2011-03-16 168 views



$(document).ready(function() { 

     'opacity': true, 
     'overlayShow': false, 
     'transitionIn': 'none', 
     'autoscale': 'false', 
     'transitionOut': 'none' 

    $("submit").submit(function() { 
     alert('it submits'); 

     // we want to store the values from the form input box, then send via ajax below 
     var name = $('#name').attr('value'); 
     var email = $('#email').attr('value'); 
     var password = $('#password').attr('value'); 
     var custom1 = $('#custom1').attr('value'); 
     var custom2 = $('#custom2').attr('value'); 
     var custom3 = $('#custom3').attr('value'); 
     var custom4 = $('#custom4').attr('value'); 
     var custom5 = $('#custom5').attr('value'); 
     var custom6 = $('#custom6').attr('value'); 
     var custom7 = $('#custom7').attr('value'); 
     var custom8 = $('#custom8').attr('value'); 
     var custom9 = $('#custom9').attr('value'); 
     var custom10 = $('#custom10').attr('value'); 
      type: "POST", 
      url: "test.php", 
      data: "name=" + name + "& email=" + email + "& password=" + password + "& custom1=" + custom1 + "& custom2=" + custom2 + "& custom3=" + custom3 + "& custom4=" + custom4 + "& custom5=" + custom5 + "& custom6=" + custom6 + "& custom7=" + custom7 + "& custom8=" + custom8 + "& custom9=" + custom9 + "& custom10=" + custom10, 

      success: function() { 

       $('submit').fadeOut(function() { 
     return false; 

; });


<a id="various1" href="register.php"> 

我没有看到实际的代码中的错误,其中的工作示例的链接去了哪里? – Valerij 2011-03-16 00:35:46


你不应该使用'.attr('value')' - jQuery拥有'.val()'是有原因的。另外,http://jsbeautifier.org/在发布代码之前格式化代码是一件好事。 – ThiefMaster 2011-03-16 00:38:36


data: "name=" + name + "& email=" + email + "& password=" + password + "& custom1=" + custom1 + "& custom2=" + custom2 + "& custom3=" + custom3 + "& custom4=" + custom4 + "& custom5=" + custom5 + "& custom6=" + custom6 + "& custom7=" + custom7 + "& custom8=" + custom8 + "& custom9=" + custom9 + "& custom10=" + custom10, 

这是错的,不正确的和丑陋的。 &之后不应有空格。其实,传递一个字符串已经很糟糕了。通过这样的对象:使用data: data


var data = { name: name, email: email, password: password, custom1: custom1, ... }; 

$(document).ready(function() { 

     'opacity': true, 
     'overlayShow': false, 
     'transitionIn': 'none', 
     'autoscale': 'false', 
     'transitionOut': 'none' 

    $("form").submit(function() { 
     var data = { 
      name: $('#name').val(), 
      email: $('#email').val(), 
      password: $('#password').val(), 
      custom1: $('#custom1').val(), 
      custom2: $('#custom2').val(), 
      custom3: $('#custom3').val(), 
      custom4: $('#custom4').val(), 
      custom5: $('#custom5').val(), 
      custom6: $('#custom6').val(), 
      custom7: $('#custom7').val(), 
      custom8: $('#custom8').val(), 
      custom9: $('#custom9').val(), 
      custom10: $('#custom10').val() 

      type: "POST", 
      url: "test.php", 
      data: data, 
      success: function() { 
       $('submit').fadeOut(function() { 
     return false; 

你真的应该使用jquery form plugin虽则提交该表格..为您节省了大量的工作打字的所有字段名称...


DANGIT!打败我发布它。无论如何,我必须补充的是,他应该使用$ .serialize()来发送他的表单数据 - http://api.jquery.com/serialize/ - 在大小写的情况下手动输入所有这些输入很麻烦他需要在飞行中改变它们。 – mattsven 2011-03-16 00:49:24


确实。甚至可以使用真棒的[jQuery表单插件](http://jquery.malsup.com/form/)。 – ThiefMaster 2011-03-16 00:50:35


感谢您的评论家伙会尝试的意见..对不起,因为丑陋..我在网上找到了代码,并开始使用jQuery .. – Nikon0266 2011-03-16 01:15:33