2014-03-05 157 views


public class Validator 

     public class CollectionAttribute : Attribute 
      public virtual string[] Data { get; set; } 
      public string Default; 

class Helpers 

     public static MemberInfo GetMemberInfo<T, TU>(Expression<Func<T, TU>> expression) 
      var member = expression.Body as MemberExpression; 
      if (member != null) 
       return member.Member; 

      throw new ArgumentException("Expression is not a member access", "expression"); 

     public static string GetName<T, TU>(Expression<Func<T, TU>> expression) 
      return GetMemberInfo(expression).Name; 

     public static string GetCollection<T, TU>(Expression<Func<T, TU>> expression) 
      var attribute = (Validator.CollectionAttribute[])GetMemberInfo(expression).GetCustomAttributes(typeof(Validator.CollectionAttribute), true); 
      return string.Join(",", attribute[0].Data); 


public class TestClass:TestBaseClass 
     [Validator.Collection(Data = new[] { "doc", "docx", "dot", "dotx", "wpd", "wps", "wri" })] 
     public override string InputFormat { get; set; } 

    public class TestBaseClass 
     public virtual string InputFormat { get; set; } 

Helpers.GetCollection((TestClass p) => p.InputFormat) 
//The attribute variable in GetCollection method always null. It seems code looks for atribute in Base class. 


public class TestClass 
     [Validator.Collection(Data = new[] { "doc", "docx", "dot", "dotx", "wpd", "wps", "wri" })] 
     public override string InputFormat { get; set; } 

Helpers.GetCollection((TestClass p) => p.InputFormat) 





public static MemberInfo GetMemberInfo<T, TU>(Expression<Func<T, TU>> expression) 
    var member = expression.Body as MemberExpression; 
    if (member != null) 
     // Getting the parameter's actual type, and retrieving the PropertyInfo for that type. 
     return expression.Parameters.First().Type.GetProperty(member.Member.Name); 

    throw new ArgumentException("Expression is not a member access", "expression"); 