2013-04-04 47 views

像大家都知道一个按钮是一个按钮...点击,上,下,做到这一点,做到这一点。 所以我写了一些默认的按钮行为“class/object”。扩展二传手默认对象


function Button(parent) { 
    var self = this; 
    this.enabled = true; 
    this.visible = true; 

    this.initialized = false; 

    f_createButton(parent, self); 

    this.initialized = true; 

Button.prototype = { 
    get initialized() { 
     return this._initialized; 
    set initialized(bool){ 
     this._initialized = bool 
     if(this.initialized === true) { 
      ... do default stuff 
    get enabled(){ 
     return this._enabled; 
    set enabled(bool){ 
     this._enabled = bool; 
     if(document.getElementById(this.id)) { // is button defined? 
      var mClassName = document.getElementById(this.id).children[0].className; 
      document.getElementById(this.id).className = (this.enabled === false) ? "button button-Gray_disabled" : "button button-" + this.defaultStyle; 
      document.getElementById(this.id).children[0].className = (this.enabled === false) ? mClassName + "_disabled" : mClassName.replace("_disabled",""); 

function f_createButton("", obj) { 
    .... create DOM element 

包括在HTML & button.js延长按钮 “类/对象”:

Object.defineProperty(Button.prototype,"buttonStyle", { 
    get : function() { 
     return this._buttonStyle; 
    set : function(str) { 
     this._buttonStyle = str; 
     if(this.id !== "undefined" && document.getElementById(this.id)) { // is button defined? 
      document.getElementById(this.id).style.backgroundImage = 'url(Images/'+this.buttonStyle+'/buttons.png)'; 


Object.defineProperty(Button.prototype,"initialized", { 
    set : function(bool) { 
     this._initialized = bool; 
     if(this.initialized === true) { 
      this.buttonStyle = "NONE"; 



这个想法是不改变外部button.js ... – 2013-04-04 21:22:47


即时通讯,有点儿新.... PHP是我的语言... – 2013-04-04 21:26:04


简单,我想添加一些扩展功能button.js和赶上初始化事件...也许我错了我的代码吸盘? – 2013-04-04 21:38:00




// Constructor 
function Button() { 
    var self = this; 
    var _initialized = false; // 'private' property manipulated by the accessors 

    this.initialized = false; 
    this.initialized = true; 

// Default prototype 
Button.prototype = { 
    createButton: function() { 
     console.log(' create DOM element '); 

// Default getter/setter on prototype 
Object.defineProperty(Button.prototype,"initialized", { 
    set : function(bool) { 
     console.log('this is the original setter'); 
     this._initialized = bool; 
     if(this._initialized === true) { 
      console.log('do default stuff') 

    get : function() { 
     return this._initialized; 

    configurable : true // IMPORTANT: this will allow us to redefine it 


// Keep reference to the old accessors 
var original = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Button.prototype, 'initialized'); 
Object.defineProperty(Button.prototype, "oldInitialized", { 
    set : original.set, 
    get : original.get 

// Redefine getter and setter 
Object.defineProperty(Button.prototype, "initialized", { 
    set : function(bool) { 
     console.log('this is the new setter'); 
     this.oldInitialized = bool; 

    get : function() { 
     return this._initialized; 



rofl你看了我的想法... http://jsfiddle.net/UqHVX/5/ 也许它会更清楚如果你看到这一个 我会检查你的小提琴 – 2013-04-05 18:05:57