2011-03-25 48 views

错误#-2147467259 ODBC - 调用失败。 (来源:Microsoft Jet数据库引擎) (SQL状态:3146) (NativeError:-532940753) 没有可用的帮助文件[VBA]使用链接表在MS Access中进行ADO查询时出错

发生了什么?这是什么原因? 我可以通过odbc链接表(uat env)对不同的sql服务器进行查询,但是当我进入prod服务器时,出现这个错误。

我使用ms access 2000,并在其中构建了一个表单,然后在按下按钮时向服务器发出查询。 prod服务器得到了很多记录,而uat服务器只有3000条记录,但我不认为这是一个问题...



Sub extractInboundCdr() 
On Error GoTo Error_Handling 
    Dim conConnection As New ADODB.Connection 
    Dim cmdCommand As New ADODB.Command 
    Dim rstRecordSet As New ADODB.Recordset 
    Dim Err As ADODB.Error 
    Dim strError As String 

    Dim eventPlanCode As String 
    Dim visitedCountry As String 
    Dim startDateTxt As String 
    Dim startDate As Date 
    Dim endDate As Date 
    Dim imsi As String 
    Dim currentMonth As String 
    Dim nextMonth As String 
    Dim currentYear As String 
    Dim nextYear As String 
    Dim temp As Integer 
    Dim i As Integer 
    Dim j As Integer 

    With conConnection 
    .Provider = "Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0" 
    .ConnectionString = CurrentDb.Name 
    End With 
    conConnection.CommandTimeout = 0 

    With cmdCommand 
    .ActiveConnection = conConnection 
    .CommandText = "SELECT * FROM Opt_In_Customer_Record;" 
    .CommandType = adCmdText 
    End With 

    With rstRecordSet 
    .CursorType = adOpenStatic 
    .CursorLocation = adUseClient 
    .LockType = adLockOptimistic 
    .Open cmdCommand 
    End With 

    If rstRecordSet.EOF = False Then 
      eventPlanCode = rstRecordSet!Event_Plan_Code 
      visitedCountry = rstRecordSet!Visited_Country 
      startDateTxt = rstRecordSet!start_date 
      imsi = rstRecordSet!imsi 
      currentMonth = Mid$(startDateTxt, 1, 3) 
      currentYear = Mid$(startDateTxt, 8, 4) 

      nextMonth = "" 
      If (currentMonth = "Jan") Then 
       currentMonth = "01" 
       nextMonth = "02" 
      ElseIf (currentMonth = "Feb") Then 
       currentMonth = "02" 
       nextMonth = "03" 
      ElseIf (currentMonth = "Mar") Then 
       currentMonth = "03" 
       nextMonth = "04" 
      ElseIf (currentMonth = "Apr") Then 
       currentMonth = "04" 
       nextMonth = "05" 
      ElseIf (currentMonth = "May") Then 
       currentMonth = "05" 
       nextMonth = "06" 
      ElseIf (currentMonth = "Jun") Then 
       currentMonth = "06" 
       nextMonth = "07" 
      ElseIf (currentMonth = "Jul") Then 
       currentMonth = "07" 
       nextMonth = "08" 
      ElseIf (currentMonth = "Aug") Then 
       currentMonth = "08" 
       nextMonth = "09" 
      ElseIf (currentMonth = "Sep") Then 
       currentMonth = "09" 
       nextMonth = "10" 
      ElseIf (currentMonth = "Oct") Then 
       currentMonth = "10" 
       nextMonth = "11" 
      ElseIf (currentMonth = "Nov") Then 
       currentMonth = "11" 
       nextMonth = "12" 
      ElseIf (currentMonth = "Dec") Then 
       currentMonth = "12" 
       nextMonth = "01" 
       GoTo Error_Handling 
      End If 

      temp = Val(currentYear) 
      temp = temp + 1 
      nextYear = CStr(temp) 

      Exit Do 
     Loop Until rstRecordSet.EOF = True 
    End If 

    Set cmdCommand = Nothing 
    Set rstRecordSet = Nothing 
    Set connConnection = Nothing 

    With conConnection 
    .Provider = "Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0" 
    .ConnectionString = CurrentDb.Name 
    End With 
    conConnection.CommandTimeout = 0 

