2016-12-30 16 views




// populating the streets with kids 
// Streets then houses, we are assuming that each street is uniform in number of houses 
int KidsInStreet[9][24]; 
for(int o = 0; o <10; o++){ 
    printf("Testing %d\n", o); 
    for(int j = 0; j < 25; j++){ 
     // assign randnumber between 0 and 5 for no of kids 
     int r = rand() % 5; 
     // KidsInStreet[o][j] = r; 
     printf("Testing2 %d\n", j); 


// populating the streets with kids 
// Streets then houses, we are assuming that each street is uniform in number of houses 
int KidsInStreet[9][24]; 
for(int o = 0; o <10; o++){ 
    printf("Testing %d\n", o); 
    for(int j = 0; j < 25; j++){ 
     // assign randnumber between 0 and 5 for no of kids 
     int r = rand() % 5; 
     KidsInStreet[o][j] = r; 
     printf("Testing2 %d\n", j); 

我有0个想法为什么发生这种情况,因为它真的不应该是一个问题。 非常感谢您的任何反馈:)


你的循环限制是关闭的情况的一个,所以你索引数组超出范围。索引的限制int KidsInStreet [9] [24];'是'KidsInStreet [8] [23] = r;'。因为这是*未定义的行为*实际行为是不相关的。 –


数组索引的范围是什么?对于九个元素的数组,有效索引范围从零到八(含)。你的外部循环上升到* 9 *,这将超出界限并导致*未定义的行为*。 –


应将数组声明为'int KidsInStreet [10] [25]'或for循环必须相应地更改为 –



正如评论指出的@WeatherVane,在这一行int KidsInStreet[9][24]924是元素的数量。

更改该行int KidsInStreet[10][25];修复问题:

#include "stdio.h" 

int main(void) { 
    // Disable stdout buffering 
    setvbuf(stdout, NULL, _IONBF, 0); 

    printf("Hello World\n"); 
    int KidsInStreet[10][25]; 
    for(int o = 0; o <10; o++){ 
     printf("Testing %d\n", o); 
     for(int j = 0; j < 25; j++){ 
      // assign randnumber between 0 and 5 for no of kids 
      int r = rand() % 5; 
      KidsInStreet[o][j] = r; 
      printf("Testing2 o%d j%d\n",o, j); 
    return 0; 
