2014-01-12 49 views


byte[] fileContent =new byte[(int)uploadedFile.length()]; 
FileInputStream fin=new FileInputStream(uploadedFile); 

现在我使用加密AES加密与用户密码提供该字节数组。我正在使用this library加密。加密后,我将这个字节数组保存到休眠数据库中。我在我的Files实体类中有这个文件。

@Column(name = "filedata", columnDefinition = "LONGBLOB") 
private byte[] fileData; 




    Files f=(Files) cr.add(Restrictions.eq("fid", fid)).uniqueResult(); 




import java.io.BufferedInputStream; 
import java.io.BufferedOutputStream; 
import java.io.File; 
import java.io.FileInputStream; 
import java.io.FileOutputStream; 
import java.io.IOException; 
import java.io.InputStream; 
import java.io.OutputStream; 
import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException; 
import java.net.NetworkInterface; 
import java.security.GeneralSecurityException; 
import java.security.InvalidKeyException; 
import java.security.MessageDigest; 
import java.security.SecureRandom; 
import java.util.Arrays; 
import java.util.Enumeration; 

import javax.crypto.Cipher; 
import javax.crypto.Mac; 
import javax.crypto.spec.IvParameterSpec; 
import javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec; 
import org.springframework.stereotype.Repository; 

* This class provides methods to encrypt and decrypt files using 
* <a href="http://www.aescrypt.com/aes_file_format.html">aescrypt file format</a>, 
* version 1 or 2. 
* <p> 
* Requires Java 6 and <a href="http://java.sun.com/javase/downloads/index.jsp">Java 
* Cryptography Extension (JCE) Unlimited Strength Jurisdiction Policy Files</a>. 
* <p> 
* Thread-safety and sharing: this class is not thread-safe.<br> 
* <tt>AESCrypt</tt> objects can be used as Commands (create, use once and dispose), 
* or reused to perform multiple operations (not concurrently though). 

public final class AESCrypt { 
    private static final String JCE_EXCEPTION_MESSAGE = "Please make sure " 
     + "\"Java Cryptography Extension (JCE) Unlimited Strength Jurisdiction Policy Files\" " 
     + "(http://java.sun.com/javase/downloads/index.jsp) is installed on your JRE."; 
    private static final String RANDOM_ALG = "SHA1PRNG"; 
    private static final String DIGEST_ALG = "SHA-256"; 
    private static final String HMAC_ALG = "HmacSHA256"; 
    private static final String CRYPT_ALG = "AES"; 
    private static final String CRYPT_TRANS = "AES/CBC/NoPadding"; 
    private static final byte[] DEFAULT_MAC = 
     {0x01, 0x23, 0x45, 0x67, (byte) 0x89, (byte) 0xab, (byte) 0xcd, (byte) 0xef}; 
    private static final int KEY_SIZE = 32; 
    private static final int BLOCK_SIZE = 16; 
    private static final int SHA_SIZE = 32; 

    private final boolean DEBUG; 
    private byte[] password; 
    private Cipher cipher; 
    private Mac hmac; 
    private SecureRandom random; 
    private MessageDigest digest; 
    private IvParameterSpec ivSpec1; 
    private SecretKeySpec aesKey1; 
    private IvParameterSpec ivSpec2; 
    private SecretKeySpec aesKey2; 


    * Prints a debug message on standard output if DEBUG mode is turned on. 
    * @param message 
    protected void debug(String message) { 
     if (DEBUG) { 
      System.out.println("[DEBUG] " + message); 

    * Prints a debug message on standard output if DEBUG mode is turned on. 
    * @param message 
    * @param bytes 
    protected void debug(String message, byte[] bytes) { 
     if (DEBUG) { 
      StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder("[DEBUG] "); 
      for (int i = 0; i < bytes.length; i++) { 
       buffer.append(i < bytes.length - 1 ? ", " : "]"); 

    * Generates a pseudo-random byte array. 
    * @param len 
    * @return pseudo-random byte array of <tt>len</tt> bytes. 
    protected byte[] generateRandomBytes(int len) { 
     byte[] bytes = new byte[len]; 
     return bytes; 

    * SHA256 digest over given byte array and random bytes.<br> 
    * <tt>bytes.length</tt> * <tt>num</tt> random bytes are added to the digest. 
    * <p> 
    * The generated hash is saved back to the original byte array.<br> 
    * Maximum array size is {@link #SHA_SIZE} bytes. 
    * @param bytes 
    * @param num 
    protected void digestRandomBytes(byte[] bytes, int num) { 
     assert bytes.length <= SHA_SIZE; 

     for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { 
     System.arraycopy(digest.digest(), 0, bytes, 0, bytes.length); 

