2017-04-20 95 views

我在验证苹果付费沙箱环境中的商家时遇到问题。采取从https://developer.apple.com/reference/applepayjs/applepaysession#2166532,一旦我的server then calls the Start Session endpoint at the provided URL,我得到一个500错误。沙箱苹果支付测试握手失败


  1. 所有包含Apple Pay的页面都必须通过HTTPS提供。 完成后,服务器在站点上有ssl/https
  2. 要启用商家验证,您的服务器必须允许通过HTTPS(通过端口443的TCP)访问以下清单1中提供的Apple Pay IP地址。 DONE,服务器开放端口的所有IPS 443
  3. 您的服务器必须支持传输层安全(TLS)1.2协议,并在表1 服务器列出不支持TLS 1.2的密码套件的一个,因为我送在TLS 1.2请求对苹果付出的开发服务器(下同)

我一直在使用Wireshark来查看发生了什么事情,我似乎有一次未能服务器在的ChangeCipherSpec阶段,后服务器将密码规范发送回客户端。 (参考ssl程序:https://support.f5.com/csp/article/K15292)。正如你从我的图像中看到的,我正在与苹果付费沙盒服务器通信,传入相同的受支持的tls协议和密码套件,以至于错误会提示 - >Handshake Failure (40),所以其他事情正在发生,我不知道到哪里寻找

enter image description here

如果你看一下服务器问候消息,您可以看到服务器发现并接受客户端,这也符合苹果付费支持 enter image description here所需的密码中的一个相匹配的密码套件

enter image description here




问题是我们的服务器默认情况下未启用TLS 1.2。启用TLS 1.2和禁用TLS 1.0解决了该问题 - 赢得2008年


有迹象表明,需要发生的几件事情。我们的服务器在.net 4.5上,默认情况下不使用tls 1.2(苹果要求使用tls 1.2)。所以,我们将我们的解决方案升级到.net 4.6,并且我们的请求也强制tls 1.2。此外,我们必须在我们对苹果的请求中包含商户ID证书(这在文档中未提及)。


    public async Task<ContentResult> GetApplePaySession([FromBody] string url) 
     // http://stackoverflow.com/a/36912392/1837080 
     System.Net.ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = SecurityProtocolType.Tls12; 

     // Load the merchant certificate for two-way TLS authentication with the Apple Pay server. 
     var certificate = LoadMerchantCertificate(); 

     // Get the merchant identifier from the certificate to send in the validation payload. 
     var merchantIdentifier = GetMerchantIdentifier(certificate); 

     // Create the JSON payload to POST to the Apple Pay merchant validation URL. 
     var payload = new ApplePayRequest() 
      merchantIdentifier = merchantIdentifier, 
      domainName = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.Host, 
      displayName = "[display name from apple developer portal]" 

     JObject merchantSession; 

     // Create an HTTP client with the merchant certificate 
     // for two-way TLS authentication over HTTPS. 
     using (var httpClient = CreateHttpClient(certificate)) 
      var jsonPayload = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(payload); 

      using (var content = new StringContent(jsonPayload, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json")) 
       // POST the data to create a valid Apple Pay merchant session. 
       using (var response = await httpClient.PostAsync(url, content)) 

        // Read the opaque merchant session JSON from the response body. 
        var merchantSessionJson = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(); 
        merchantSession = JObject.Parse(merchantSessionJson); 

     // Return the merchant session as JSON. 
     return Content(merchantSession.ToString(), "application/json"); 

    #region Apple Pay helper methods 

    private X509Certificate2 LoadMerchantCertificate() 
     X509Certificate2 certificate; 

     // Load the certificate from the current user's certificate store. This 
     // is useful if you do not want to publish the merchant certificate with 
     // your application, but it is also required to be able to use an X.509 
     // certificate with a private key if the user profile is not available, 
     // such as when using IIS hosting in an environment such as Microsoft Azure. 
     using (var store = new X509Store(StoreName.My, StoreLocation.LocalMachine)) 

      // when using thumbprint from mmc, look at: 
      // http://stackoverflow.com/a/14852713 
      // there is a hidden character that you must delete 
      var certificates = store.Certificates.Find(
       validOnly: false); 

      if (certificates.Count < 1) 
       throw new InvalidOperationException(
        // ReSharper disable once UseStringInterpolation 
         "Could not find Apple Pay merchant certificate with thumbprint '{0}' from store '{1}' in location '{2}'.", 
         "‎[thumpprint]", store.Name, store.Location)); 

      certificate = certificates[0]; 

     return certificate; 

    private string GetMerchantIdentifier(X509Certificate2 certificate) 
     // This OID returns the ASN.1 encoded merchant identifier 
     var extension = certificate.Extensions["1.2.840.113635.100.6.32"]; 

     // Convert the raw ASN.1 data to a string containing the ID 
     return extension == null ? string.Empty : Encoding.ASCII.GetString(extension.RawData).Substring(2);    

    private HttpClient CreateHttpClient(X509Certificate2 certificate) 
     var handler = new WebRequestHandler(); 

     return new HttpClient(handler, disposeHandler: true); 
