2017-02-23 72 views

我必须在python中创建一个幸运数字程序,但我不断遇到很多错误。 如果你不知道一个幸运的名字是个什么数字,它基本上是在每个字母都有一个值,你添加值toether您的名字和第二名称,以便例如 李四在Python中幸运数字挑战

    165 465 
    1+6+5 = 12 
    4+6+5 = 15 
    15 + 12 = 27 
    2+7 = 8 
    then 8 = has diplomatic skills 



    #this will go all the way to z 
    charDict = { 'A' : 1, 'B' : 2, 'C' : 3, 'D' : 4} 

    # example names - while loop will go here 
    firstName = 'AAB' 
    lastName = 'DCDD' 

    # split the strings into a list of chars 
    firstNameChars = list(firstName) 
    lastNameChars = list(lastName) 

    # sum up values 
    firstNameSum = 0 
    lastNameSum = 0 
    for chr in firstNameChars: 
     firstNameSum += charDict[chr] 
    for chr in lastNameChars: 
     lastNameSum += charDict[chr] 

    # cast sums to strings. In this example, this would be '2024' 
    combinedNames = str(firstNameSum) + str(lastNameSum) 

    # split the string into a list of chars 
    combinedNameDigits = list(combinedNames) 

    # sum them up 
    finalSum = 0 
    for dgt in combinedNames: 
     finalSum += int(dgt) 

    # print the lucky number 
    print finalSum 



什么是你的问题? – aberger


我编辑过它 –



我真的不undersand如何:李四给165 465,以及如何:AAB DCDD给2024 然而,标准的方式转换成以数字字母和总结了一些数字如下:

def letters_to_numbers(name): 
    sum_ = 0 
    for letter in name: 
     sum_ += ord(letter.upper())-64 #ord("A")=65 minus 64 -> 1 
    return sum_ 

def sum_digits(number): 
    sum_ = 0 
    while number: 
     sum_ += number%10 
     number //=10 
    return sum_ 


好像你会一直想调用'sum_digits'直到总和<10。一个while循环也许? –


好的,如果你想sum_digits,直到总和<10那么: '而数字<10: number = sum_digits(number)' – user4624500


我建议你更新你的答案来做到这一点。无论如何,我反正是因为你完美地说明了这个想法,因为我没有看到有人长时间使用'sum_'而不是'sum'。这实际上是正确的做法。 –



first = 'aaa' 
last = 'bbb' 
name = first + last 
dicti = {'a':1, 'b':2, '1':1, '2':2 , '3':3 , '4':4 , '5':5 , '6':6 , 
      '7':7 , '8':8 , '9':9 , '0':0} 
while len(name) >1: 
    sum = 0 
    for letter in name: 
     sum = sum + dicti[letter] 
    name = str(sum) 
final_sum = int(name)