2016-03-08 28 views


A1 + B1 


add A1 B1 


class Type(Enum): # This could also be done with individual classes 
    leftparentheses = 0 
    rightparentheses = 1 
    operator = 2 
    empty = 3 
    operand = 4 
    negOperator = 5 
    comma = 6 
    exp = 7 

OPERATORS = { # get your data out of your code... 
    "+": "add", 
    "-": "subtract", 
    "*": "multiply", 
    "%": "modulus", 
    "/": "safeDiv", 

def textOperator(string): 
    if string not in OPERATORS: 
     sys.exit("Unknown operator: " + string) 
    return OPERATORS[string] 

def typeof(string): 
    if string == '(': 
     return Type.leftparentheses 
    elif string == ')': 
     return Type.rightparentheses 
    elif string == ',': 
     return Type.comma 
    elif string == '^': 
     return Type.exp 
    elif string in OPERATORS: 
     return Type.operator 
    elif string == ' ': 
     return Type.empty 
     return Type.operand 

def process(tokens): 

    stack = [] 
    previousTokenCategory = Type.leftparentheses 

    while tokens: 
     token = tokens.pop() 

     category = typeof(token) 

#ignore negative signs from negative numbers 
     if previousTokenCategory == Type.leftparentheses or previousTokenCategory == Type.operator: 
      if token == "-": 
       category = Type.operand 

     #print("token = ", token, " (" + str(category) + ")") 

     if category == Type.operand: 
      temp = ''.join(stack) 
      while len(stack) > 0 : 
      previousTokenCategory = Type.operand 
     elif category == Type.operator: 
      stack.append((textOperator(token), stack.pop(), process(tokens))) 
      previousTokenCategory = Type.operator 
     elif category == Type.exp: 
      stack.append(("exp", stack.pop(), process(tokens))) 
      previousTokenCategory = Type.exp 
     elif category == Type.leftparentheses: 
      previousTokenCategory = Type.leftparentheses 
     elif category == Type.rightparentheses: 
      previousTokenCategory = Type.rightparentheses 
      return stack.pop() 
     elif category == Type.empty: 

    return stack.pop() 

INFIX = "(1 + ((C24 + A2) * (B2 - F4))" 
postfix = process(list(INFIX[::-1])) 

这个伟大的工程的时候,我没有指数。例如, “(1 +((C24 + A2)*(B2 - F4))” 转换为:

('add', '1', ('multiply', ('add', 'C24', 'A2'), ('subtract', 'B2', 'F4'))) 

但是,当我有指数,这是行不通的。例如,当我有这个: “(1 +((C24 + A2)^ 2 *(B2 - F4))”,它把它转换成这样的:

('add', '1', ('exp', ('add', 'C24', 'A2'), ('multiply', '2', ('subtract', 'B2', 'F4')))) 


('add', '1', ('multiply', ('exp', ('add', 'C24', 'A2'), 2), ('subtract', 'B2', 'F4'))) 



您的代码似乎没有做任何事情来处理操作顺序(操作符优先级),所以它也会产生像'(1 + 3 * A2 + B2)'这样简单表达式的错误结果。如果将指数括在圆括号中,它可以用于指数示例。如果你想处理操作符的优先级,你必须重新考虑你的方法。 – BrenBarn


你为什么不把指数当作操作符? – mhawke


我已经尝试将“^”当作一个运算符,并且在这种情况下,我得到这个:'add','1',('exp',('add','C24','A2'),( 'multiply','2',('subtract','B2','F4')))),答案是错误的 – user5977110


  1. 使用tokens.pop(0),那么当第一次调用进程时不需要反转列表。

  2. 当试图像这样调试状态机时,在更改堆栈时打印或记录状态通常很有帮助:print(stack [-3:],category,tokens [:3])。

  3. BrenBarn评论说,你的函数没有考虑'^'在'+'和' - '之前出现的'*'和''/'之类的概念,这被称为运算符优先。在你的函数中,stack.append(("exp", stack.pop(), process(tokens)))会导致^作为指数进行处理。


For each token 
    If its an operand, push it on the operand stack 
    If its an operator, compare it with the operator on the top of the operator stack 
     If the operator on the stack has lower precedence, then 
      push the new operator on the stack 
     If the operator on the stack has higher or equal precedence, then 
      pop the operator and its operands off the stacks 
      apply the operator to the operands, and 
      push the result back on the operand stack 
      push the new operator on the operator stack 
    If it's a '(' push it on the operator stack 
    If it's a ')' pop and apply operators to operands until a '(' is on 
     the top of the operator stack, then pop the '('. 
    If its the end of the input, apply the operators to the operands. At the 
     end, the operand stack should be empty and the operand stack should 
     just have the final result on it. 

实施例: “1 +(C24 + A2)^ 2 *(B2 - F4)”

只是处理第一 ')' 之前,堆叠看起来像:

operators = ['+', '(', '+'] 
operands = ['1', 'C24', 'A2'] 
token = ')' 


operators = ['+', '('] 
operands = ['1', ('add', 'C24', 'A2')] 
token = ')' 


operators = ['+'] 
operands = ['1', ('add', 'C24', 'A2')] 
token = '^' 

'+' 比 '^' 的优先级低,所以推 '^' 在堆栈上。 '2'将被压入操作数堆栈。

operators = ['+', '^'] 
operands = ['1', ('add', 'C24', 'A2'), '2'] 
token = '*' 


operators = ['+'] 
operands = ['1', ('exp', ('add', 'C24', 'A2'), '2')] 
token = '('