    * Generates a pseudo-random IV based on time and this computer's MAC. 
    * <p> 
    * This IV is used to crypt IV 2 and AES key 2 in the file. 
    * @return IV. 
    protected byte[] generateIv1() { 
     byte[] iv = new byte[BLOCK_SIZE]; 
     long time = System.currentTimeMillis(); 
     byte[] mac = null; 
     try { 
      Enumeration<NetworkInterface> ifaces = NetworkInterface.getNetworkInterfaces(); 
      while (mac == null && ifaces.hasMoreElements()) { 
       mac = ifaces.nextElement().getHardwareAddress(); 
     } catch (Exception e) { 
      // Ignore. 
     if (mac == null) { 
      mac = DEFAULT_MAC; 

     for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { 
      iv[i] = (byte) (time >> (i * 8)); 
     System.arraycopy(mac, 0, iv, 8, mac.length); 
     digestRandomBytes(iv, 256); 
     return iv; 

    * Generates an AES key starting with an IV and applying the supplied user password. 
    * <p> 
    * This AES key is used to crypt IV 2 and AES key 2. 
    * @param iv 
    * @param password 
    * @return AES key of {@link #KEY_SIZE} bytes. 
    protected byte[] generateAESKey1(byte[] iv, byte[] password) { 
     byte[] aesKey = new byte[KEY_SIZE]; 
     System.arraycopy(iv, 0, aesKey, 0, iv.length); 
     for (int i = 0; i < 8192; i++) { 
      aesKey = digest.digest(); 
     return aesKey; 

    * Generates the random IV used to crypt file contents. 
    * @return IV 2. 
    protected byte[] generateIV2() { 
     byte[] iv = generateRandomBytes(BLOCK_SIZE); 
     digestRandomBytes(iv, 256); 
     return iv; 

    * Generates the random AES key used to crypt file contents. 
    * @return AES key of {@link #KEY_SIZE} bytes. 
    protected byte[] generateAESKey2() { 
     byte[] aesKey = generateRandomBytes(KEY_SIZE); 
     digestRandomBytes(aesKey, 32); 
     return aesKey; 

    * Utility method to read bytes from a stream until the given array is fully filled. 
    * @param in 
    * @param bytes 
    * @throws IOException if the array can't be filled. 
    protected void readBytes(InputStream in, byte[] bytes) throws IOException { 
     if (in.read(bytes) != bytes.length) { 
      throw new IOException("Unexpected end of file"); 


    * Builds an object to encrypt or decrypt files with the given password. 
    * @param password 
    * @throws GeneralSecurityException if the platform does not support the required cryptographic methods. 
    * @throws UnsupportedEncodingException if UTF-16 encoding is not supported. 
    public AESCrypt(String password) throws GeneralSecurityException, UnsupportedEncodingException { 
     this(false, password); 

    * Builds an object to encrypt or decrypt files with the given password. 
    * @param debug 
    * @param password 
    * @throws GeneralSecurityException if the platform does not support the required cryptographic methods. 
    * @throws UnsupportedEncodingException if UTF-16 encoding is not supported. 
    public AESCrypt(boolean debug, String password) throws GeneralSecurityException, UnsupportedEncodingException { 
     try { 
      DEBUG = debug; 
      random = SecureRandom.getInstance(RANDOM_ALG); 
      digest = MessageDigest.getInstance(DIGEST_ALG); 
      cipher = Cipher.getInstance(CRYPT_TRANS); 
      hmac = Mac.getInstance(HMAC_ALG); 
     } catch (GeneralSecurityException e) { 
      throw new GeneralSecurityException(JCE_EXCEPTION_MESSAGE, e); 

    * Changes the password this object uses to encrypt and decrypt. 
    * @param password 
    * @throws UnsupportedEncodingException if UTF-16 encoding is not supported. 
    public void setPassword(String password) throws UnsupportedEncodingException { 
     this.password = password.getBytes("UTF-16LE"); 
     debug("Using password: ", this.password); 

    * The file at <tt>fromPath</tt> is encrypted and saved at <tt>toPath</tt> location. 
    * <p> 
    * <tt>version</tt> can be either 1 or 2. 
    * @param version 
    * @param fromPath 
    * @param toPath 
    * @throws IOException when there are I/O errors. 
    * @throws GeneralSecurityException if the platform does not support the required cryptographic methods. 
    public void encrypt(int version, String fromPath, String toPath) 
    throws IOException, GeneralSecurityException { 
     InputStream in = null; 
     OutputStream out = null; 
     try { 
      in = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(fromPath)); 
      debug("Opened for reading: " + fromPath); 
      out = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(toPath)); 
      debug("Opened for writing: " + toPath); 

      encrypt(version, in, out); 
     } finally { 
      if (in != null) { 
      if (out != null) { 

