2009-12-27 40 views


//This will output the movie id, new rating, new votes, and a message. 
echo "<result id='".$id."' rating='".$rating."' votes='".$votes."'>Vote cast and saved.</result>n"; 



if(mysql_num_rows(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `voters` WHERE `id`='".$id."' && `ip`='".$ip."'")) == 0) { 
    //This will insert the information about the user, so they can't vote for the same movie again. 
    mysql_query("INSERT INTO `voters`(`id`, `ip`) VALUES('".$id."', '".$ip."')"); 
    //This will add one more vote and add the rating to the total rating. 
    mysql_query("UPDATE `movies` SET `votes`=votes+1, `rating`=rating+".$vote_cast." WHERE `id`='".$id."'") or die(mysql_error()); 

    //This will retrieve the newly updated data about the movie. 
    $data = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `movies` WHERE `id`='".$id."'")); 
    //This will get the average rating and round it to one decimal place. 
    $rating = round($data['rating']/$data['votes'], 1); 
    $votes = $data['votes']; 

    //This will change the output type to XML, instead of HTML. 
    header('Content-Type: text/xml'); 
    header('Pragma: no-cache'); 
    //Required header in valid XML files 
    echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>'."n"; 
    //This will output the movie id, new rating, new votes, and a message. 
    echo "<result id='".$id."' rating='".$rating."' votes='".$votes."'>Vote cast and saved.</result>n"; 
    ////This will change the output type to XML, instead of HTML. 
    header('Content-Type: text/xml'); 
    header('Pragma: no-cache'); 
    ////Required header in valid XML files 
    echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>'."n"; 
    //This message will be shown if they have already voted, 
    echo "<result id='".$id."' rating='-1' votes='-1'>You have already voted.</result>n"; 



function statechange_rate() { 
    if (http.readyState == 4) { 
     var xmlObj = http.responseXML; 
     var html = xmlObj.getElementsByTagName('result').item(0).firstChild.data; 
     var id = xmlObj.getElementsByTagName('result').item(0).getAttribute("id"); 
     var votes = xmlObj.getElementsByTagName('result').item(0).getAttribute("votes"); 
     var rating = xmlObj.getElementsByTagName('result').item(0).getAttribute("rating"); 
     //Before, you may have noticed we set votes="-1" if they had already voted, this was just to provide an easy way to check the return of our script. 
     if(votes != -1) { 
      //This will inform the user about the vote they have cast. 
      document.getElementsByName('output_' + id).item(0).innerHTML = "<br />" + html; 
      //This will set a delay to make that message go away in 5000 miliseconds (5 seconds). 
      window.setTimeout("document.getElementsByName('output_" + id + "').item(0).innerHTML = '';", 5000); 
      //This will update the rating on the page to the new one. 
      document.getElementsByName('rating_' + id).item(0).innerHTML = rating; 
      document.getElementsByName('votes_' + id).item(0).innerHTML = votes; 
      document.getElementsByName('output_' + id).item(0).innerHTML = "<br />" + html; 
      window.setTimeout("document.getElementsByName('output_" + id + "').item(0).innerHTML = '';", 5000); 

@mAdCoDeR您的PHP似乎正在发送XML,但问题可能在于您的JavaScript ajax调用PHP页面。你可以请张贴代码吗? (一定要提及,如果你使用的东西像jQuery或原型) – 2009-12-27 05:12:18




var html = xmlObj.getElementsByTagName('result').item(0).firstChild.textContent; 

然而,只是为了测试一切工作正常(如果没有解决问题) ,做这样的事情:

var html = "Sample content"; 



jQuery使某些事情变得非常简单,例如你的ajax调用看起来像这样(而不是new XMLHTTPRequest和其他代码行)。该idvote是任意的,并会在PHP中引用作为$_POST['id']$_POST['vote']

$.post('/path/to/file.php', {id: "1", vote:5 }, function(data){ 
    // Runs when ajax call successfully returns. data is the xml 
}, "xml"); 


$("#output_" + id).html("<br />" + html); // Select by id 



从我的理解是不是几乎在所有方面AJAX更好,并与PHP更好可能是错误的? 我会尝试你的答案并回传结果。 – mAdCoDeR 2009-12-27 05:37:21


@mAdCoDeR(你的名字很难打字;)我并不真正理解你的评论,但我所说的只是使用jQuery(一个JavaScript库)可以真正清理你的代码并使其更容易维护。 – 2009-12-27 05:40:01


好的,您的回答给了我与其他解决方案之前相同的结果吗?我的意思是说我认为AJAX更好,但我会研究JQuery。附:剪切和粘贴总是有用的:) – mAdCoDeR 2009-12-27 05:44:12