2016-10-11 37 views

大约一周前,我的计算机获得了Windows Anniversary更新。从那时起,我一直无法启动Azure存储模拟器。我试过卸载并重新安装Azure存储模拟器和SQL Express Local DB。我也尝试了步骤here。没有解决这个问题。 MSSQLLocalDB存在,我可以通过SQL Management Studio连接到它。更新到Windows 10周年更新后,Azure存储模拟器失败


C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Azure\Storage Emulator>AzureStorageEmulator.exe init -inprocess 
Windows Azure Storage Emulator command line tool 
Cannot reserve port: HttpSetServiceConfigurationAcl failed: Cannot create a file when that file already exists. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x800700B7). 
One or more initialization actions have failed. Resolve these errors before attempting to run the storage emulator again. 
Error: Cannot reserve port: HttpSetServiceConfigurationAcl failed: Cannot create a file when that file already exists. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x800700B7). 

编辑:在这一点上,我现在试图卸载/重新安装的Visual Studio 2015年,SqlLocalDB 2016和Azure的SDK 2.9.5 。存储模拟器仍然无法初始化。如果我重新运行MicrosoftAzureStorageEmulator.msi,我收到错误消息:“Windows Storage Emulator Service已停止工作”。这里的日志:

Action 10:33:33: RunInitialize. Initializing the Storage Emulator 
CAQuietExec: Windows Azure Storage Emulator command line tool 
CAQuietExec: Error: An unknown error has occurred. 
CAQuietExec: Error 0xffffffff: Command line returned an error. 
CAQuietExec: Error 0xffffffff: CAQuietExec Failed 
CustomAction RunInitialize returned actual error code 1603 (note this may not be 100% accurate if translation happened inside sandbox) 
Action ended 10:35:57: InstallFinalize. Return value 3. 
Action 10:35:57: Rollback. Rolling back action: 
Rollback: Initializing the Storage Emulator 
Rollback: Copying new files 
Rollback: Updating component registration 
Action ended 10:35:57: INSTALL. Return value 3. 
Action ended 10:35:57: ExecuteAction. Return value 3. 
Action 10:35:57: FatalError. 
Action start 10:35:57: FatalError. 
Action 10:35:57: FatalError. Dialog created 
Action ended 10:35:58: FatalError. Return value 2. 
Action ended 10:35:58: INSTALL. Return value 3. 


c:\Users\genslow\Downloads>sqllocaldb i 

感谢, 格雷格


责备BillCo ... Win10更新现在是一个完整的混乱,M $使用每个人作为他们的测试者... –


你能尝试从提升的命令提示符运行命令吗?或者,也可以删除“-inprocess”参数,它会提示提升。此外,您尝试启动模拟器时看到的错误是什么? –


谢谢迈克尔。我试过的所有步骤都是在提升的命令提示符下进行的。请参阅我已添加到原始问题的其他数据。存储模拟器目前不会在没有崩溃的情况下安装。 –



Cannot reserve port: HttpSetServiceConfigurationAcl failed: Cannot create a file when that file already exists. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x800700B7).



SqlLocalDB -i不报告任何现有的天青数据库,我找不到任何流浪的.mdf文件。 -forcecreate没有任何区别。如果此错误消息已返回冲突文件的文件名,这将非常有帮助。 –


[此博客](https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/cie/2016/05/17/azure-emulator-crash-with-error-0x800700b7-cannot-create-a-file-when-that-文件已存在/)讨论“Azure模拟器崩溃与错误0x800700b7:无法创建文件时,该文件已存在”问题,您可以阅读它。 –