    * The input stream is encrypted and saved to the output stream. 
    * <p> 
    * <tt>version</tt> can be either 1 or 2.<br> 
    * None of the streams are closed. 
    * @param version 
    * @param in 
    * @param out 
    * @throws IOException when there are I/O errors. 
    * @throws GeneralSecurityException if the platform does not support the required cryptographic methods. 
    public void encrypt(int version, InputStream in, OutputStream out) 
    throws IOException, GeneralSecurityException { 
     try { 
      byte[] text = null; 

      ivSpec1 = new IvParameterSpec(generateIv1()); 
      aesKey1 = new SecretKeySpec(generateAESKey1(ivSpec1.getIV(), password), CRYPT_ALG); 
      ivSpec2 = new IvParameterSpec(generateIV2()); 
      aesKey2 = new SecretKeySpec(generateAESKey2(), CRYPT_ALG); 
      debug("IV1: ", ivSpec1.getIV()); 
      debug("AES1: ", aesKey1.getEncoded()); 
      debug("IV2: ", ivSpec2.getIV()); 
      debug("AES2: ", aesKey2.getEncoded()); 

      out.write("AES".getBytes("UTF-8")); // Heading. 
      out.write(version); // Version. 
      out.write(0); // Reserved. 
      if (version == 2) { // No extensions. 
      out.write(ivSpec1.getIV()); // Initialization Vector. 

      text = new byte[BLOCK_SIZE + KEY_SIZE]; 
      cipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, aesKey1, ivSpec1); 
      cipher.update(ivSpec2.getIV(), 0, BLOCK_SIZE, text); 
      cipher.doFinal(aesKey2.getEncoded(), 0, KEY_SIZE, text, BLOCK_SIZE); 
      out.write(text); // Crypted IV and key. 
      debug("IV2 + AES2 ciphertext: ", text); 

      hmac.init(new SecretKeySpec(aesKey1.getEncoded(), HMAC_ALG)); 
      text = hmac.doFinal(text); 
      out.write(text); // HMAC from previous cyphertext. 
      debug("HMAC1: ", text); 

      cipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, aesKey2, ivSpec2); 
      hmac.init(new SecretKeySpec(aesKey2.getEncoded(), HMAC_ALG)); 
      text = new byte[BLOCK_SIZE]; 
      int len, last = 0; 
      while ((len = in.read(text)) > 0) { 
       cipher.update(text, 0, BLOCK_SIZE, text); 
       out.write(text); // Crypted file data block. 
       last = len; 
      last &= 0x0f; 
      out.write(last); // Last block size mod 16. 
      debug("Last block size mod 16: " + last); 

      text = hmac.doFinal(); 
      out.write(text); // HMAC from previous cyphertext. 
      debug("HMAC2: ", text); 
     } catch (InvalidKeyException e) { 
      throw new GeneralSecurityException(JCE_EXCEPTION_MESSAGE, e); 

    * The file at <tt>fromPath</tt> is decrypted and saved at <tt>toPath</tt> location. 
    * <p> 
    * The input file can be encrypted using version 1 or 2 of aescrypt.<br> 
    * @param fromPath 
    * @param toPath 
    * @throws IOException when there are I/O errors. 
    * @throws GeneralSecurityException if the platform does not support the required cryptographic methods. 
    public void decrypt(String fromPath, String toPath) 
    throws IOException, GeneralSecurityException { 
     InputStream in = null; 
     OutputStream out = null; 
     try { 
      in = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(fromPath)); 
      debug("Opened for reading: " + fromPath); 
      out = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(toPath)); 
      debug("Opened for writing: " + toPath); 

      decrypt(new File(fromPath).length(), in, out); 
     } finally { 
      if (in != null) { 
      if (out != null) { 

    * The input stream is decrypted and saved to the output stream. 
    * <p> 
    * The input file size is needed in advance.<br> 
    * The input stream can be encrypted using version 1 or 2 of aescrypt.<br> 
    * None of the streams are closed. 
    * @param inSize 
    * @param in 
    * @param out 
    * @throws IOException when there are I/O errors. 
    * @throws GeneralSecurityException if the platform does not support the required cryptographic methods. 
    public void decrypt(long inSize, InputStream in, OutputStream out) 
    throws IOException, GeneralSecurityException { 
     try { 
      byte[] text = null, backup = null; 
      long total = 3 + 1 + 1 + BLOCK_SIZE + BLOCK_SIZE + KEY_SIZE + SHA_SIZE + 1 + SHA_SIZE; 
      int version; 

      text = new byte[3]; 
      readBytes(in, text); // Heading. 
      if (!new String(text, "UTF-8").equals("AES")) { 
       throw new IOException("Invalid file header"); 

      version = in.read(); // Version. 
      if (version < 1 || version > 2) { 
       throw new IOException("Unsupported version number: " + version); 
      debug("Version: " + version); 

      in.read(); // Reserved. 

