2016-01-21 14 views


5 O 0 O DT The O O O 
5 O 1 O NNP Balanced O O O 
5 BusinessTerm 2 O NN option O O O 
5 O 3 O VBZ s O O O 
5 BusinessTerm 4 O NN return O O O 
5 O 5 O IN of O O O 
5 PERCENT 6 O CD 13.88 O O O 
5 O 8 O IN for O O O 
5 O 9 O DT the O O O 
5 O 10 O NN year O O O 
5 O 11 O TO to O O O 
5 O 12 O CD 30 O O O 
5 DATE 13 O NNP June O O O 
5 DATE 14 O CD 2014 O O O 
5 O 15 O VBD was O O O 
5 O 16 O RB well O O O 
5 O 17 O RB ahead O O O 
5 O 18 O IN of O O O 
5 O 19 O DT the O O O 
5 O 20 O JJ median O O O 
5 BusinessTerm 21 O NN fund O O O 
5 O 22 O , , O O O 
5 O 23 O WDT which O O O 
5 O 24 O VBZ is O O O 
5 O 25 O JJ great O O O 
5 O 26 O NN news O O O 
5 O 27 O . . O O O 


"Cannot normalize ner tag BusinessTerm." 


如何使RelationshipExtraction classifer理解由我的自定义NER分类器(在RelationshipExtraction分类过程中)创建的这些条款?





private static String getNormalizedNERTag(String ner){ 
    return "O"; 
    else if(ner.equalsIgnoreCase("Peop")) 
    return "PERSON"; 
    else if(ner.equalsIgnoreCase("Loc")) 
    return "LOCATION"; 
    else if(ner.equalsIgnoreCase("Org")) 
    return "ORGANIZATION"; 
    else if(ner.equalsIgnoreCase("Other")) 
    return "OTHER"; 
    else if(ner.equalsIgnoreCase("Concept")) 
    return "CONCEPT"; 
    else if(ner.equalsIgnoreCase("Entity")) 
    return "ENTITY"; 
    else if(ner.equalsIgnoreCase("Paper")) 
    return "PAPER"; 
    throw new RuntimeException("Cannot normalize ner tag " + ner); 

一旦你这样做,你需要重新编译从源CoreNLP 。为此,请安装ant,然后将源代码的目录重命名为src。进入CoreNLP文件夹(其中build.xml文件和src目录)并运行ant







import java.io.IOException; 
import java.util.ArrayList; 
import java.util.HashMap; 
import java.util.Iterator; 
import java.util.List; 
import java.util.Map; 
import java.util.Properties; 
import java.util.logging.Level; 
import java.util.logging.Logger; 

import edu.stanford.nlp.ie.machinereading.GenericDataSetReader; 
import edu.stanford.nlp.ie.machinereading.structure.AnnotationUtils; 
import edu.stanford.nlp.ie.machinereading.structure.EntityMention; 
import edu.stanford.nlp.ie.machinereading.structure.ExtractionObject; 
import edu.stanford.nlp.ie.machinereading.structure.MachineReadingAnnotations; 
import edu.stanford.nlp.ie.machinereading.structure.RelationMention; 
import edu.stanford.nlp.ie.machinereading.structure.Span; 
import edu.stanford.nlp.io.IOUtils; 
import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.CoreAnnotations; 
import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.CoreLabel; 
import edu.stanford.nlp.pipeline.Annotation; 
import edu.stanford.nlp.pipeline.StanfordCoreNLP; 
import edu.stanford.nlp.trees.Tree; 
import edu.stanford.nlp.util.StringUtils; 

* A Reader designed for the relation extraction data studied in Dan Roth and Wen-tau Yih, 
* A Linear Programming Formulation for Global Inference in Natural Language Tasks. CoNLL 2004. 
* The format is a somewhat ad-hoc tab-separated value file format. 
* @author Mihai, David McClosky, and agusev 
* @author Sonal Gupta ([email protected]) 
public class TestReader extends GenericDataSetReader { 

    public TestReader() { 
    super(null, true, true, true); 

    // change the logger to one from our namespace 
    logger = Logger.getLogger(TestReader.class.getName()); 
    // run quietly by default 

    public Annotation read(String path) throws IOException { 
    Annotation doc = new Annotation(""); 

    logger.info("Reading file: " + path); 

