2015-02-11 45 views





移动C:\ Sourcefoldername \ *。* \\瀚士威。\ E


你的意思是移动C:\ Sourcefoldername * * \\瀚士威。\ E – 2015-02-11 19:59:27


是的,我想我所做的键入 “\\”,奇怪的。我不知道如果反斜杠是一个转义字符。这里。 – dsum 2015-02-11 20:00:42


在源文件夹名称后面也没有斜杠,请尝试此操作c:\ Sourcefoldername \ * \\ homeserver \ e – 2015-02-11 20:02:22



REM Do a net use command just to see what's mapped 
net use 

REM Delete all network connections before we start 
net use * /del /yes 

REM Do another net use to make sure the connections are gone 
net use 

REM Map network connections to use in the script 
net use S: \\folder\dir password /USER:user /persistent:no 
net use T: \\folder\dir /persistent:no 

REM Run the net use command to make sure everything is mapped correctly 
net use 

REM set the sourcedir variable to point to the directory you want to send it to 
set sourcedir=S: 

REM set the destdir variable to point to the mapped directory 
set destdir=T:\folder\sub-folder\directory 

move %sourcedir%\W* %destdir%\ 

REM Clean up by deleting all network connections before ending 
net use * /del /yes 

REM Run the net use command to make sure everything is disconnected 
net use 

move C:\ sourcefolder \ * Y:\ sourceDestination 命令不起作用。 Jakepens71我试过你的选择,但似乎无法通过设置sourcedir和destdir。我现在在CMD中运行这一切,以确保它在我将它放入.bat文件之前能够正常工作。我做 集sourcedir = C:\完成 然后 集DESTDIR = E:\ 当我做这个没什么表明,它设定的目录... 后来我做 举动%sourcedir%\%DESTDIR%\ 在这一点上它说系统找不到指定的文件。 @ jakepens71 – 2015-02-11 20:58:16


我不相信你需要在那里的驱动器路径的字母。只需简单地移动%sourcedir%\ W *%destdir%\ – Jakepens71 2015-02-12 12:11:48


你需要把整个路径,和w第i个A *是足够

move [source folder] [destination folder] 

move C:\sourcefolder\* Y:\sourceDestination 