2016-09-16 67 views


#include "stdafx.h" 
#include <iostream> 
#include <fstream> 
#include <string> 
#include <algorithm> 

struct billingInfo; 
void bubbleSort(billingInfo list[], int length); 
using namespace std; 

int main() 
    // create struct with a field for zip codes and name of recepients that are being imported from text document 
     struct billingInfo { 
     int zipCode; 
     string name; 

    // create array of billingInfo struct 
    billingInfo recipients[20]; 

    // open text file and test if file opened 
    ifstream dataFile("NameZip.txt"); 

    if (dataFile.fail()) 
     cout << "Can't open file." << endl; 
    else cout << "File opened." << endl; 

    int numElements = 0; 
    while (dataFile.peek() != EOF) { 
     dataFile >> recipients[numElements].zipCode; 
     getline(dataFile, recipients[numElements].name); 

     cout << recipients[numElements].zipCode << endl; 
     cout << recipients[numElements].name << endl; 


    return 0; 

void bubbleSort(billingInfo list[], int length) { 
    billingInfo temp; 
    int itterator; 
    int index; 
    for (itterator = 1; itterator < length - itterator - length; itterator++) { 
     for (index = 0; index < length - itterator; index++) { 
      temp = list[index]; 
      list[index] = list[index + 1]; 
      list[index + 1] = temp; 
    enter code here 


究竟什么是您所遇到的问题?此外,这不是如何拼写迭代器 – xaxxon


“_Bubble对结构数组进行排序” - “struct”是引用数据类型,因此此类型的变量(对象)没有可用作参数的原始可比较值进行分类。你将不得不根据struct的成员变量的值来评估'struct'对象。在你的代码中,唯一的数字值由'int zipCode'保存。你究竟如何排序?是否应该按照邮政编码的值升序/降序排列? – progyammer


对不起,太模糊了。我将按照字母顺序排列字段名称,排序为 –


struct billingInfo 
    int key; // Can be any key 

typedef struct billingInfo billingInfo; 

// Overload the > operator 
bool operator> (const billingInfo& first,const billingInfo& second) 
    return first.key > second.key; 

// Make a custom Swap function for your struct 
void swap (billingInfo& first,billingInfo& second) 
    int temp; 
    temp = first.key; 
    first.key = second.key; 
    second.key = temp; 

// Not a single line of change in Bubble Sort Code. 
// I hope the below code is bubble sort :p 
void bubble_sort (billingInfo *list,int length) 
    for (int i=0;i<length-1;i++) 
     for (int j=0;j<length-i-1;j++) 
      if (list[j] > list[j+1]) // will work since we overloaded 
       swap (list[j],list[j+1]); // Our custom function 

如果您发现该字段正确,请接受并提供答案。 – PRP