    // Each iteration through this loop processes a single sentence along with any relations in it 
    for (Iterator<String> lineIterator = IOUtils.readLines(path).iterator(); lineIterator.hasNext();) { 
     Annotation sentence = readSentence(path, lineIterator); 
     AnnotationUtils.addSentence(doc, sentence); 

    return doc; 

    private boolean warnedNER; // = false; 

    private String getNormalizedNERTag(String ner) { 
    if (ner.equalsIgnoreCase("O")) { 
     return "O"; 
    } else if (ner.equalsIgnoreCase("Peop")) { 
     return "PERSON"; 
    } else if (ner.equalsIgnoreCase("LOCATION")) { 
     return "LOCATION"; 
    } else if(ner.equalsIgnoreCase("Organization")) { 
     return "ORGANIZATION"; 
    } else if(ner.equalsIgnoreCase("Other")) { 
     return "OTHER"; 
    } else { 
     if (! warnedNER) { 
     warnedNER = true; 
     logger.warning("This file contains NER tags not in the original Roth/Yih dataset, e.g.: " + ner); 
    throw new RuntimeException("Cannot normalize ner tag " + ner); 

    private Annotation readSentence(String docId, Iterator<String> lineIterator) { 
    Annotation sentence = new Annotation(""); 
    sentence.set(CoreAnnotations.DocIDAnnotation.class, docId); 
    sentence.set(MachineReadingAnnotations.EntityMentionsAnnotation.class, new ArrayList<>()); 
    // we'll need to set things like the tokens and textContent after we've 
    // fully read the sentence 

    // contains the full text that we've read so far 
    StringBuilder textContent = new StringBuilder(); 
    int tokenCount = 0; // how many tokens we've seen so far 
    List<CoreLabel> tokens = new ArrayList<>(); 

    // when we've seen two blank lines in a row, this sentence is over (one 
    // blank line separates the sentence and the relations 
    int numBlankLinesSeen = 0; 
    String sentenceID = null; 

    // keeps tracks of entities we've seen so far for use by relations 
    Map<String, EntityMention> indexToEntityMention = new HashMap<>(); 

    while (lineIterator.hasNext() && numBlankLinesSeen < 2) { 
     String currentLine = lineIterator.next(); 
     currentLine = currentLine.replace("COMMA", ","); 

     List<String> pieces = StringUtils.split(currentLine); 
     String identifier; 

     int size = pieces.size(); 
     switch (size) { 
     case 1: // blank line between sentences or relations 
     case 3: // relation 
     String type = pieces.get(2); 
     List<ExtractionObject> args = new ArrayList<>(); 
     EntityMention entity1 = indexToEntityMention.get(pieces.get(0)); 
     EntityMention entity2 = indexToEntityMention.get(pieces.get(1)); 
     Span span = new Span(entity1.getExtentTokenStart(), entity2 
     // identifier = "relation" + sentenceID + "-" + sentence.getAllRelations().size(); 
     identifier = RelationMention.makeUniqueId(); 
     RelationMention relationMention = new RelationMention(identifier, 
      sentence, span, type, null, args); 
     AnnotationUtils.addRelationMention(sentence, relationMention); 
     case 9: // token 
     * Roth token lines look like this: 
     * 19 Peop 9 O NNP/NNP Jamal/Ghosheh O O O 

     // Entities may be multiple words joined by '/'; we split these up 
     List<String> words = StringUtils.split(pieces.get(5), "/"); 
     //List<String> postags = StringUtils.split(pieces.get(4),"/"); 

     String text = StringUtils.join(words, " "); 
     identifier = "entity" + pieces.get(0) + '-' + pieces.get(2); 
     String nerTag = getNormalizedNERTag(pieces.get(1)); // entity type of the word/expression 

     if (sentenceID == null) 
      sentenceID = pieces.get(0); 

     if (!nerTag.equals("O")) { 
      Span extentSpan = new Span(tokenCount, tokenCount + words.size()); 
      // Temporarily sets the head span to equal the extent span. 
      // This is so the entity has a head (in particular, getValue() works) even if preprocessSentences isn't called. 
      // The head span is later modified if preprocessSentences is called. 
      EntityMention entity = new EntityMention(identifier, sentence, 
       extentSpan, extentSpan, nerTag, null, null); 
      AnnotationUtils.addEntityMention(sentence, entity); 

