2016-09-20 164 views


/** Trait defining the interface for an `OrderBook`. 
    * @tparam O type of `Order` stored in the order book. 
    * @tparam CC type of collection used to store `Order` instances. 
trait OrderBook[O <: Order, CC <: collection.GenMap[UUID, O]] { 

    /** All `Orders` contained in an `OrderBook` should be for the same `Tradable`. */ 
    def tradable: Tradable 

    /** Add an `Order` to the `OrderBook`. 
    * @param order the `Order` that should be added to the `OrderBook`. 
    def add(order: O): Unit 

    /** Filter the `OrderBook` and return those `Order` instances satisfying the given predicate. 
    * @param p predicate defining desirable `Order` characteristics. 
    * @return collection of `Order` instances satisfying the given predicate. 
    def filter(p: (O) => Boolean): Option[collection.GenIterable[O]] = { 
    val filteredOrders = existingOrders.filter { case (_, order) => p(order) } 
    if (filteredOrders.nonEmpty) Some(filteredOrders.values) else None 

    /** Find the first `Order` in the `OrderBook` that satisfies the given predicate. 
    * @param p predicate defining desirable `Order` characteristics. 
    * @return `None` if no `Order` in the `OrderBook` satisfies the predicate; `Some(order)` otherwise. 
    def find(p: (O) => Boolean): Option[O] = existingOrders.find { case (_, order) => p(order) } match { 
    case Some((_, order)) => Some(order) 
    case None => None 

    /** Return the head `Order` of the `OrderBook`. 
    * @return `None` if the `OrderBook` is empty; `Some(order)` otherwise. 
    def headOption: Option[O] = existingOrders.values.headOption 

    /** Remove and return the head `Order` of the `OrderBook`. 
    * @return `None` if the `OrderBook` is empty; `Some(order)` otherwise. 
    def remove(): Option[O] = { 
    headOption match { 
     case Some(order) => remove(order.uuid) 
     case None => None 

    /** Remove and return an existing `Order` from the `OrderBook`. 
    * @param uuid the `UUID` for the order that should be removed from the `OrderBook`. 
    * @return `None` if the `uuid` is not found in the `OrderBook`; `Some(order)` otherwise. 
    def remove(uuid: UUID): Option[O] 

    /* Underlying collection of `Order` instances. */ 
    protected def existingOrders: CC 



object OrderBook { 

    import scala.collection.mutable 
    import scala.collection.parallel 

    def apply[O <: Order, CC <: mutable.Map[UUID, O]](tradable: Tradable): OrderBook[O, CC] = { 
    new MutableOrderBook[O, CC](tradable) 

    def apply[O <: Order, CC <: parallel.mutable.ParMap[UUID, O]](tradable: Tradable): OrderBook[O, CC] = { 
    new ParallelMutableOrderBook[O, CC](tradable) 

    private class MutableOrderBook[O <: Order, CC <: mutable.Map[UUID, O]](val tradable: Tradable) 
    extends OrderBook[O, CC] { 

    /** Add an `Order` to the `OrderBook`. 
     * @param order the `Order` that should be added to the `OrderBook`. 
    def add(order: O): Unit = { 
     require(order.tradable == tradable) // can be disabled by compiler? 
     existingOrders(order.uuid) = order 

    /** Remove and return an existing `Order` from the `OrderBook`. 
     * @param uuid the `UUID` for the order that should be removed from the `OrderBook`. 
     * @return `None` if the `uuid` is not found in the `OrderBook`; `Some(order)` otherwise. 
    def remove(uuid: UUID): Option[O] = existingOrders.remove(uuid) 

    /* Underlying collection of `Order` instances. */ 
    protected val existingOrders: CC = ??? // I want this to be an empty instance of type CC! 


    private class ParallelMutableOrderBook[O <: Order, CC <: parallel.mutable.ParMap[UUID, O]](val tradable: Tradable) 
    extends OrderBook[O, CC] { 
     /// details omitted for brevity! 




你为什么在对象中有'CC <:collection.GenMap [UUID,O]]'类型并且对象中有'CC <:mutable.Map [UUID,O]'的任何原因? – Samar


@samer我想重载apply方法,以便伴随对象变成工厂。类型边界是我打算超载的。我已更新对象来演示此... – davidrpugh



您可以使用scala.collection.generic.CanBuildFrom[-From, -Elem, +To],这正是为这个问题。

private class MutableOrderBook[O <: Order, CC <: mutable.Map[UUID, O]] 
    (val tradable: Tradable)(implicit cbf: CanBuildFrom[Nothing, Nothing, CC]) { 
    //give me a CanBuildFrom, which can build a CC out of Nothing. 


    val existingOrders: CC = cbf().result 



我正在尝试实施您的解决方案。但似乎无法获得编译的代码。如果我理解正确,在这种情况下'Elem'类型应该是'(UUID,O)'。但是,从“From”类型使用什么?我是否需要创建自己的定制'CanBuildFrom'或者我应该能够使用已经在作用域中隐式定义的一个?我认为应该已经有一个隐含的范围,用于在任何元素集合(UUID,O)之外构建一个'mutable.Map [UUID,O]子类型的子类型。 – davidrpugh


我们不关心'To'和'From',所以我什么也没用。由于相反,CanBuildFrom与CC作为'To'是CanBuildFrom的一个子类型[Nothing,Nothing,CC],并将满足我们的需求。换句话说,我们不关心它可以构建什么样的元素,因为我们实际上不需要向构建器添加任何东西。你会得到什么错误? –


我得到了错误,说编译器不知道如何用'Nothing'中的'Nothing'元素来构建'CC'类型的集合。 – davidrpugh