2011-07-08 43 views

我想在我的项目中使用android NDK。所以我的问题是,如何整合并执行Android NDK的hello-jni的默认示例项目?请给我提供一步一步的解决方案...我对此一无所知......为使用Android NDK提供帮助


我已经在这里编写了一步一步的教程。 http://www.permadi.com/blog/2011/09/setting-up-android-jni-projects-in-windows-eclipse-and-sequoyah/希望它有帮助。 – 2011-09-14 07:02:53


http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1541884/android-jni-guidelines/10316693#10316693 这个链接显示了一步一步的过程来创建/构建和使用android ndk。 – Raulp


1. First Create Android Project 
2. Then Create Folder in the Project with name jni (Dont use other name) 

3.  Create File With the Android.mk (Rightclick on the jni folder ->New -> File -                     >Android.mk) 
// Coding To Build Path and Access 
LOCAL_PATH :=$(call my-dir)   // This is Common 
include $(CLEAR_VARS)    // This is common`enter code here` 
LOCAL_MODULE := myCFile // myCFile is ur own Name of the module 
       that will be called in Activity) 
LOCAL_SRC_FILES := my.c // Our C File What should be given in C 
                      file creation 


4. Create C File like above With ur own name with the extension .c (This file will be 
                  used in LOCAL_SRC_FILES) 
        C File Will Look Like this: 
Note : 
// Your Package name com.JniMyDemo Then Your Activity File and then the Function name for c file 
So that I used jint(return value) 
(Java) its must 
(com_JniDemo) is Specified in Package name(com.JniDemo) we couldnt use . for package so 
we put underscore for c file) 
(JniMyDemoActivity) Is my class 

First two arguement is Important one others are our own variable for function // 

Include two header file string.h,jni.h 

#include "string.h" 
#include "jni.h" 

jint Java_com_JniMyDemo_JniMyDemoActivity_add(JNIEnv *env,jobject jobj,jint n1,jint n2) 
jint a,b,c; 
return (a+b); 

5. Then Call the The C File Like this 

// Activity Look like this 

public class JniMyDemoActivity extends Activity { 
    /** Called when the activity is first created. */ 
    public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { 
     TextView txt =new TextView(this); 
     txt.setText(" "+add(100,100)); 

    private native int add(int i,int j,int k); 

6.  Then Compile the C File by 
    Starting Terminal (cmd prompt) Type the Project Path like (cd Project Path) and Enter 
    Then type the   (Ndk Location/ndk-build) it will automatically compile & ur jni    folder 
7. If it success means Start the Actvity it will show the Result of Addition 

了解它是记住事情的艰难方法。您从developers.android.com下载的Andaroid NDK内部,您将拥有docs文件夹,您将在其中拥有不同的文档,这些文档将清楚地告诉您应该如何以及何时使用NDK。尤其是完全通过 OVERVIEW.HTML。 http://developer.android.com/sdk/ndk/index.html


如果你感到困惑什么是本地代码 - >它是你想用于Android应用程序的C或C++或汇编代码。这被称为本地代码,因为它不是用java语言编写的。



我是NDK的新手,已经多次阅读了OVERVIEW.HTML,并且有更好的教程。阅读并不会造成伤害,但遗漏了很多细节,主要是建立它(这是他想要做的)。 – JuiCe