2015-10-15 35 views



# Error message printed if player types gibberish or doesn't pick one of the available responses. 
def error(): 
    print("You must choose one of the options!") 

# Allows going back to the beginning of the game should the player lose. 
def begin(): 
    playerName = input("Enter your name: ").upper() 
    print("This is a choose your own adventure game. %s, you have a great deal of danger ahead of you. This will require a lot of courage. Are you sure you are ready?" % (playerName)) 

# List of affirmative sayings the player may type (incl. alternatives to "yes"). 
affirmative = ["yes", 

# List of negative sayings a player may type (incl. alternatives to "no"). 
negative = ["no" 
     "go away", 


""" If they aren't ready, gives them an epilogue and allows them to restart. If they ARE ready, allows them to continue. If they type gibberish, it makes them choose between one of the two options. """ 

while True: 
    ans = input() 
    if ans in negative: 
     print("You never begin your journey. You stay at home and lead a completely normal, boring life. As the years go by, you find yourself reflecting more and more often on what could have been. The spectre of your unfulfilled potential haunts you until your death. :(") 
     newAns = input("Press Enter to start over.") 
     if newAns == True or newAns == False: 
    elif ans in affirmative: 
     print("You begin your journey into a dark wood. Are there any supplies you'd like to take with you?") 
     print("You must choose! Yes... or no?") 

你在使用Python 2或3吗? – Barmar


在'''input'''中,是否在返回之前从用户的响应中删除空格? – wwii


它以什么方式忽略列表?这对我来说可以。当然,列表中没有出现“不”的细节(您已经构建了法语“非”),但这并不能解释完整的“忽略”。给出实际产出和预期结果。 – Prune





negative = ["no", 
      "go away", 

之前,non,因为无论是在技术上名单将打印You must choose! Yes... or no?消息。尽管如此,其他回复如nah仍然有效。添加逗号,你应该没问题。


为了扩大你的观点,Python语法'“string”“second”'被解析为''stringsecond''因此,列表中没有'no'和''n'' ,但“非”后跟“nah”。 – msw


我没有意识到这一点,谢谢你的加入! – rob