2013-10-20 21 views



Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException 
    at EmployeeList.getIndex(EmployeeList.java:40) 
    at EmployeeDriver.main(EmployeeDriver.java:99) 


public class EmployeeList 

    private final int EMPLOYEES_MAX = 50; 
    private Employee[] employees = new Employee[EMPLOYEES_MAX]; 
    private int currentEmployees; 

    public EmployeeList() 
     employees = new Employee[EMPLOYEES_MAX]; 
     currentEmployees = 0; 

    public int getIndex(int empNum) 
     int index = -1; 
     for(int i = 0; i < currentEmployees; i++) 
      if(employees[i].getEmployeeNumber() == empNum) *error here (line 40)* 
       index = i; 
       i = 51; 
       index = -1; 
     return index; 

    public void listAll() 
     for(int i = 0; i < currentEmployees; i++) 


do { 
     // Display all current employees in the list 

     //Run the main menu to display options, read, validate and return the user's choice 
     System.out.println("Main Menu"); 
     mainInput = mainMenu.runMenu(); 

     //Perform the Main Menu action requested by the user 
     switch(mainInput) { 
      //Add Employee main menu option 
      case 1: 
       // declare temporary variables for user input of employee values 
       String fName, lname; 
       char mid, gender, f; 
       boolean ft = true; 
       double amount; 

       // get the employee type 
       do { 
        System.out.println("\n1. Hourly"); 
        System.out.println("2. Salary"); 
        System.out.println("3. Commission"); 
        System.out.print ("Enter Choice: "); 
        empType = in.nextInt(); 
        if (empType < 1 || empType > 3) { 
         System.out.println ("Invalid Choice. Try Again!"); 
       }while (empType < 1 || empType > 3); 

       System.out.print("Enter Last Name: "); 
       lname = in.next(); 
       System.out.print("Enter First Name: "); 
       fName = in.next(); 
       System.out.print("Enter Middle Initial: "); 
       mid = in.next().charAt(0); 
       System.out.print("Enter Gender: "); 
       gender = in.next().charAt(0); 

       // ask for employee number 
       // search employee list for existing employee with that number 
       // if number already exists, display an error message 
       int en_index = -1; 
       do { 
        System.out.print("Enter Employee Number: "); 
        empNum = in.nextInt(); 
        // if empNum in range then check employee list to determine if 
        // employee number already exists 
        if (empNum >= 1 && empNum <= 99999) { 
error     en_index = empMgr.getIndex(empNum); *error here (line 99)* 
         if (en_index != -1) 
          System.out.println ("Employee number already used - Choose a new number"); 
         System.out.println ("Employee number must be between 1 and 99999 inclusive"); 

       }while (en_index != -1 || (empNum < 1 || empNum > 99999)); 

       // determine if employee is a full time employee 
       System.out.print("Full Time? (y/n): "); 
       f = in.next().charAt(0); 
       if(f == 'n' || f == 'N') { 
        ft = false; 


java EmployeeDriver 
Main Menu 

Choose from the following options: 
     1  Add Employee 
     2  Process Employees by Type Submenu 
     3  Remove Employee 
     4  Sort Employees 
     5  Calculate Weekly Payout 
     6  Calculate Bonus 
     7  Annual Raises 
     8  Reset Week 
     0  Quit 
     Option: 1 

1. Hourly 
2. Salary 
3. Commission 
Enter Choice: 1 
Enter Last Name: Johnson 
Enter First Name: John 
Enter Middle Initial: J 
Enter Gender: M 
Enter Employee Number: 100 
Full Time? (y/n): y 
Enter wage: 9.00 
Employee Added to List 
Main Menu 

Choose from the following options: 
     1  Add Employee 
     2  Process Employees by Type Submenu 
     3  Remove Employee 
     4  Sort Employees 
     5  Calculate Weekly Payout 
     6  Calculate Bonus 
     7  Annual Raises 
     8  Reset Week 
     0  Quit 
     Option: 1 

1. Hourly 
2. Salary 
3. Commission 
Enter Choice: 2 
Enter Last Name: Jone 
Enter First Name: Johan 
Enter Middle Initial: L 
Enter Gender: M 
Enter Employee Number: 101 
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException 
     at EmployeeList.getIndex(EmployeeList.java:40) 
     at EmployeeDriver.main(EmployeeDriver.java:99) 

邮政堆栈跟踪和[简易自包含可编译示例](http://sscce.org/) – Reimeus


发布** complete **异常文本,其中包括**堆栈跟踪**。 –


