2011-09-12 29 views

我使用fancybox弹出了我网站上各种表单提交的模式窗口。当用户点击注册按钮时,一个模式弹出注册表单。点击提交后,信息应该通过jquery ajax调用去数据库。然而,当点击提交时,页面刷新,提交的数据作为GET发送回URL中的主页面。我不知道为什么会发生这种情况。在模式窗口中提交AJAX表单

function openModal(name, width, height){ 
       'content'    : document.getElementById(name).innerHTML, 
       'autoDimensions'  : false, 
       'width'     : width, 
       'height'    : height, 
       'transitionIn'   : 'fade', 
       'transitionOut'  : 'fade', 
       'overlayColor'   : '#000' 

$('.registerBtn').click(function(e) { 
     openModal('register', 450, 'auto'); 

     //prevent the form from actually being submitted 

     var error = Array(); 

     // grab the user's info from the registration form 
     var username = $('input[name=register_name]'); 
     var pass = $('input[name=register_pass]'); 
     var confirm_pass = $('input[name=register_confirm_pass]'); 
     var email = $('input[name=register_email]'); 
     var confirm_email = $('input[name=register_confirm_email]'); 

     // run some validation checks and add any errors to the array 
     if(username == '' || username.length < 2) 
      error.push('Your username is too short. Minimum of 2 characters, please.'); 
     if(pass == '' || pass.length < 2) 
      error.push('Your password is too short. Minimum of 2 characters, please.'); 
     if(pass != confirm_pass) 
      error.push('The passwords you entered did not match.'); 
     if(email == '') 
      error.push('You must enter an email address.'); 
      var validEmail = checkemail(email); 
      if(validEmail == false) 
       error.push('The email address you entered is not valid.'); 
       if(email != confirm_email) 
        error.push('The email addresses you entered did not match.'); 
     // if there were no errors, pass the user info to the processing script for further validation 
     if(error.length < 1) 
      var data = 'username=' + username.val() + '&password=' + pass.val() + '&email=' + encodeURIComponent(email.val()); 
       url: "data.php", 
       type: "POST", 
       data: data, 
       cache: false, 
       success: function(data) { 
        // the ajax request succeeded, and the user's info was validated and added to the database 
        if(data.response == 'good') 
          $(this).html('Registering your information...').fadeTo(900,1,function(){ 
           $('#userInfo').html('<a href="index.php?mode=viewMember&u=' + data.uid + '">' + data.username + '</a>'); 
           $(this).html('You have successfully registered and logged in!<br /><a href="javascript:;" onclick="$.fancybox.close();">Close</a>'); 
        // ajax succeeded, but the username was in use 
        if(data.response == 'usernameBad') 
         $("#register_error").fadeTo(200,0.1,function() { 
          $(this).html('The username is already in use!').fadeTo(900,1,function(){ 
           $(this).html('Let\'s try this again...'); 
           setTimeout($.fancybox.close(), 3000); 
           openModal('register', 450, 'auto'); 
        // ajax succeeded but the email was in use 
        if(data.response == 'emailBad') 
         $("#register_error").fadeTo(200,0.1,function() { 
          $(this).html('The email address is already in use!').fadeTo(900,1,function(){ 
           $(this).html('Let\'s try this again...'); 
           setTimeout($.fancybox.close(), 3000); 
           openModal('register', 450, 'auto'); 
     else // errors in validating in first pass 
      // iterate through the errors and fade them into the error container in the modal window 
      for(var i = 0;i < error.length;i++) 

您需要检查脚本错误 - 如果有一个你的提交按钮单击处理程序内,则函数将返回true,浏览器将尝试提交表格。使用类似Firebug(FireFox内部)或Chrome开发工具的工具,并在点击处理程序代码中设置一个断点,以便查看发生了什么。然后发布结果。 –


并确保'$(“#register_submit”)。click'处理程序正在被调用,通过在处理函数的开头放置一个警报。 – WTK


看起来不像点击处理程序正在被调用。我也发布了fancybox支持小组,以查看是否有任何开发人员可以提供帮助。 – chaoskreator




$('#MyFormId').bind('submit', function() { 

    //ajax post here 

    return false; //Ensures the form never actually "posts" and just stays on this page 