3) = 0.5 
     dblData(4) = -0.866 
     dblData(5) = 0 
     dblData(6) = mWidth - 2 * (mExtWallDepth + mIntWallDepth) + (Y * Tan(theta))/2 'Width of Extrution along X 
     dblData(7) = mLength  'Length of Extrution along Z 

     Set swToolBody2 = swModeler.CreateBodyFromBox3(dblData) 
     Set swFaultEnt = swToolBody2.Check3 
     ProcessFaultEntity swApp, swModel, swFaultEnt 

    '======================== This is the fix ======================== 
     bRet = swToolBody2.GetCoincidenceTransform2(swToolBody2, swTransform) 
     vTransform = swTransform.ArrayData 

     vTransform(0) = Cos(theta) 
     vTransform(1) = -Sin(theta) 
     vTransform(2) = 0 
     vTransform(3) = Sin(theta) 
     vTransform(4) = Cos(theta) 
     vTransform(5) = 0 
     vTransform(6) = 0 
     vTransform(7) = 0 
     vTransform(8) = 1 
     vTransform(9) = 0 
     vTransform(10) = (mHight + Y/2) 
     vTransform(11) = 0 

     swTransform.ArrayData = vTransform 
     vTransform = swTransform.ArrayData 
     bReRet = swToolBody2.ApplyTransform(swTransform) 
     vBody = swTempBody_2.Operations2(SWBODYCUT, swToolBody2, lngErr) 
'Set to Macro Body 
Set swHouseBody = vBody(0) 'Set to Final Body 

If STATE <> 0 Then swHouseBody.Display3 swModel, 255, 0 

Exit Sub 
Debug.Print "lngErr: " & lngErr 
Debug.Print "Err Number: " & Err.Number 
Debug.Print "Err Description: " & Err.Description 
Set swFaultEnt = Nothing 
Set swWorkBody_1 = Nothing 
Set swWorkBody_2 = Nothing 
Set swToolBody1 = Nothing 
Set swToolBody2 = Nothing 
Set swHouseBody = Nothing 
End Sub 

Private Sub ProcessFaultEntity(swApp As SldWorks.SldWorks, swModel As    SldWorks.ModelDoc2, swFaultEnt As SldWorks.FaultEntity) 
Dim nCount As Long 
Dim swEnt As SldWorks.Entity 
Dim bRet As Boolean 
Dim i As Long 
nCount = swFaultEnt.Count: If 0 = nCount Then Exit Sub 'Else print the error code for each fault 
For i = 0 To nCount - 1 
    Set swEnt = swFaultEnt.Entity(i) 
    If Not swEnt Is Nothing Then 
     bRet = swEnt.Select4(True, Nothing): Debug.Assert bRet 
    End If 
    Debug.Print " Fault[" & i & "] = " & swFaultEnt.ErrorCode(i) 
Next i 
End Sub