2016-05-27 31 views



function CanvasSprite(canvas, width, height, sprite_url, rows, columns, total_frames) { 
    \t this.canvas = canvas; 
    this.width = width; 
    \t this.height = height; 
    \t this.rows = rows; 
\t this.columns = columns; 
\t this.total_frames = total_frames; 
    this.frameOld = null; //old frame for comparison 
\t this.frame = 0; 

    var scope = this, 
    \t func = function(){ 
    \t \t \t scope.onSpriteSheet.call(scope); 
     \t \t } 
    this.load('img', 'spritesheet', sprite_url, func); 

CanvasSprite.prototype.onSpriteSheet = function() { 
    \t this.sw = this.spritesheet.width/this.columns; 
    \t this.sh = this.spritesheet.height/this.rows; 
    if(this.frame != this.frameOld) { 
     this.tick(new Date().getTime()); //only call tick when new frame differs from old 

CanvasSprite.prototype.load = function(type, prop, url, callback) { 
    \t this[prop] = document.createElement(type); 
    \t this[prop].addEventListener('load', callback); 
    this[prop].src = url; 
CanvasSprite.prototype.draw = function() { 
\t var relativeFrame = Math.round(this.frame * (this.total_frames-1)); \t 
\t var column_frame = relativeFrame % this.columns; 
    \t \t \t 
    \t var sx = this.sw * column_frame; 
    \t var sy = this.sh * Math.floor(relativeFrame/this.columns); 

\t var context = this.canvas.getContext('2d'); 
\t context.clearRect(0, 0, this.width, this.height); 
    \t context.drawImage(this.spritesheet, sx, sy, this.sw, this.sh, 0, 0, this.width, this.height); 
\t \t 
CanvasSprite.prototype.tick = function(time) { 
     var scope = this, 
     func = function(time){ 
     scope.draw(time || new Date().getTime()); 
     requestAnimationFrame(func, scope.id); 

CanvasSprite.prototype.setFrame = function(frame) { 
    this.frameOld = this.frame; //update frameOld with previous one 
\t this.frame = frame; //set new frame 


function CanvasSprite(canvas, width, height, sprite_url, rows, columns, total_frames) { 
    \t this.canvas = canvas; 
    this.width = width; 
    \t this.height = height; 
    \t this.rows = rows; 
\t this.columns = columns; 
\t this.total_frames = total_frames; 
\t this.frame = 0; 

    var scope = this, 
    \t func = function(){ 
    \t \t \t scope.onSpriteSheet.call(scope); 
     \t \t } 
    this.load('img', 'spritesheet', sprite_url, func); 

CanvasSprite.prototype.onSpriteSheet = function() { 
    \t this.sw = this.spritesheet.width/this.columns; 
    \t this.sh = this.spritesheet.height/this.rows; 
    this.tick(new Date().getTime()); 

CanvasSprite.prototype.load = function(type, prop, url, callback) { 
    \t this[prop] = document.createElement(type); 
    \t this[prop].addEventListener('load', callback); 
    this[prop].src = url; 
CanvasSprite.prototype.draw = function() { 
\t var relativeFrame = Math.round(this.frame * (this.total_frames-1)); \t 
\t var column_frame = relativeFrame % this.columns; 
    \t \t \t 
    \t var sx = this.sw * column_frame; 
    \t var sy = this.sh * Math.floor(relativeFrame/this.columns); 

\t var context = this.canvas.getContext('2d'); 
\t context.clearRect(0, 0, this.width, this.height); 
    \t context.drawImage(this.spritesheet, sx, sy, this.sw, this.sh, 0, 0, this.width, this.height); 
\t \t 
CanvasSprite.prototype.tick = function(time) { 
     var scope = this, 
     func = function(time){ 
     scope.draw(time || new Date().getTime()); 
     requestAnimationFrame(func, scope.id); 

CanvasSprite.prototype.setFrame = function(frame) { 
\t this.frame = frame; 
    //this.tick(new Date().getTime()); 
    //putting tick() here actually makes it slower :p 

一个在进一步修改它的尝试我做了什么,控制台说即使我没有更新帧,它也会与系统时钟同步。 CPU配置文件也反映了这一点。似乎有什么我在这里失踪的重大事件。也许canvas已经在后台优化它了,所以我的JS没有改变或者只是减慢了不必要的逻辑?


你可以用它设置为true,每一通电话了'isDirty'标志,会以某种方式改变框架。然后在主循环中只绘制标志是否为真并将其重置为假。 – K3N


但是,这不仅仅是我在第二个代码示例中所做的另一个版本吗?我试过把条件放在绘制循环中,结果也是一样的。 –


对不起,从头开始。与旧的帧相比并不适用,并且无论是非常低效的,因为这些值实际上通常对应于子帧间隔。现在我只是想弄清楚在哪里放置我的条件,因为我只能让它在实际的绘制循环内工作,因为我的tick函数在查询系统时钟并调用requestAnimationFrame迄今为止最大的CPU猪。 –





function CanvasSprite(canvas, width, height, sprite_url, rows, columns, total_frames) { 
    \t this.canvas = canvas; 
    this.width = width; 
    \t this.height = height; 
    \t this.rows = rows; 
\t this.columns = columns; 
\t this.total_frames = total_frames; 
    this.isDirty = true; 

    var scope = this, 
    \t func = function(){ 
    \t \t \t scope.onSpriteSheet.call(scope); 
     \t \t } 
    this.load('img', 'spritesheet', sprite_url, func); 

CanvasSprite.prototype.onSpriteSheet = function() { 
    \t this.sw = this.spritesheet.width/this.columns; 
    \t this.sh = this.spritesheet.height/this.rows; 

CanvasSprite.prototype.load = function(type, prop, url, callback) { 
    \t this[prop] = document.createElement(type); 
    \t this[prop].addEventListener('load', callback); 
    this[prop].src = url; 
CanvasSprite.prototype.draw = function() { \t 
\t var column_frame = this.frame % this.columns; 
    \t var sx = this.sw * column_frame; 
    \t var sy = this.sh * Math.floor(this.frame/this.columns); 
\t var context = this.canvas.getContext('2d'); 
    context.clearRect(0, 0, this.width, this.height); 
    context.drawImage(this.spritesheet, sx, sy, this.sw, this.sh, 0, 0, this.width, this.height); 
\t \t 
CanvasSprite.prototype.tick = function(time) { 
    var scope = this, 
    func = function(time){ 
     if (scope.isDirty) { 
      scope.draw(time || new Date().getTime()); 
      requestAnimationFrame(func, scope.id); 
      scope.isDirty = false; 
      //only draw to canvas when new frame differs from old 

CanvasSprite.prototype.setFrame = function(frame) { 
    var tempFrame = Math.round(frame * (this.total_frames-1));; 
    if(tempFrame != this.frame) { 
     this.frame = tempFrame; 
     this.isDirty = true; 
     this.tick(new Date().getTime()); 