2016-04-24 114 views


open System 

let main argv = 
printfn "%A" argv 

let Add x y = x + y 
let Sub x y = x - y 
let Div x y = x * y 
let Mul x y = x/y 

printfn "1 > Calculator \n2 > Load from txt file" 

let chosenIn = Console.ReadLine(); 

//This is where I need to do the operation and after call the sum function 
//again until there's only one element left in the number array 
let rec sum num (numArray : int[]) sym (symArray : string[])() = 

let rec calc() = 
    printfn "Enter Sum" 
    let input = Console.ReadLine() 
    let intInput = input.Split() 
    let numArray = [|for num in intInput do 
         let v , vp = System.Int32.TryParse(num) 
         if v then yield vp|] 

    let symbolArray = [|for symbol in intInput do 
         match symbol with 
         | "+" -> yield symbol 
         | "-" -> yield symbol 
         | "/" -> yield symbol 
         | "*" -> yield symbol 
         | _ -> ignore 0|] 


match chosenIn with 
| "1" -> calc() 
| "2" -> printfn "File" 
| _ -> printfn "Invalid" 

0 // return an integer exit code 

问题不明确,少数代码片段对澄清问题的可能性很少有帮助。当前代码接受“1 2 3 4”作为输入,就像接受“+ - /”或“1 2/+ 3 * *”一样。请澄清这些情况下的预期行为。 –


其中一个主要问题是对于''',''和'*'签名是'int - > int - > int',但对于'/'它可以是'int - > int - > int ''或'int - > int - > float'这就是为什么如果你看看某些例子,你会看到'/'的答案。此外,输入应与操作符和操作数结合成一个堆栈,以便可以使用[反向波兰表示法](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reverse_Polish_notation)。 –


我希望用户输入简单的总和,如“4 + 2”,应用程序将字符串解析为输入字符串数组,然后将输入字符串数组解析为两个数组,一个用于数字,一个用于符号如 numArray = [| 4; 2; |] symArray = [| “+” |]。 然后调用以这两个数组为参数的sum函数。 该函数将查看符号数组中的第一个符号,并根据该符号确定在num数组中的前两个元素上使用哪个运算符。并用新的计算出的数字返回一个新的数组数组。 –





let newNumArray = Array.append [| result |] numArray.[2..] 


let rec sum2 (numArray : int list) (symArray : string list) = 
    let newNum, newSym = 
     match numArray with 
     | [] -> failwith "No numbers left to process" 
     | arg1 :: [] -> failwith "There's only one number left to process" 
     | arg1 :: arg2 :: args -> 
      match symArray with 
      | op1 :: ops -> 
       let result = 
        match op1 with 
        | "+" -> Add arg1 arg2 
        | "-" -> Sub arg1 arg2 
        | "*" -> Mul arg1 arg2 
        | _ -> failwithf "Operator not recognized: '%s'" op1 
       // Return the result, concatenate the non-processed 
       // numbers. Return the non-processed operators 
       result :: args, ops 
      | _ -> failwith "I've run out of operators?" 


如果您使用列表(F#名单,这是),你可以直接通过head访问在索引1 ..元素:let newSymArray = symArray.Head或使用List.head


|> Seq.iter (printfn "%i") 


let rec sum (numArray : int[]) (symArray : string[]) = 
    let result = match symArray.[0] with 
       | "+" -> Add numArray.[0] numArray.[1] 
       | "-" -> Sub numArray.[0] numArray.[1] 
       | "*" -> Mul numArray.[0] numArray.[1] 
       | _ -> 0 

    let newNumArray = [| 
         for i = 0 to numArray.Length - 1 do 
          if i = 0 then yield result 
          if i > 1 then yield numArray.[i]|] 

    let newSymArray = [| 
         for i = 0 to symArray.Length - 1 do 
          if i > 0 then yield symArray.[i]|] 

    if newNumArray.Length > 1 then 
     sum newNumArray newSymArray 
     for i = 0 to newNumArray.Length - 1 do 
      printfn "%i" (newNumArray.[i]) 

您的解决方案仍未充分利用F#,我在下面添加了一个备选答案和评论。 –
