2017-01-31 27 views
 We used TFS query option to get code review comments report, But 
we are not able to get TFS code review comments report given for files. 

     It is possible to get report by TFS query option/TFS REST API. 

enter image description here获取给定的文件

Many thanks in advance. 



无论工作项查询也不休息API能够检索代码审查意见,现在TFS代码审查意见的报告。但是,您可以通过使用TFS API来实现您的目标。

具体的评论可以通过DiscussionThread类访问。只需要使用IDiscussionManager查询讨论。 示例代码如下:

public List<CodeReviewComment> GetCodeReviewComments(int workItemId) 
     List<CodeReviewComment> comments = new List<CodeReviewComment>(); 

     Uri uri = new Uri(URL_TO_TFS_COLLECTION); 
     TeamFoundationDiscussionService service = new TeamFoundationDiscussionService(); 
     service.Initialize(new Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Client.TfsTeamProjectCollection(uri)); 
     IDiscussionManager discussionManager = service.CreateDiscussionManager(); 

     IAsyncResult result = discussionManager.BeginQueryByCodeReviewRequest(workItemId, QueryStoreOptions.ServerAndLocal, new AsyncCallback(CallCompletedCallback), null); 
     var output = discussionManager.EndQueryByCodeReviewRequest(result); 

     foreach (DiscussionThread thread in output) 
      if (thread.RootComment != null) 
       CodeReviewComment comment = new CodeReviewComment(); 
       comment.Author = thread.RootComment.Author.DisplayName; 
       comment.Comment = thread.RootComment.Content; 
       comment.PublishDate = thread.RootComment.PublishedDate.ToShortDateString(); 
       comment.ItemName = thread.ItemPath; 

     return comments; 

    static void CallCompletedCallback(IAsyncResult result) 
     // Handle error conditions here 

    public class CodeReviewComment 
     public string Author { get; set; } 
     public string Comment { get; set; } 
     public string PublishDate { get; set; } 
     public string ItemName { get; set; } 

更多详细信息,请参阅此类似的问题:Using TFS API, how can I find the comments which were made on a Code Review?


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