      if (version == 2) { // Extensions. 
       text = new byte[2]; 
       int len; 
       do { 
        readBytes(in, text); 
        len = ((0xff & (int) text[0]) << 8) | (0xff & (int) text[1]); 
        if (in.skip(len) != len) { 
         throw new IOException("Unexpected end of extension"); 
        total += 2 + len; 
        debug("Skipped extension sized: " + len); 
       } while (len != 0); 

      text = new byte[BLOCK_SIZE]; 
      readBytes(in, text); // Initialization Vector. 
      ivSpec1 = new IvParameterSpec(text); 
      aesKey1 = new SecretKeySpec(generateAESKey1(ivSpec1.getIV(), password), CRYPT_ALG); 
      debug("IV1: ", ivSpec1.getIV()); 
      debug("AES1: ", aesKey1.getEncoded()); 

      cipher.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, aesKey1, ivSpec1); 
      backup = new byte[BLOCK_SIZE + KEY_SIZE]; 
      readBytes(in, backup); // IV and key to decrypt file contents. 
      debug("IV2 + AES2 ciphertext: ", backup); 
      text = cipher.doFinal(backup); 
      ivSpec2 = new IvParameterSpec(text, 0, BLOCK_SIZE); 
      aesKey2 = new SecretKeySpec(text, BLOCK_SIZE, KEY_SIZE, CRYPT_ALG); 
      debug("IV2: ", ivSpec2.getIV()); 
      debug("AES2: ", aesKey2.getEncoded()); 

      hmac.init(new SecretKeySpec(aesKey1.getEncoded(), HMAC_ALG)); 
      backup = hmac.doFinal(backup); 
      text = new byte[SHA_SIZE]; 
      readBytes(in, text); // HMAC and authenticity test. 
      if (!Arrays.equals(backup, text)) { 
       throw new IOException("Message has been altered or password incorrect"); 
      debug("HMAC1: ", text); 

      total = inSize - total; // Payload size. 
      if (total % BLOCK_SIZE != 0) { 
       throw new IOException("Input file is corrupt"); 
      if (total == 0) { // Hack: empty files won't enter block-processing for-loop below. 
       in.read(); // Skip last block size mod 16. 
      debug("Payload size: " + total); 

      cipher.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, aesKey2, ivSpec2); 
      hmac.init(new SecretKeySpec(aesKey2.getEncoded(), HMAC_ALG)); 
      backup = new byte[BLOCK_SIZE]; 
      text = new byte[BLOCK_SIZE]; 
      for (int block = (int) (total/BLOCK_SIZE); block > 0; block--) { 
       int len = BLOCK_SIZE; 
       if (in.read(backup, 0, len) != len) { // Cyphertext block. 
        throw new IOException("Unexpected end of file contents"); 
       cipher.update(backup, 0, len, text); 
       hmac.update(backup, 0, len); 
       if (block == 1) { 
        int last = in.read(); // Last block size mod 16. 
        debug("Last block size mod 16: " + last); 
        len = (last > 0 ? last : BLOCK_SIZE); 
       out.write(text, 0, len); 

      backup = hmac.doFinal(); 
      text = new byte[SHA_SIZE]; 
      readBytes(in, text); // HMAC and authenticity test. 
      if (!Arrays.equals(backup, text)) { 
       throw new IOException("Message has been altered or password incorrect"); 
      debug("HMAC2: ", text); 
     } catch (InvalidKeyException e) { 
      throw new GeneralSecurityException(JCE_EXCEPTION_MESSAGE, e); 


我的猜测是我们需要看你的加密/解密代码。 –


@AndrewBarber http://pastebin.com/kpj0nNVq我正在使用输入流方法 – user123


在您的问题中发布相关代码,而不是在pastebin中。并修复您的IO:InputStream.read()不一定读取您要求它读取的所有内容。另外,您应该使用session.get()通过ID获取实体,并使用条件查询来检查实体。 –





显然我是通过inSize参数作为文件大小,但加密后文件大小增加了大约134个字节。所以模数不会为零。我检查了原始的,加密的,传递给hibernate的数据以及hibernate返回的数据没有单点冲突。当我使用在保存到数据库时传递的get or criteria来检索它时,hibernate会返回相同的字节数据。 希望这可以帮助那些尝试使用AES加密和解密以及休眠的人。