2017-05-24 63 views

我想使用我的laravel项目中的Gmail发送邮件。在laravel项目中使用Gmail SMTP发送邮件时出错


Error : Swift_TransportException in StreamBuffer.php line 268: 
Connection could not be established with host smtp.gmail.com [Connection refused #111] 




return [ 
    | Mail Driver 
    | Laravel supports both SMTP and PHP's "mail" function as drivers for the 
    | sending of e-mail. You may specify which one you're using throughout 
    | your application here. By default, Laravel is setup for SMTP mail. 
    | Supported: "smtp", "mail", "sendmail", "mailgun", "mandrill", 
    |   "ses", "sparkpost", "log" 
    'driver' => env('MAIL_DRIVER', 'smtp'), 
    | SMTP Host Address 
    | Here you may provide the host address of the SMTP server used by your 
    | applications. A default option is provided that is compatible with 
    | the Mailgun mail service which will provide reliable deliveries. 
    'host' => env('MAIL_HOST', 'smtp.mailgun.org'), 
    | SMTP Host Port 
    | This is the SMTP port used by your application to deliver e-mails to 
    | users of the application. Like the host we have set this value to 
    | stay compatible with the Mailgun e-mail application by default. 
    'port' => env('MAIL_PORT', 587), 
    | Global "From" Address 
    | You may wish for all e-mails sent by your application to be sent from 
    | the same address. Here, you may specify a name and address that is 
    | used globally for all e-mails that are sent by your application. 
    'from' => [ 'address' => null , 'name' => null ], 
    | E-Mail Encryption Protocol 
    | Here you may specify the encryption protocol that should be used when 
    | the application send e-mail messages. A sensible default using the 
    | transport layer security protocol should provide great security. 
    'encryption' => env('MAIL_ENCRYPTION', 'tls'), 
    | SMTP Server Username 
    | If your SMTP server requires a username for authentication, you should 
    | set it here. This will get used to authenticate with your server on 
    | connection. You may also set the "password" value below this one. 
    'username' => env('MAIL_USERNAME'), 
    | SMTP Server Password 
    | Here you may set the password required by your SMTP server to send out 
    | messages from your application. This will be given to the server on 
    | connection so that the application will be able to send messages. 
    'password' => env('MAIL_PASSWORD'), 
    | Sendmail System Path 
    | When using the "sendmail" driver to send e-mails, we will need to know 
    | the path to where Sendmail lives on this server. A default path has 
    | been provided here, which will work well on most of your systems. 
    'sendmail' => '/usr/sbin/sendmail -bs', 

    | Mail "Pretend" 
    | When this option is enabled, e-mail will not actually be sent over the 
    | web and will instead be written to your application's logs files so 
    | you may inspect the message. This is great for local development. 

    'pretend' => false, 





1)DisplayUnlockCaptcha =>已启用





你可以尝试在托管应用程序的服务器上执行“telnet smtp.gmail.com 587”吗?如果它不能连接,那么你可能在一个网络中,可以阻止端口587。 –


我该如何检查这个“telnet smtp.gmail.com 587”。这是错误,而我正在改变为telnet驱动程序。 错误:不支持驱动程序[telnet]。 –


您可以在命令行中执行此操作。或者使用任何可以检查是否可以连接到主机名:端口的实用程序。这只是为了验证这不是网络问题。 –



在我自己的laravel安装我已经有一个工作smtp mail函数,所以让我剥去所需的代码,以正确设置它,随意复制和粘贴代码。请记住更改帐户变量。



return [ 

    | Mail Driver 
    | Laravel supports both SMTP and PHP's "mail" function as drivers for the 
    | sending of e-mail. You may specify which one you're using throughout 
    | your application here. By default, Laravel is setup for SMTP mail. 
    | Supported: "smtp", "mail", "sendmail", "mailgun", "mandrill", 
    |   "ses", "sparkpost", "log" 

    'driver' => env('MAIL_DRIVER', 'smtp'), 

    | SMTP Host Address 
    | Here you may provide the host address of the SMTP server used by your 
    | applications. A default option is provided that is compatible with 
    | the Mailgun mail service which will provide reliable deliveries. 

    'host' => env('MAIL_HOST', 'smtp.gmail.com'), 

    | SMTP Host Port 
    | This is the SMTP port used by your application to deliver e-mails to 
    | users of the application. Like the host we have set this value to 
    | stay compatible with the Mailgun e-mail application by default. 

    'port' => env('MAIL_PORT', 587), 

    | Global "From" Address 
    | You may wish for all e-mails sent by your application to be sent from 
    | the same address. Here, you may specify a name and address that is 
    | used globally for all e-mails that are sent by your application. 

    'from' => [ 
     'address' => env('MAIL_FROM_ADDRESS', '[email protected]'), 
     'name' => env('MAIL_FROM_NAME', 'Create your own header name'), 

    | E-Mail Encryption Protocol 
    | Here you may specify the encryption protocol that should be used when 
    | the application send e-mail messages. A sensible default using the 
    | transport layer security protocol should provide great security. 

    'encryption' => env('MAIL_ENCRYPTION', 'tls'), 

    | SMTP Server Username 
    | If your SMTP server requires a username for authentication, you should 
    | set it here. This will get used to authenticate with your server on 
    | connection. You may also set the "password" value below this one. 

    'username' => env('MAIL_USERNAME', '[email protected]'), 

    | SMTP Server Password 
    | Here you may set the password required by your SMTP server to send out 
    | messages from your application. This will be given to the server on 
    | connection so that the application will be able to send messages. 

    'password' => env('MAIL_PASSWORD', 'example123'), 

    | Sendmail System Path 
    | When using the "sendmail" driver to send e-mails, we will need to know 
    | the path to where Sendmail lives on this server. A default path has 
    | been provided here, which will work well on most of your systems. 

    'sendmail' => '/usr/sbin/sendmail -bs', 

    'pretend' => false 


[email protected] 


Mail::send('emails.contact/* View that creates the email layout */', $contact, 
      function ($form) use ($contact) 
       //email 'From' field: Get users email address and name 
       $form->from($contact['email'], $contact['name']); 
       //email 'To' field: Email to > address. 
       $form->to('[email protected]', 'example info')->subject('example'); 



我使用相同的代码,你可以检查上面的代码,类似于你的代码。如果我的代码中有任何问题,请让我知道它在哪里,以便我可以修复它。 –


我看到你正在使用'smtp.mailgun.org'作为主机? @DurgaParshad – Deathstorm


你可以看到那里的env声明取代了smtp.gmail.com。而且我也尝试根据你的改变,但同样的错误发生。 –