      // we can get by using these indices as strings since we only use them 
      // as a hash key 
      String index = pieces.get(2); 
      indexToEntityMention.put(index, entity); 

     // int i =0; 
     for (String word : words) { 
      CoreLabel label = new CoreLabel(); 
      label.set(CoreAnnotations.TextAnnotation.class, word); 
      label.set(CoreAnnotations.ValueAnnotation.class, word); 
      // we don't set TokenBeginAnnotation or TokenEndAnnotation since we're 
      // not keeping track of character offsets 
      // i++; 

     textContent.append(' '); 
     tokenCount += words.size(); 

    sentence.set(CoreAnnotations.TextAnnotation.class, textContent.toString()); 
    sentence.set(CoreAnnotations.ValueAnnotation.class, textContent.toString()); 
    sentence.set(CoreAnnotations.TokensAnnotation.class, tokens); 
    sentence.set(CoreAnnotations.SentenceIDAnnotation.class, sentenceID); 

    return sentence; 

    * Gets the index of an object in a list using == to test (List.indexOf uses 
    * equals() which could be problematic here) 
    private static <X> int getIndexByObjectEquality(List<X> list, X obj) { 
    for (int i = 0, sz = list.size(); i < sz; i++) { 
     if (list.get(i) == obj) { 
     return i; 
    return -1; 

    * Sets the head word and the index for an entity, given the parse tree for 
    * the sentence containing the entity. 
    * This code is no longer used, but I've kept it around (at least for now) as 
    * reference when we modify preProcessSentences(). 
    private void setHeadWord(EntityMention entity, Tree tree) { 
    List<Tree> leaves = tree.getLeaves(); 
    Tree argRoot = tree.joinNode(leaves.get(entity.getExtentTokenStart()), 
    Tree headWordNode = argRoot.headTerminal(headFinder); 

    int headWordIndex = getIndexByObjectEquality(leaves, headWordNode); 

    if (StringUtils.isPunct(leaves.get(entity.getExtentTokenEnd()).label().value().trim()) 
     && (headWordIndex >= entity.getExtentTokenEnd() 
      || headWordIndex < entity.getExtentTokenStart())) { 

     argRoot = tree.joinNode(leaves.get(entity.getExtentTokenStart()), leaves 
      .get(entity.getExtentTokenEnd() - 1)); 
     headWordNode = argRoot.headTerminal(headFinder); 
     headWordIndex = getIndexByObjectEquality(leaves, headWordNode); 

     if (headWordIndex >= entity.getExtentTokenStart() 
      && headWordIndex <= entity.getExtentTokenEnd() - 1) { 
     entity.setHeadTokenSpan(new Span(headWordIndex, headWordIndex + 1)); 

    if (headWordIndex >= entity.getExtentTokenStart() 
     && headWordIndex <= entity.getExtentTokenEnd()) { 
     entity.setHeadTokenSpan(new Span(headWordIndex, headWordIndex + 1)); 
    } else { 
     // Re-parse the argument words by themselves 
     // Get the list of words in the arg by looking at the leaves between 
     // arg.getExtentTokenStart() and arg.getExtentTokenEnd() inclusive 
     List<String> argWords = new ArrayList<>(); 
     for (int i = entity.getExtentTokenStart(); i <= entity.getExtentTokenEnd(); i++) { 
     if (StringUtils.isPunct(argWords.get(argWords.size() - 1))) { 
     argWords.remove(argWords.size() - 1); 
     Tree argTree = parseStrings(argWords); 
     headWordNode = argTree.headTerminal(headFinder); 
     headWordIndex = getIndexByObjectEquality(argTree.getLeaves(), 
      + entity.getExtentTokenStart(); 
     entity.setHeadTokenSpan(new Span(headWordIndex, headWordIndex + 1)); 

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { 
    // just a simple test, to make sure stuff works 
    Properties props = StringUtils.argsToProperties(args); 
    TestReader reader = new TestReader(); 
    reader.setProcessor(new StanfordCoreNLP(props)); 
    Annotation doc = reader.parse("/u/nlp/data/RothCONLL04/conll04.corp"); 



datasetReaderClass = test.TestReader