2015-02-24 60 views




Nick 85 90 76 Hannah 86 91 66 Joe 
      22 35 100 
    Zak 100 
40 80 



Hannah: 91, 86 
Nick: 90, 85 
Joe: 100, 35 
Zak: 100, 80 


Scanner exampleFile = new Scanner(new File("file.txt")); 
    String name; 

     name = exampleFile.nextLine(); 
     Scanner linescan = new Scanner(name); 
      int a = linescan.nextInt(); 
      int b = linescan.nextInt(); 
      int c = linescan.nextInt(); 
      int a1 = Math.max(a, b); 
      int a2 = Math.max(a, c); 

      System.out.println(linescan.next() + ": " + Math.max(a1, a2) + ", " + "middle value idk how to get"); 



看起来文本输入将会根据什么数据在哪一行以及它们之间有多少空间而被随机格式化。这是否准确? – childofsoong 2015-02-24 01:59:17


是的,它是随机格式化的。每个数据值之间的单个空间,然后是换行符后的随机间距。根据我们在课堂上所做的,我只是把它放在头顶上。当数据到处都是这样的时候,是否无法获得所需的输出? – zodian 2015-02-24 02:34:41


好奇为什么这个问题得到3 downvotes? – 2015-02-24 02:36:29






这是我刚输入的一个工作示例。它使用一个Scanner作为文件输入,而String s。 String s不是数组,所以这很好。我试图通过代码中的注释来解释事情,但如果您需要更好的解释,请在此答案的评论中告诉我。



import java.io.File; 
import java.io.FileNotFoundException; 
import java.util.Scanner; 

public class Driver { 

    public static void main(String[] args) { 
     Scanner in = null; 
     String inputStr = ""; 

     try { 
      // open the file "xin.txt" to retrieve input 
      in = new Scanner(new File("xin.txt")); 
     } catch(FileNotFoundException e) { 

     // read the data into a one line string 
     while(in.hasNext()) { 
      inputStr += in.nextLine().trim() + " "; 
     System.out.println("[ORIGINAL]\n" + inputStr + "\n"); 

     System.out.println("[Start Sorting]"); 
     inputStr = sortString(inputStr); 
     System.out.println("[Done Sorting]\n"); 

     System.out.println("[Sorted String]\n" + inputStr); 

    private static String sortString(String orig) { 
     String one = ""; 
     String two = ""; 
     int oneStart = 0; // starting index of string to compare with 
     int twoStart = 0; // starting index of string to compare against 
     int oneStop = 0; // ending index of string to compare with 
     int twoStop = 0; // ending index of string to compare against 
     int oneTot = 0; // length of string one plus the grades 
     int twoTot = 0; // length of string two plus the grades 

     int cp = 0; // current position (index) 

     boolean onOne = false; // current position is on one 
     boolean onTwo = false; // current position is on two 
     boolean passOne = false; // passed string one 
     boolean passTwo = false; // passed string two 

     boolean notDone = true; // control boolean 

     while(notDone) { 
      if(cp >= orig.length() || isAtoZ(orig.charAt(cp))) { 
       if(!onOne && !passOne) { 
        oneStart = cp; 
        onOne = true; 
       } else if(passOne && (!onTwo && !passTwo)) { 
        twoStart = cp; 
        onTwo = true; 

        // total length of the first string is the current position 
        // minus the start of the first string 
        oneTot = cp - oneStart; 
       } else if(passTwo) { 
        // total length of the second string is the current position 
        // minus the start of the second string 
        twoTot = cp - twoStart; 

        one = orig.substring(oneStart, oneStop); 
        two = orig.substring(twoStart, twoStop); 

        // output the results of the comparing 
        System.out.println("Comparing: " + one + " to " + two); 
        System.out.println("Result: " + one.compareTo(two) + "\n"); 

        // if the first string is alphabetically larger, then swap 
        // and restart sort,else continue to the next comparison 
        if(one.compareTo(two) > 0) { 
         orig = rangeSwap(oneStart, oneStart + oneTot, 
         twoStart, twoStart + twoTot, orig); 
         onOne = false; 
         onTwo = false; 
         passOne = false; 
         passTwo = false; 

         cp = -1; 
        } else { 
         onOne = false; 
         onTwo = false; 
         passOne = false; 
         passTwo = false; 

         cp = twoStart - 1; 

      } else { 
       if(onOne && !passOne) { 
        oneStop = cp; 
        passOne = true; 
        onOne = false; 
       } else if(onTwo && !passTwo) { 
        twoStop = cp; 
        passTwo = true; 
        onTwo = false; 

      // increment the current position by one 
      cp = cp + 1; 

      // the last string has no string to compare to so 
      // set the control boolean 
      if(cp >= (orig.length()-1) && (!passTwo)) { 
       notDone = false; 

     // return the sorted string 
     return orig; 

    private static String rangeSwap(int ob, int oe, int tb, int te, String s) { 
     String start = ""; 
     String x = ""; 
     String middle = ""; 
     String y = ""; 
     String end = ""; 

     start = s.substring(0, ob); 
     x = s.substring(ob, oe); 
     middle = s.substring(oe, tb); 
     y = s.substring(tb, te); 
     end = s.substring(te); 

     return start + y + middle + x + end; 

    private static boolean isAtoZ(char what) { 
     // ASCII character codes: A to Z = 65 to 90 
     //      a to z = 97 to 122 
     return (((int)what >= 65 && (int)what <= 90) || 
     ((int)what >= 97 && (int)what <= 122)); 



Nick 85 90 76 Hannah 86 91 66 Joe 
      22 35 100 
    Zak 100 
40 80 


Nick 85 90 76 Hannah 86 91 66 Joe 22 35 100 Zak 100 40 80 

[Start Sorting] 
Nick 85 90 76 Hannah 86 91 66 Joe 22 35 100 Zak 100 40 80 
Comparing: Nick to Hannah 
Result: 6 

Hannah 86 91 66 Nick 85 90 76 Joe 22 35 100 Zak 100 40 80 
Comparing: Hannah to Nick 
Result: -6 

Hannah 86 91 66 Nick 85 90 76 Joe 22 35 100 Zak 100 40 80 
Comparing: Nick to Joe 
Result: 4 

Hannah 86 91 66 Joe 22 35 100 Nick 85 90 76 Zak 100 40 80 
Comparing: Hannah to Joe 
Result: -2 

Hannah 86 91 66 Joe 22 35 100 Nick 85 90 76 Zak 100 40 80 
Comparing: Joe to Nick 
Result: -4 

Hannah 86 91 66 Joe 22 35 100 Nick 85 90 76 Zak 100 40 80 
Comparing: Nick to Zak 
Result: -12 

[Done Sorting] 

[Sorted String] 
Hannah 86 91 66 Joe 22 35 100 Nick 85 90 76 Zak 100 40 80 


Scanner exampleFile = new Scanner(new File("file")); 
    while (exampleFile.hasNext()) { 
     String name = exampleFile.next(); 
     int a = exampleFile.nextInt(); 
     int b = exampleFile.nextInt(); 
     int c = exampleFile.nextInt(); 
     int max = Math.max(a, b); 
     max = Math.max(max, c); 
     int min = Math.min(a, b); 
     min = Math.min(min, c); 
     System.out.println(name + ": " + max + ", " + (a > min && a < max ? a : (b > min && b < max ? b : c))); 



既然他说他不会被允许使用数组,他将不得不使用嵌套的if语句来硬编码。 – childofsoong 2015-02-24 07:49:21


@soong哎呀。忘记那部分。我猜乔尼的答案现在会做。 – Vineet 2015-02-25 01:47:10