2017-05-16 26 views


"1":{"title": "It's a fixer-upper of a planet but we could make it work", 
    "post_date": "1454889600", 
    "author": "Elon Musk", 
    "content": "<p>We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things...</p>", 
    "category": [ "mars", "space travel" ] },  

    "2":{"title": "Failure is not an option", 
    "post_date": "1456099200", 
    "author": "Gene Kranz", 
    "content": "<p>Dinosaurs are extinct today because ...</p>", 
    "category": [ "mis-quoted", "apollo 13" ] }, 



<?php //This part I'm confident is working. 
    $json = file_get_contents("./data/posts.json"); 
    $json_content = json_decode($json, true); 
    $date_sort = array(); 

    //Sorting the Array - this part seems to work 
    foreach ($json_content as $postObj) { 
     $post_date_human = date ('Y-m-d', $postObj['post_date']); 
     array_push($date_sort, $post_date_human); 
    print_r ($date_sort); //Seems to be working fine, now to try to sort one array of objects by the position of dates in the second array 

    // Wai u no werk!? 
    array_multisort($json_content, $date_sort = SORT_ASC); 
    print_r ($json_content); 

对不起。你真的想做什么? – Nidhi


我想使用array_multisort()方法按发布日期排序博客文章,最近到最早。 :) –


在下面阅读你的文章看起来像你自己解决了...对吗? – Nidhi



编辑:Sort multidimensional array by multiple keys这里忽略了PHP文档:阅读评论,检查出这是宝贵的像这样的其他线程后http://php.net/manual/en/function.array-multisort.php

我得到了我代码通过使用array_multisort()排序的索引数组来提供的第一个数组。同样,传递给array_multisort()的第一个参数是SORTED BY,而不是您想要排序的数组。这与PHP文档相反,但似乎工作。如果您在我的代码中发现错误解释或错误,请告诉我。在此之前,我的代码的修复最终成为这样的:

array_multisort($ date_sort,SORT_DESC,$ json_content);

它似乎按降序排列$ date_sort,先放置最新日期,然后按第一个排序方式排序第二个对象数组。我想到了像Excel这样的程序如何基于单个列对表格进行排序的想法。




$json_content = msort($json_content, "post_date"); 

And heres the function itself: 

* Sort a 2 dimensional array based on 1 or more indexes. 
* msort() can be used to sort a rowset like array on one or more 
* headers (keys in the 2th array). 
* @param array  $array  The array to sort. 
* @param string|array $key  The index(es) to sort the array on. 
* @param int   $sort_flags The optional parameter to modify the sorting 
*         behavior. This parameter does not work when 
*         supplying an array in the $key parameter. 
* @return array The sorted array. 
function msort($array, $key, $sort_flags = SORT_REGULAR) { 
    if (is_array($array) && count($array) > 0) { 
     if (!empty($key)) { 
      $mapping = array(); 
      foreach ($array as $k => $v) { 
       $sort_key = ''; 
       if (!is_array($key)) { 
        $sort_key = $v[$key]; 
       } else { 
        // @TODO This should be fixed, now it will be sorted as string 
        foreach ($key as $key_key) { 
         $sort_key .= $v[$key_key]; 
        $sort_flags = SORT_STRING; 
       $mapping[$k] = $sort_key; 
      asort($mapping, $sort_flags); 
      $sorted = array(); 
      foreach ($mapping as $k => $v) { 
       $sorted[] = $array[$k]; 
      return $sorted; 
    return $array; 