    Dim thisMonthTable As String 
    Dim nextMonthTable As String 

    thisMonthTable = "dbo_inbound_rated_all_" & currentYear & currentMonth 

    If (currentMonth = "12") Then 
     nextMonthTable = "dbo_inbound_rated_all_" & nextYear & nextMonth 
     nextMonthTable = "dbo_inbound_rated_all_" & currentYear & nextMonth 
    End If 

    With cmdCommand 
    .ActiveConnection = conConnection 
    .CommandText = "(SELECT A.IMSI_NUMBER, A.CALL_DATE, A.CALL_TIME, A.VOL_KBYTE, A.TOTAL_CHARGE ,datevalue(A.call_date), A.Service_Code As theDate FROM " & thisMonthTable & " AS A INNER JOIN Opt_In_Customer_Record AS B on A.imsi_number = B.imsi where A.Service_Code = 'GPRS' and Datevalue(A.call_date) >= Datevalue(B.start_date) And Datevalue(A.call_date) < (Datevalue(B.start_date) + val(LEFT(B.event_plan_code, 1)))) " & _ 
        "UNION " & _ 
        "(SELECT A.IMSI_NUMBER, A.CALL_DATE, A.CALL_TIME, A.VOL_KBYTE, A.TOTAL_CHARGE ,datevalue(A.call_date), A.Service_Code As theDate FROM " & nextMonthTable & " AS A INNER JOIN Opt_In_Customer_Record AS B on A.imsi_number = B.imsi where A.Service_Code = 'GPRS' and Datevalue(A.call_date) >= Datevalue(B.start_date) And Datevalue(A.call_date) < (Datevalue(B.start_date) + val(LEFT(B.event_plan_code, 1)))) " & _ 
        "Order by A.IMSI_NUMBER, theDate" 
    .CommandType = adCmdText 
    End With 

    With rstRecordSet 
    .CursorType = adOpenStatic 
    .CursorLocation = adUseClient 
    .LockType = adLockReadOnly 
    .Open cmdCommand 
    End With 

    If rstRecordSet.EOF = False Then 
      Dim sql As String 
      sql = "insert into IB_CDR values (" 

      For j = 0 To rstRecordSet.Fields.Count - 3 '''''Last 2 fields is not inserted 
       If (j = 3 Or j = 4) Then '''''These fields are number 
        sql = sql & rstRecordSet.Fields(j) & "," 
        sql = sql & "'" & rstRecordSet.Fields(j) & "'," 
       End If 

      sql = Left(sql, Len(sql) - 1) '''''Remove the last ',' 
      sql = sql & ");" 

      CurrentDb.Execute sql 


     Loop Until rstRecordSet.EOF = True 
    End If 

    Set conConnection = Nothing 
    Set cmdCommand = Nothing 
    Set rstRecordSet = Nothing 

    Exit Sub 

For Each Err In conConnection.Errors 
     strError = "Error #" & Err.Number & vbCr & _ 
      " " & Err.Description & vbCr & _ 
      " (Source: " & Err.Source & ")" & vbCr & _ 
      " (SQL State: " & Err.SQLState & ")" & vbCr & _ 
      " (NativeError: " & Err.NativeError & ")" & vbCr 
     If Err.HelpFile = "" Then 
      strError = strError & " No Help file available" 
      strError = strError & _ 
       " (HelpFile: " & Err.HelpFile & ")" & vbCr & _ 
       " (HelpContext: " & Err.HelpContext & ")" & _ 
       vbCr & vbCr 
     End If 

     Debug.Print strError 

    Resume Next 
Set conConnection = Nothing 
Set cmdCommand = Nothing 
Set rstRecordSet = Nothing 
Exit Sub 

End Sub 





你的意思是访问程序的mdb文件? – lamwaiman1988 2011-03-25 02:10:07


我的意思是包含MDB文件(以及MDB文件本身)的文件夹。 – anon 2011-03-25 02:40:59


这个许可已经是每个人都可以完全控制的了。此外,该mdb具有对每个人的全面控制。 – lamwaiman1988 2011-03-25 02:44:28