2014-09-01 45 views

Javascript在执行此代码时返回对象对象错误。由于我是JavaScript新手,我无法识别具体问题。用户故事的名称也未正确对齐Userstory id.Looking for help.Thanks in advance。Java脚本数组反向对象对象错误

<!DOCTYPE html> 

    <script type="text/javascript" src="https://rally1.rallydev.com/apps/2.0p5/sdk.js"></script> 

    <script type="text/javascript"> 
     Rally.onReady(function() { 
      Ext.define('CustomApp', { 
       extend: 'Rally.app.App', 
       componentCls: 'app', 

       launch: function() { 
        Ext.create('Rally.data.WsapiDataStore', { 
         model: 'UserStory', 
         filters: [ 
          property: 'Iteration.Name', 
          operator: '=', 
          value: 'RT4 Iteration #4' 
         autoLoad: true, 

         listeners: { 
          load: this._onDataLoaded, 
          scope: this 

       _onDataLoaded: function(store, data) { 
        var records = []; 
        Ext.Array.each(data, function(record) { 
         //Perform custom actions with the data here 
         //Calculations, etc. 

         var myPredecessors = record.get('Predecessors'); 

         var predecessorData = ""; 
         var predecessorCreationDate = ""; 
         var predecessorState = ""; 
         var predecessorProject = ""; 
         var predecessorID = ""; 
         var predecessorName = ""; 

         // Loop through and process Predecessor data 
         for (var i=0; i<myPredecessors.length; i++) { 
          thisPredecessor = myPredecessors[i]; 
          thisPredecessorFormattedID = thisPredecessor["FormattedID"]; 
          thisPredecessorName = thisPredecessor["Name"]; 
          thisPredecessorProject= thisPredecessor["Project"]; 

          // Post-pend updated data to value for array 
          // predecessorData += thisPredecessorFormattedID + ": " + 
      thisPredecessorName + "<br>"        
          predecessorID += thisPredecessorFormattedID + "<br>"; 
          predecessorName += thisPredecessorName + "<br>";        
          predecessorState += thisPredecessorScheduleState + "<br>"; 
          predecessorProject += thisPredecessorProject + "<br>"; 

          FormattedID: record.get('FormattedID'), 
          Name: record.get('Name'), 
       (record.get('Iteration')&&record.get('Iteration')._refObjectName) || '', 
          PredecessorID : predecessorID, 
          PredecessorName : predecessorName, 
          PredecessorState: predecessorState, 
          PredecessorProject: predecessorProject, 

         xtype: 'rallygrid', 
         store: Ext.create('Rally.data.custom.Store', { 
          data: records, 
          pageSize: 20 
         columnCfgs: [ 
           text: 'Iteration', dataIndex: 'Iteration', width: '100px' 
           text: 'FormattedID', dataIndex: 'FormattedID', width: '100px' 
           text: 'Name', dataIndex: 'Name', width: '400px' 
           text: 'PredecessorID', dataIndex: 'PredecessorID', width: '100px' 
           text: 'PredecessorName', dataIndex: 'PredecessorName', width: 
           text: 'Project', dataIndex: 'PredecessorProject', width: '200px' 
           text: 'State', dataIndex: 'PredecessorState', width: '400px' 
          // text: 'Predecessor Creation Date(s)', dataIndex: 
       'PredecessorCreationDate', width: '200px' 
          // } 
      Rally.launchApp('CustomApp', { 
       name: 'UserStoryWithPredecessors' 

    <style type="text/css"> 
     .app { 
      /* Add app styles here */ 



我已经找到了答案这个问题我self.I做了代码中的小修改,它的工作原理。 thisPredecessorProject = thisPredecessor [“Project”] ._ refObjectName;

我需要将此表单打印到Report.Looking for yours援助。提前感谢。